最近,对现实世界图像的操纵以及生成对抗网络(GAN)和相应的编码器的开发已被高度详细阐述,它们将真实世界图像嵌入到潜在空间中。但是,由于失真和感知之间的权衡,GAN的设计编码器仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务。在本文中,我们指出,现有的编码器不仅试图降低兴趣区域的失真,例如人的面部区域,而且在不感兴趣的地区,例如背景模式和障碍。但是,实际图像中的大多数不感兴趣区域都位于分布式(OOD)上,这是不可行的,可以理想地通过生成模型重建。此外,我们从经验上发现,与兴趣区域重叠的不感兴趣的区域可以构成兴趣区域的原始特征,例如,一个与面部区域重叠的麦克风被倒入白胡子中。结果,在保持感知质量的同时降低整个图像的失真非常具有挑战性。为了克服这一权衡,我们提出了一个简单而有效的编码器培训计划,即创造了兴趣码,该计划通过关注兴趣区域来促进编码。 Resityle引导编码器解开兴趣和不感兴趣区域的编码。为此,我们过滤了不感兴趣的区域的信息,以调节不感兴趣的区域的负面影响。我们证明,与现有的最新编码器相比,Resiveyle可以达到较低的失真和更高的感知质量。尤其是我们的模型可以坚固地保守原始图像的特征,该图像显示了强大的图像编辑和样式混合结果。审查后,我们将使用预先培训的模型发布代码。
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由于GaN潜在空间的勘探和利用,近年来,现实世界的图像操纵实现了奇妙的进展。 GaN反演是该管道的第一步,旨在忠实地将真实图像映射到潜在代码。不幸的是,大多数现有的GaN反演方法都无法满足下面列出的三个要求中的至少一个:重建质量,可编辑性和快速推断。我们在本研究中提出了一种新的两阶段策略,同时适合所有要求。在第一阶段,我们训练编码器将输入图像映射到StyleGan2 $ \ Mathcal {W} $ - 空间,这被证明具有出色的可编辑性,但重建质量较低。在第二阶段,我们通过利用一系列HyperNetWorks来补充初始阶段的重建能力以在反转期间恢复缺失的信息。这两个步骤互相补充,由于Hypernetwork分支和由于$ \ Mathcal {W} $ - 空间中的反转,因此由于HyperNetwork分支和优异的可编辑性而相互作用。我们的方法完全是基于编码器的,导致极快的推断。关于两个具有挑战性的数据集的广泛实验证明了我们方法的优越性。
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Figure 1. The proposed pixel2style2pixel framework can be used to solve a wide variety of image-to-image translation tasks. Here we show results of pSp on StyleGAN inversion, multi-modal conditional image synthesis, facial frontalization, inpainting and super-resolution.
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GAN倒置旨在将输入图像倒入预训练GAN的潜在空间中。尽管GAN倒置最近取得了进步,但减轻失真和编辑性之间的权衡仍然存在挑战,即准确地重建输入图像并以较小的视觉质量下降来编辑倒置图像。最近提出的关键调整模型通过使用两步方法将输入图像转变为潜在代码,称为枢轴代码,然后改变生成器,以便可以准确映射输入图像,从而取得了重大进展,从而取得了重大进展。进入枢轴代码。在这里,我们表明可以通过适当的枢轴代码设计来改进重建和编辑性。我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,称为“循环编码”,以提供高质量的枢轴代码。我们方法的关键思想是根据周期方案在不同空间中逐步训练编码器:w-> w+ - > w。该训练方法保留了W+空间的性质,即W+的低畸变的高编辑性。为了进一步减少失真,我们还建议使用基于优化的方法来完善枢轴代码,其中引入正则化项以减少编辑性的降解。对几种最新方法的定性和定量比较证明了我们方法的优势。
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真实图像进入样式中的潜在空间是一个研究的问题。然而,由于重建和可编辑性之间的固有权衡,将现有的现实情景方法应用于现实世界的情况仍然是一个开放的挑战:可以准确代表真实图像的潜在空间区域通常遭受降级的语义控制。最近的工作提出通过微调发电机将目标图像添加到潜在空间的良好编辑区域来减轻此权衡。在有希望的同时,这种微调方案对于普遍使用而言是不切实际的,因为它需要每个新图像需要冗长的训练阶段。在这项工作中,我们将这种方法介绍到基于编码器的反演的领域。我们提出了一个HyperSTYLE,一个高度作品,用于学习调制Stylegan权重,以忠实地在潜在空间的可编辑区域中表达给定的图像。一个天真的调制方法需要培训超过30亿参数的高度工作。通过仔细的网络设计,我们将其降低到与现有的编码器一致。 Hyperstyle产生与具有编码器的近实时推理能力的优化技术相当的重建。最后,我们展示了超出了超出了反转任务的若干应用的效力,包括编辑域名域名的域外图像。
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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尽管在预验证的GAN模型的潜在空间中表现出的编辑能力,但倒置现实世界的图像被陷入困境,即重建不能忠于原始输入。这样做的主要原因是,训练和现实世界数据之间的分布未对准,因此,对于真实图像编辑而言,它不稳定。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于GAN的新型编辑框架,以通过组成分解范式解决室外反转问题。特别是,在构图阶段,我们引入了一个差分激活模块,用于从全局角度\ ie(IE)检测语义变化,这是编辑和未编辑图像的特征之间的相对差距。借助生成的diff-cam掩模,配对的原始图像和编辑图像可以直观地进行粗糙的重建。这样,几乎整体可以生存属性,而这种中间结果的质量仍然受到不可避免的幽灵效果的限制。因此,在分解阶段,我们进一步提出了一个基于GAN的基于GAN的DEGHOSTING网络,用于将最终的精细编辑图像与粗糙重建分开。在定性和定量评估方面,广泛的实验比最新方法具有优势。我们方法的鲁棒性和灵活性在两个属性和多属性操作的方案上也得到了验证。
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The fidelity of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) inversion is impeded by Out-Of-Domain (OOD) areas (e.g., background, accessories) in the image. Detecting the OOD areas beyond the generation ability of the pretrained model and blending these regions with the input image can enhance fidelity. The ``invertibility mask" figures out these OOD areas, and existing methods predict the mask with the reconstruction error. However, the estimated mask is usually inaccurate due to the influence of the reconstruction error in the In-Domain (ID) area. