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多模式情绪识别的研究和应用最近变得越来越流行。但是,多模式情绪识别面临缺乏数据的挑战。为了解决这个问题,我们建议使用转移学习,哪些人利用最先进的预培训模型,包括WAV2VEC 2.0和BERT来执行此任务。探索了多级融合方法,包括基于共发的早期融合和与在两个嵌入训练的模型的后期融合。此外,还提出了一个多范围的框架,它不仅提取了帧级的语音嵌入,还提出了细分级别的嵌入,包括电话,音节和文字级语音嵌入,以进一步提高性能。通过将基于同时的早期融合模型和晚期融合模型与多粒性特征提取框架相结合,我们获得的结果使IEMOCAP数据集上的最佳基线方法优于最佳基线方法未加权准确性(UA)。
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In vision and linguistics; the main input modalities are facial expressions, speech patterns, and the words uttered. The issue with analysis of any one mode of expression (Visual, Verbal or Vocal) is that lot of contextual information can get lost. This asks researchers to inspect multiple modalities to get a thorough understanding of the cross-modal dependencies and temporal context of the situation to analyze the expression. This work attempts at preserving the long-range dependencies within and across different modalities, which would be bottle-necked by the use of recurrent networks and adds the concept of delta-attention to focus on local differences per modality to capture the idiosyncrasy of different people. We explore a cross-attention fusion technique to get the global view of the emotion expressed through these delta-self-attended modalities, in order to fuse all the local nuances and global context together. The addition of attention is new to the multi-modal fusion field and currently being scrutinized for on what stage the attention mechanism should be used, this work achieves competitive accuracy for overall and per-class classification which is close to the current state-of-the-art with almost half number of parameters.
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基于音频视频的多模式情绪识别由于其强大的性能引起了很多人。大多数现有方法都侧重于提出不同的跨模态融合策略。然而,这些策略在不同模式的特征中引入了冗余,而无需完全考虑模态信息之间的互补特性,并且这些方法不保证在跨跨和间间交互期间的原始语义信息的非损失。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于自我关注和残余结构(CFN-SR)的新型跨模型融合网络,用于多式联情绪识别。首先,我们对音频和视频模型执行表示学习,以通过有效的ResNext和1D CNN获得两个模态的语义特征。其次,我们将两个模态的特征分别馈送到跨模块块中,以确保通过自我关注机制和残余结构来确保信息的有效互补性和完整性。最后,我们通过用原始表示拼接获得的融合表示来获得情绪的产出。为了验证所提出的方法的有效性,我们对Ravdess数据集进行实验。实验结果表明,拟议的CFN-SR实现了最先进的,并以26.30M参数获得75.76%的精度。我们的代码可在https://github.com/skeletonnn/cfn-sr获得。
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Self-supervised speech models have grown fast during the past few years and have proven feasible for use in various downstream tasks. Some recent work has started to look at the characteristics of these models, yet many concerns have not been fully addressed. In this work, we conduct a study on emotional corpora to explore a popular self-supervised model -- wav2vec 2.0. Via a set of quantitative analysis, we mainly demonstrate that: 1) wav2vec 2.0 appears to discard paralinguistic information that is less useful for word recognition purposes; 2) for emotion recognition, representations from the middle layer alone perform as well as those derived from layer averaging, while the final layer results in the worst performance in some cases; 3) current self-supervised models may not be the optimal solution for downstream tasks that make use of non-lexical features. Our work provides novel findings that will aid future research in this area and theoretical basis for the use of existing models.
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情绪识别涉及几个现实世界应用。随着可用方式的增加,对情绪的自动理解正在更准确地进行。多模式情感识别(MER)的成功主要依赖于监督的学习范式。但是,数据注释昂贵,耗时,并且由于情绪表达和感知取决于几个因素(例如,年龄,性别,文化),获得具有高可靠性的标签很难。由这些动机,我们专注于MER的无监督功能学习。我们考虑使用离散的情绪,并用作模式文本,音频和视觉。我们的方法是基于成对方式之间的对比损失,是MER文献中的第一次尝试。与现有的MER方法相比,我们的端到端特征学习方法具有几种差异(和优势):i)无监督,因此学习缺乏数据标记成本; ii)它不需要数据空间增强,模态对准,大量批量大小或时期; iii)它仅在推理时应用数据融合; iv)它不需要对情绪识别任务进行预训练的骨干。基准数据集上的实验表明,我们的方法优于MER中应用的几种基线方法和无监督的学习方法。特别是,它甚至超过了一些有监督的MER最先进的。
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The task of emotion recognition in conversations (ERC) benefits from the availability of multiple modalities, as offered, for example, in the video-based MELD dataset. However, only a few research approaches use both acoustic and visual information from the MELD videos. There are two reasons for this: First, label-to-video alignments in MELD are noisy, making those videos an unreliable source of emotional speech data. Second, conversations can involve several people in the same scene, which requires the detection of the person speaking the utterance. In this paper we demonstrate that by using recent automatic speech recognition and active speaker detection models, we are able to realign the videos of MELD, and capture the facial expressions from uttering speakers in 96.92% of the utterances provided in MELD. Experiments with a self-supervised voice recognition model indicate that the realigned MELD videos more closely match the corresponding utterances offered in the dataset. Finally, we devise a model for emotion recognition in conversations trained on the face and audio information of the MELD realigned videos, which outperforms state-of-the-art models for ERC based on vision alone. This indicates that active speaker detection is indeed effective for extracting facial expressions from the uttering speakers, and that faces provide more informative visual cues than the visual features state-of-the-art models have been using so far.
