Data in vision domain often exhibit highly-skewed class distribution, i.e., most data belong to a few majority classes, while the minority classes only contain a scarce amount of instances. To mitigate this issue, contemporary classification methods based on deep convolutional neural network (CNN) typically follow classic strategies such as class re-sampling or cost-sensitive training. In this paper, we conduct extensive and systematic experiments to validate the effectiveness of these classic schemes for representation learning on class-imbalanced data. We further demonstrate that more discriminative deep representation can be learned by enforcing a deep network to maintain both intercluster and inter-class margins. This tighter constraint effectively reduces the class imbalance inherent in the local data neighborhood. We show that the margins can be easily deployed in standard deep learning framework through quintuplet instance sampling and the associated triple-header hinge loss. The representation learned by our approach, when combined with a simple k-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm, shows significant improvements over existing methods on both high-and low-level vision classification tasks that exhibit imbalanced class distribution.
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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The accuracy of k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classification depends significantly on the metric used to compute distances between different examples. In this paper, we show how to learn a Mahalanobis distance metric for kNN classification from labeled examples. The Mahalanobis metric can equivalently be viewed as a global linear transformation of the input space that precedes kNN classification using Euclidean distances. In our approach, the metric is trained with the goal that the k-nearest neighbors always belong to the same class while examples from different classes are separated by a large margin. As in support vector machines (SVMs), the margin criterion leads to a convex optimization based on the hinge loss. Unlike learning in SVMs, however, our approach requires no modification or extension for problems in multiway (as opposed to binary) classification. In our framework, the Mahalanobis distance metric is obtained as the solution to a semidefinite program. On several data sets of varying size and difficulty, we find that metrics trained in this way lead to significant improvements in kNN classification. Sometimes these results can be further improved by clustering the training examples and learning an individual metric within each cluster. We show how to learn and combine these local metrics in a globally integrated manner.
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深度学习模型记住培训数据,这损害了他们推广到代表性不足的课程的能力。我们从经验上研究了卷积神经网络对图像数据不平衡数据的内部表示,并测量了训练和测试集中模型特征嵌入之间的概括差距,这表明该差距对于少数类别的差异更大。这个洞察力使我们能够为不平衡数据设计有效的三相CNN培训框架。该框架涉及训练网络端到端的数据不平衡数据以学习准确的功能嵌入,在学习的嵌入式空间中执行数据增强以平衡火车分布,并在嵌入式平衡的培训数据上微调分类器头。我们建议在培训框架中使用广泛的过采样(EOS)作为数据增强技术。 EOS形成合成训练实例,作为少数族类样本与其最近的敌人之间的凸组合,以减少概括差距。提出的框架提高了与不平衡学习中常用的领先成本敏感和重新采样方法的准确性。此外,它比标准数据预处理方法(例如SMOTE和基于GAN的过采样)更有效,因为它需要更少的参数和更少的训练时间。
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学习遥感(RS)图像之间的相似性形成基于内容的RS图像检索(CBIR)的基础。最近,将图像的语义相似性映射到嵌入(度量标准)空间的深度度量学习方法已经发现非常流行。学习公制空间的常见方法依赖于将与作为锚称为锚的参考图像的类似(正)和不同(负)图像的三胞胎的选择。选择三胞胎是一个难以为多标签RS CBIR的困难任务,其中每个训练图像由多个类标签注释。为了解决这个问题,在本文中,我们提出了一种在为多标签RS CBIR问题定义的深神经网络(DNN)的框架中提出了一种新颖的三联样品采样方法。该方法基于两个主要步骤选择一小部分最多代表性和信息性三元组。在第一步中,使用迭代算法从当前迷你批量选择在嵌入空间中彼此多样化的一组锚。在第二步中,通过基于新颖的策略评估彼此之间的图像的相关性,硬度和多样性来选择不同的正面和负图像。在两个多标签基准档案上获得的实验结果表明,在DNN的上下文中选择最具信息丰富和代表性的三胞胎,导致:i)降低DNN训练阶段的计算复杂性,而性能没有任何显着损失; ii)由于信息性三元组允许快速收敛,因此学习速度的增加。所提出的方法的代码在上公开使用。
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In recent years, benefiting from the expressive power of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), significant breakthroughs have been made in face clustering area. However, rare attention has been paid to GCN-based clustering on imbalanced data. Although imbalance problem has been extensively studied, the impact of imbalanced data on GCN- based linkage prediction task is quite different, which would cause problems in two aspects: imbalanced linkage labels and biased graph representations. The former is similar to that in classic image classification task, but the latter is a particular problem in GCN-based clustering via linkage prediction. Significantly biased graph representations in training can cause catastrophic over-fitting of a GCN model. To tackle these challenges, we propose a linkage-based doubly imbalanced graph learning framework