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that enhances the fidelity of human face inversion by designing a new module to decompose the input images to ID and OOD partitions with invertibility masks. Unlike previous works, our invertibility detector is simultaneously learned with a spatial alignment module. We iteratively align the generated features to the input geometry and reduce the reconstruction error in the ID regions. Thus, the OOD areas are more distinguishable and can be precisely predicted. Then, we improve the fidelity of our results by blending the OOD areas from the input image with the ID GAN inversion results. Our method produces photo-realistic results for real-world human face image inversion and manipulation. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method's superiority over existing methods in the quality of GAN inversion and attribute manipulation.
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We present a novel image inversion framework and a training pipeline to achieve high-fidelity image inversion with high-quality attribute editing. Inverting real images into StyleGAN's latent space is an extensively studied problem, yet the trade-off between the image reconstruction fidelity and image editing quality remains an open challenge. The low-rate latent spaces are limited in their expressiveness power for high-fidelity reconstruction. On the other hand, high-rate latent spaces result in degradation in editing quality. In this work, to achieve high-fidelity inversion, we learn residual features in higher latent codes that lower latent codes were not able to encode. This enables preserving image details in reconstruction. To achieve high-quality editing, we learn how to transform the residual features for adapting to manipulations in latent codes. We train the framework to extract residual features and transform them via a novel architecture pipeline and cycle consistency losses. We run extensive experiments and compare our method with state-of-the-art inversion methods. Qualitative metrics and visual comparisons show significant improvements. Code: https://github.com/hamzapehlivan/StyleRes
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在本文中,我们解决了神经面部重演的问题,鉴于一对源和目标面部图像,我们需要通过将目标的姿势(定义为头部姿势及其面部表情定义)通过同时保留源的身份特征(例如面部形状,发型等),即使在源头和目标面属于不同身份的挑战性情况下也是如此。在此过程中,我们解决了最先进作品的一些局限在推理期间标记的数据以及c)它们不保留大型头部姿势变化中的身份。更具体地说,我们提出了一个框架,该框架使用未配对的随机生成的面部图像学会通过合并最近引入的样式空间$ \ Mathcal $ \ Mathcal {S} $ of Stylegan2的姿势,以将面部的身份特征从其姿势中解脱出来表现出显着的分解特性。通过利用这一点,我们学会使用3D模型的监督成功地混合了一对源和目标样式代码。随后用于重新制定的最终潜在代码由仅与源的面部姿势相对应的潜在单位和仅与源身份相对应的单位组成,从而显着改善了与最近的状态性能相比的重新制定性能。艺术方法。与艺术的状态相比,我们定量和定性地表明,即使在极端的姿势变化下,提出的方法也会产生更高的质量结果。最后,我们通过首先将它们嵌入预告片发电机的潜在空间来报告实际图像。我们在:https://github.com/stelabou/stylemask上公开提供代码和预估计的模型
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The introduction of high-quality image generation models, particularly the StyleGAN family, provides a powerful tool to synthesize and manipulate images. However, existing models are built upon high-quality (HQ) data as desired outputs, making them unfit for in-the-wild low-quality (LQ) images, which are common inputs for manipulation. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing a novel GAN structure that allows for generating images with controllable quality. The network can synthesize various image degradation and restore the sharp image via a quality control code. Our proposed QC-StyleGAN can directly edit LQ images without altering their quality by applying GAN inversion and manipulation techniques. It also provides for free an image restoration solution that can handle various degradations, including noise, blur, compression artifacts, and their mixtures. Finally, we demonstrate numerous other applications such as image degradation synthesis, transfer, and interpolation.