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Expression of emotions is a crucial part of daily human communication. Emotion recognition in conversations (ERC) is an emerging field of study, where the primary task is to identify the emotion behind each utterance in a conversation. Though a lot of work has been done on ERC in the past, these works only focus on ERC in the English language, thereby ignoring any other languages. In this paper, we present Multilingual MELD (M-MELD), where we extend the Multimodal EmotionLines Dataset (MELD) \cite{poria2018meld} to 4 other languages beyond English, namely Greek, Polish, French, and Spanish. Beyond just establishing strong baselines for all of these 4 languages, we also propose a novel architecture, DiscLSTM, that uses both sequential and conversational discourse context in a conversational dialogue for ERC. Our proposed approach is computationally efficient, can transfer across languages using just a cross-lingual encoder, and achieves better performance than most uni-modal text approaches in the literature on both MELD and M-MELD. We make our data and code publicly on GitHub.
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关于多模式情绪识别的最新作品转向端到端模型,该模型可以提取与两阶段管道相比,目标任务监督的特定任务特征。但是,以前的方法仅模拟文本和声学和视觉方式之间的特征相互作用,而忽略了捕获声学和视觉方式之间的特征相互作用。在本文中,我们提出了多模式的端到端变压器(ME2ET),该变压器可以有效地对低级和高级水平的文本,声学和视觉方式之间的三模式特征进行建模。在低水平,我们提出了进行性三模式的注意,可以通过采用两次通行策略来对三模式特征相互作用进行建模,并可以进一步利用这种相互作用,以通过降低输入令牌来显着降低计算和记忆复杂性长度。在高水平上,我们引入了三模式特征融合层,以明确汇总三种模式的语义表示。 CMU-MOSEI和IEMOCAP数据集的实验结果表明,ME2ET实现了最新性能。进一步的深入分析证明了拟议的渐进三模式关注的有效性,效率和解释性,这可以帮助我们的模型实现更好的性能,同时显着降低计算和记忆成本。我们的代码将公开可用。
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在本文中,我们介绍了2022年多模式情感分析挑战(MUSE)的解决方案,其中包括Muse-Humor,Muse-Rection和Muse Surns Sub-Challenges。 2022年穆斯穆斯(Muse 2022)着重于幽默检测,情绪反应和多模式的情感压力,利用不同的方式和数据集。在我们的工作中,提取了不同种类的多模式特征,包括声学,视觉,文本和生物学特征。这些功能由Temma和Gru融合到自发机制框架中。在本文中,1)提取了一些新的音频功能,面部表达功能和段落级文本嵌入以进行准确的改进。 2)我们通过挖掘和融合多模式特征来显着提高多模式情感预测的准确性和可靠性。 3)在模型培训中应用有效的数据增强策略,以减轻样本不平衡问题并防止模型形成学习有偏见的主题字符。对于博物馆的子挑战,我们的模型获得了0.8932的AUC分数。对于Muse Rection子挑战,我们在测试集上的Pearson相关系数为0.3879,它的表现优于所有其他参与者。对于Muse Surst Sub-Challenge,我们的方法在测试数据集上的唤醒和价值都优于基线,达到了0.5151的最终综合结果。
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Human speech can be characterized by different components, including semantic content, speaker identity and prosodic information. Significant progress has been made in disentangling representations for semantic content and speaker identity in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and speaker verification tasks respectively. However, it is still an open challenging research question to extract prosodic information because of the intrinsic association of different attributes, such as timbre and rhythm, and because of the need for unsupervised training schemes to achieve robust large-scale and speaker-independent ASR. The aim of this paper is to address the disentanglement of emotional prosody from speech based on unsupervised reconstruction. Specifically, we identify, design, implement and integrate three crucial components in our proposed speech reconstruction model Prosody2Vec: (1) a unit encoder that transforms speech signals into discrete units for semantic content, (2) a pretrained speaker verification model to generate speaker identity embeddings, and (3) a trainable prosody encoder to learn prosody representations. We first pretrain the Prosody2Vec representations on unlabelled emotional speech corpora, then fine-tune the model on specific datasets to perform Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) and Emotional Voice Conversion (EVC) tasks. Both objective and subjective evaluations on the EVC task suggest that Prosody2Vec effectively captures general prosodic features that can be smoothly transferred to other emotional speech. In addition, our SER experiments on the IEMOCAP dataset reveal that the prosody features learned by Prosody2Vec are complementary and beneficial for the performance of widely used speech pretraining models and surpass the state-of-the-art methods when combining Prosody2Vec with HuBERT representations. Some audio samples can be found on our demo website.