for face clustering. In this framework, we evaluate the feasibility of those existing methods for imbalanced image classification problem on GCNs, and present a new method to alleviate the imbalanced labels and also augment graph representations using a Reverse-Imbalance Weighted Sampling (RIWS) strategy. With the RIWS strategy, probability-based class balancing weights could ensure the overall distribution of positive and negative samples; in addition, weighted random sampling provides diverse subgraph structures, which effectively alleviates the over-fitting problem and improves the representation ability of GCNs. Extensive experiments on series of imbalanced benchmark datasets synthesized from MS-Celeb-1M and DeepFashion demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our proposed method. Our implementation and the synthesized datasets will be openly available on
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This paper studies the unsupervised embedding learning problem, which requires an effective similarity measurement between samples in low-dimensional embedding space. Motivated by the positive concentrated and negative separated properties observed from category-wise supervised learning, we propose to utilize the instance-wise supervision to approximate these properties, which aims at learning data augmentation invariant and instance spreadout features. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel instance based softmax embedding method, which directly optimizes the 'real' instance features on top of the softmax function. It achieves significantly faster learning speed and higher accuracy than all existing methods. The proposed method performs well for both seen and unseen testing categories with cosine similarity. It also achieves competitive performance even without pre-trained network over samples from fine-grained categories.
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不平衡的数据(ID)是阻止机器学习(ML)模型以实现令人满意的结果的问题。 ID是一种情况,即属于一个类别的样本的数量超过另一个类别的情况,这使此类模型学习过程偏向多数类。近年来,为了解决这个问题,已经提出了几种解决方案,该解决方案选择合成为少数族裔类生成新数据,或者减少平衡数据的多数类的数量。因此,在本文中,我们研究了基于深神经网络(DNN)和卷积神经网络(CNN)的方法的有效性,并与各种众所周知的不平衡数据解决方案混合,这意味着过采样和降采样。为了评估我们的方法,我们使用了龙骨,乳腺癌和Z-Alizadeh Sani数据集。为了获得可靠的结果,我们通过随机洗牌的数据分布进行了100次实验。分类结果表明,混合的合成少数族裔过采样技术(SMOTE) - 正态化-CNN优于在24个不平衡数据集上达到99.08%精度的不同方法。因此,提出的混合模型可以应用于其他实际数据集上的不平衡算法分类问题。
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类不平衡是分类任务中经常发生的情况。从不平衡数据中学习提出了一个重大挑战,这在该领域引起了很多研究。使用采样技术进行数据预处理是处理数据中存在的不平衡的标准方法。由于标准分类算法在不平衡数据上的性能不佳,因此在培训之前,数据集需要足够平衡。这可以通过过度采样少数族裔级别或对多数级别的采样来实现。在这项研究中,已经提出了一种新型的混合采样算法。为了克服采样技术的局限性,同时确保保留采样数据集的质量,已经开发了一个复杂的框架来正确结合三种不同的采样技术。首先应用邻里清洁规则以减少失衡。然后从策略上与SMOTE算法策略性地采样,以在数据集中获得最佳平衡。该提出的混合方法学称为“ smote-rus-nc”,已与其他最先进的采样技术进行了比较。该策略进一步合并到集合学习框架中,以获得更健壮的分类算法,称为“ SRN-BRF”。对26个不平衡数据集进行了严格的实验,并具有不同程度的失衡。在几乎所有数据集中,提出的两种算法在许多情况下都超过了现有的采样策略,其差额很大。尤其是在流行抽样技术完全失败的高度不平衡数据集中,他们实现了无与伦比的性能。获得的优越结果证明了所提出的模型的功效及其在不平衡域中具有强大采样算法的潜力。
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Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at retrieving a person of interest across multiple non-overlapping cameras. With the advancement of deep neural networks and increasing demand of intelligent video surveillance, it has gained significantly increased interest in the computer vision community. By dissecting the involved components in developing a person Re-ID system, we categorize it into the closed-world and open-world settings. The widely studied closed-world setting is usually applied under various research-oriented assumptions, and has achieved inspiring success using deep learning techniques on a number of datasets. We first conduct a comprehensive overview with in-depth analysis for closed-world person Re-ID from three different perspectives, including deep feature representation learning, deep metric learning and ranking optimization. With the performance saturation under closed-world setting, the research focus for person Re-ID has recently shifted to the open-world setting, facing more challenging issues. This setting is closer to practical applications under specific scenarios. We summarize the open-world Re-ID in terms of five different aspects. By analyzing the advantages of existing methods, we design a powerful AGW baseline, achieving state-of-the-art or at least comparable performance on twelve datasets for FOUR different Re-ID tasks. Meanwhile, we introduce a new evaluation metric (mINP) for person Re-ID, indicating the cost for finding all the correct matches, which provides an additional criteria to evaluate the Re-ID system for real applications. Finally, some important yet under-investigated open issues are discussed.