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通过利用预熟gan的潜在空间,已经提出了许多最近的作品来进行面部图像编辑。但是,很少有尝试将它们直接应用于视频,因为1)他们不能保证时间一致性,2)他们的应用受到视频的处理速度的限制,3)他们无法准确编码面部运动和表达的细节。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的网络,将面部视频编码到Stylegan的潜在空间中,以进行语义面部视频操纵。基于视觉变压器,我们的网络重复了潜在向量的高分辨率部分,以实现时间一致性。为了捕捉微妙的面部运动和表情,我们设计了涉及稀疏面部地标和密集的3D脸部网眼的新颖损失。我们已经彻底评估了我们的方法,并成功证明了其对各种面部视频操作的应用。特别是,我们提出了一个新型网络,用于3D坐标系中的姿势/表达控制。定性和定量结果都表明,我们的方法可以显着优于现有的单图方法,同时实现实时(66 fps)速度。
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In this work, we propose TediGAN, a novel framework for multi-modal image generation and manipulation with textual descriptions. The proposed method consists of three components: StyleGAN inversion module, visual-linguistic similarity learning, and instance-level optimization. The inversion module maps real images to the latent space of a well-trained StyleGAN. The visual-linguistic similarity learns the text-image matching by mapping the image and text into a common embedding space. The instancelevel optimization is for identity preservation in manipulation. Our model can produce diverse and high-quality images with an unprecedented resolution at 1024 2 . Using a control mechanism based on style-mixing, our Tedi-GAN inherently supports image synthesis with multi-modal inputs, such as sketches or semantic labels, with or without instance guidance. To facilitate text-guided multimodal synthesis, we propose the Multi-Modal CelebA-HQ, a large-scale dataset consisting of real face images and corresponding semantic segmentation map, sketch, and textual descriptions. Extensive experiments on the introduced dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method. Code and data are available at https://github.com/weihaox/TediGAN.
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Recent 3D-aware GANs rely on volumetric rendering techniques to disentangle the pose and appearance of objects, de facto generating entire 3D volumes rather than single-view 2D images from a latent code. Complex image editing tasks can be performed in standard 2D-based GANs (e.g., StyleGAN models) as manipulation of latent dimensions. However, to the best of our knowledge, similar properties have only been partially explored for 3D-aware GAN models. This work aims to fill this gap by showing the limitations of existing methods and proposing LatentSwap3D, a model-agnostic approach designed to enable attribute editing in the latent space of pre-trained 3D-aware GANs. We first identify the most relevant dimensions in the latent space of the model controlling the targeted attribute by relying on the feature importance ranking of a random forest classifier. Then, to apply the transformation, we swap the top-K most relevant latent dimensions of the image being edited with an image exhibiting the desired attribute. Despite its simplicity, LatentSwap3D provides remarkable semantic edits in a disentangled manner and outperforms alternative approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively. We demonstrate our semantic edit approach on various 3D-aware generative models such as pi-GAN, GIRAFFE, StyleSDF, MVCGAN, EG3D and VolumeGAN, and on diverse datasets, such as FFHQ, AFHQ, Cats, MetFaces, and CompCars. The project page can be found: \url{https://enisimsar.github.io/latentswap3d/}.
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The pandemic of these very recent years has led to a dramatic increase in people wearing protective masks in public venues. This poses obvious challenges to the pervasive use of face recognition technology that now is suffering a decline in performance. One way to address the problem is to revert to face recovery methods as a preprocessing step. Current approaches to face reconstruction and manipulation leverage the ability to model the face manifold, but tend to be generic. We introduce a method that is specific for the recovery of the face image from an image of the same individual wearing a mask. We do so by designing a specialized GAN inversion method, based on an appropriate set of losses for learning an unmasking encoder. With extensive experiments, we show that the approach is effective at unmasking face images. In addition, we also show that the identity information is preserved sufficiently well to improve face verification performance based on several face recognition benchmark datasets.
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