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人类通过不同的渠道表达感受或情绪。以语言为例,它在不同的视觉声学上下文下需要不同的情绪。为了精确了解人类意图,并减少歧义和讽刺引起的误解,我们应该考虑多式联路信号,包括文本,视觉和声学信号。至关重要的挑战是融合不同的特征模式以进行情绪分析。为了有效地融合不同的方式携带的信息,更好地预测情绪,我们设计了一种基于新的多主题的融合网络,这是由任何两个对方式之间的相互作用不同的观察来启发,它们是不同的,并且它们不同样有助于最终的情绪预测。通过分配具有合理关注和利用残余结构的声学 - 视觉,声学 - 文本和视觉文本特征,我们参加了重要的特征。我们对四个公共多模式数据集进行了广泛的实验,包括中文和三种英文中的一个。结果表明,我们的方法优于现有的方法,并可以解释双模相互作用在多种模式中的贡献。
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Human language is often multimodal, which comprehends a mixture of natural language, facial gestures, and acoustic behaviors. However, two major challenges in modeling such multimodal human language time-series data exist: 1) inherent data non-alignment due to variable sampling rates for the sequences from each modality; and 2) long-range dependencies between elements across modalities. In this paper, we introduce the Multimodal Transformer (MulT) to generically address the above issues in an end-to-end manner without explicitly aligning the data. At the heart of our model is the directional pairwise crossmodal attention, which attends to interactions between multimodal sequences across distinct time steps and latently adapt streams from one modality to another. Comprehensive experiments on both aligned and non-aligned multimodal time-series show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. In addition, empirical analysis suggests that correlated crossmodal signals are able to be captured by the proposed crossmodal attention mechanism in MulT.
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Humans are sophisticated at reading interlocutors' emotions from multimodal signals, such as speech contents, voice tones and facial expressions. However, machines might struggle to understand various emotions due to the difficulty of effectively decoding emotions from the complex interactions between multimodal signals. In this paper, we propose a multimodal emotion analysis framework, InterMulti, to capture complex multimodal interactions from different views and identify emotions from multimodal signals. Our proposed framework decomposes signals of different modalities into three kinds of multimodal interaction representations, including a modality-full interaction representation, a modality-shared interaction representation, and three modality-specific interaction representations. Additionally, to balance the contribution of different modalities and learn a more informative latent interaction representation, we developed a novel Text-dominated Hierarchical High-order Fusion(THHF) module. THHF module reasonably integrates the above three kinds of representations into a comprehensive multimodal interaction representation. Extensive experimental results on widely used datasets, (i.e.) MOSEI, MOSI and IEMOCAP, demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art.
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随着自动语音处理(ASR)系统越来越好,使用ASR输出越来越令于进行下游自然语言处理(NLP)任务。但是,很少的开源工具包可用于在不同口语理解(SLU)基准上生成可重复的结果。因此,需要建立一个开源标准,可以用于具有更快的开始进入SLU研究。我们展示了Espnet-SLU,它旨在在一个框架中快速发展口语语言理解。 Espnet-SLU是一个项目内部到结束语音处理工具包,ESPNET,它是一个广泛使用的开源标准,用于各种语音处理任务,如ASR,文本到语音(TTS)和语音转换(ST)。我们增强了工具包,为各种SLU基准提供实现,使研究人员能够无缝混合和匹配不同的ASR和NLU模型。我们还提供预磨损的模型,具有集中调谐的超参数,可以匹配或甚至优于最新的最先进的性能。该工具包在https://github.com/espnet/espnet上公开提供。
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