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Deep embeddings answer one simple question: How similar are two images? Learning these embeddings is the bedrock of verification, zero-shot learning, and visual search. The most prominent approaches optimize a deep convolutional network with a suitable loss function, such as contrastive loss or triplet loss. While a rich line of work focuses solely on the loss functions, we show in this paper that selecting training examples plays an equally important role. We propose distance weighted sampling, which selects more informative and stable examples than traditional approaches. In addition, we show that a simple margin based loss is sufficient to outperform all other loss functions. We evaluate our approach on the Stanford Online Products, CAR196, and the CUB200-2011 datasets for image retrieval and clustering, and on the LFW dataset for face verification. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on all of them.
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对比度学习最近在无监督的视觉表示学习中显示出巨大的潜力。在此轨道中的现有研究主要集中于图像内不变性学习。学习通常使用丰富的图像内变换来构建正对,然后使用对比度损失最大化一致性。相反,相互影响不变性的优点仍然少得多。利用图像间不变性的一个主要障碍是,尚不清楚如何可靠地构建图像间的正对,并进一步从它们中获得有效的监督,因为没有配对注释可用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一项全面的实证研究,以更好地了解从三个主要组成部分的形象间不变性学习的作用:伪标签维护,采样策略和决策边界设计。为了促进这项研究,我们引入了一个统一的通用框架,该框架支持无监督的内部和间形内不变性学习的整合。通过精心设计的比较和分析,揭示了多个有价值的观察结果:1)在线标签收敛速度比离线标签更快; 2)半硬性样品比硬否定样品更可靠和公正; 3)一个不太严格的决策边界更有利于形象间的不变性学习。借助所有获得的食谱,我们的最终模型(即InterCLR)对多个标准基准测试的最先进的内图内不变性学习方法表现出一致的改进。我们希望这项工作将为设计有效的无监督间歇性不变性学习提供有用的经验。代码:。
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In this study, we systematically investigate the impact of class imbalance on classification performance of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and compare frequently used methods to address the issue. Class imbalance is a common problem that has been comprehensively studied in classical machine learning, yet very limited systematic research is available in the context of deep learning. In our study, we use three benchmark datasets of increasing complexity, MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, to investigate the effects of imbalance on classification and perform an extensive comparison of several methods to address the issue: oversampling, undersampling, two-phase training, and thresholding that compensates for prior class probabilities. Our main evaluation metric is area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC AUC) adjusted to multi-class tasks since overall accuracy metric is associated with notable difficulties in the context of imbalanced data. Based on results from our experiments we conclude that (i) the effect of class imbalance on classification performance is detrimental; (ii) the method of addressing class imbalance that emerged as dominant in almost all analyzed scenarios was oversampling; (iii) oversampling should be applied to the level that completely eliminates the imbalance, whereas the optimal undersampling ratio depends on the extent of imbalance; (iv) as opposed to some classical machine learning models, oversampling does not cause overfitting of CNNs; (v) thresholding should be applied to compensate for prior class probabilities when overall number of properly classified cases is of interest.
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