虽然现有的语义分割方法实现令人印象深刻的结果,但它们仍然努力将其模型逐步更新,因为新类别被发现。此外,逐个像素注释昂贵且耗时。本文提出了一种新颖的对语义分割学习弱增量学习的框架,旨在学习从廉价和大部分可用的图像级标签进行新课程。与现有的方法相反,需要从下线生成伪标签,我们使用辅助分类器,用图像级标签培训并由分段模型规范化,在线获取伪监督并逐步更新模型。我们通过使用由辅助分类器生成的软标签来应对过程中的内在噪声。我们展示了我们对Pascal VOC和Coco数据集的方法的有效性,表现出离线弱监督方法,并获得了具有全面监督的增量学习方法的结果。
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深度神经网络在学习新任务时遭受灾难性遗忘的主要限制。在本文中,我们专注于语义细分中的课堂持续学习,其中新类别随着时间的推移,而在未保留以前的训练数据。建议的持续学习方案塑造了潜在的空间来减少遗忘,同时提高了对新型课程的识别。我们的框架是由三种新的组件驱动,我们还毫不费力地结合现有的技术。首先,匹配的原型匹配在旧类上强制执行潜在空间一致性,约束编码器在后续步骤中为先前看到的类生成类似的潜在潜在表示。其次,特征稀疏性允许在潜在空间中腾出空间以容纳新型课程。最后,根据他们的语义,在统一的同时撕裂不同类别的语义,对形成对比的学习。对Pascal VOC2012和ADE20K数据集的广泛评估展示了我们方法的有效性,显着优于最先进的方法。
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弱监督的语义细分(WSSS)旨在仅使用用于训练的图像级标签来产生像素类预测。为此,以前的方法采用了通用管道:它们从类激活图(CAM)生成伪口罩,并使用此类掩码来监督分割网络。但是,由于凸轮的局部属性,即它们倾向于仅专注于小的判别对象零件,因此涵盖涵盖整个物体的全部范围的全面伪面罩是一项挑战。在本文中,我们将CAM的局部性与卷积神经网络(CNNS)的质地偏见特性相关联。因此,我们建议利用形状信息来补充质地偏见的CNN特征,从而鼓励掩模预测不仅是全面的,而且还与物体边界相交。我们通过一种新颖的改进方法进一步完善了在线方式的预测,该方法同时考虑了类和颜色亲和力,以生成可靠的伪口罩以监督模型。重要的是,我们的模型是在单阶段框架内进行端到端训练的,因此在培训成本方面有效。通过对Pascal VOC 2012的广泛实验,我们验证了方法在产生精确和形状对准的分割结果方面的有效性。具体而言,我们的模型超过了现有的最新单阶段方法。此外,当在没有铃铛和哨声的简单两阶段管道中采用时,它还在多阶段方法上实现了新的最新性能。
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本文介绍了类增量语义分割(CISS)问题的固态基线。虽然最近的CISS算法利用了知识蒸馏(KD)技术的变体来解决问题,但他们未能充分解决CISS引起灾难性遗忘的关键挑战;背景类的语义漂移和多标签预测问题。为了更好地解决这些挑战,我们提出了一种新方法,被称为SSUL-M(具有内存的未知标签的语义分割),通过仔细组合为语义分割量身定制的技术。具体来说,我们要求三项主要贡献。 (1)在背景课程中定义未知的类,以帮助学习未来的课程(帮助可塑性),(2)冻结骨干网以及与二进制交叉熵丢失和伪标签的跨熵丢失的分类器,以克服灾难性的遗忘(帮助稳定)和(3)首次利用微小的示例存储器在CISS中提高可塑性和稳定性。广泛进行的实验表明了我们的方法的有效性,而不是标准基准数据集上最近的最新的基线的性能明显更好。此外,与彻底的消融分析有关我们对彻底消融分析的贡献,并与传统的类增量学习针对分类相比,讨论了CISS问题的不同自然。官方代码可在https://github.com/clovaai/ssul获得。
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当前弱监督的语义分割(WSSS)框架通常包含分离的掩模 - 细化模型和主要语义区域挖掘模型。这些方法将包含冗余特征提取骨干网和偏置的学习目标,使其计算复杂但是解决WSSS任务的子最优。为了解决这个问题,本文建立了一个紧凑的学习框架,将分类和掩码精细组件嵌入统一的深层模型。通过共享特征提取骨干通,我们的模型能够促进两个组件之间的知识共享,同时保留低计算复杂性。为了鼓励高质量的知识互动,我们提出了一种新颖的替代自我双重教学(ASDT)机制。与传统蒸馏策略不同,我们模型中的两个教师分支的知识通过脉冲宽度调制(PWM)替代地蒸馏到学生分支,该脉冲宽度调制(PWM)产生PW波形选择信号以引导知识蒸馏过程。通过这种方式,学生分支可以帮助阻止模型落入由教师分支提供的不完美知识引起的局部最低解决方案。 Pascal VOC的综合实验2012和Coco-Stuff 10K展示了拟议的替代自我双重教学机制的有效性以及我们方法的新的最新性能。
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弱监督语义分段(WSSS)的现有研究已经利用了类激活映射(CAM)来本地化类对象。然而,由于分类损失不足以提供精确的物区域,因此凸轮倾向于偏向辨别模式(即,稀疏),并且不提供精确的对象边界信息(即,不确定)。为了解决这些限制,我们提出了一种新颖的框架(由MainNet和SupportNet组成),从给定的图像级监督导出像素级自我监督。在我们的框架中,借助拟议的区域对比模块(RCM)和多尺寸细分模块(MAM),MainNet由来自SupportNet的自我监督训练。 RCM从SupportNet中提取两种形式的自我监督:(1)从凸轮和(2)根据类区域掩码的特征获得的(2)类的类别区域掩模。然后,主目的的每个像素明智的特征被原型训练以对比的方式,锐化所产生的凸轮。 MAM利用从SupportNet的多个尺度推断的凸轮作为自我监控来指导MailNet。基于Mainnet和SupportNet的多尺度凸轮之间的不相似性,来自主目的的凸轮训练以扩展到较少辨别的区域。该方法在Pascal VOC 2012数据集上显示了在列车和验证集上的最先进的WSSS性能。为了再现性,代码将很快公开提供。
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仅使用图像级标签的弱监督语义细分旨在降低分割任务的注释成本。现有方法通常利用类激活图(CAM)来定位伪标签生成的对象区域。但是,凸轮只能发现对象的最歧视部分,从而导致下像素级伪标签。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个限制的显着性和内类关系的显着性(I $^2 $ CRC)框架,以协助CAM中激活的对象区域的扩展。具体而言,我们提出了一个显着性指导的类不足的距离模块,以通过将特征对准其类原型来更接近类别内特征。此外,我们提出了一个特定的距离模块,以将类间特征推开,并鼓励对象区域的激活高于背景。除了加强分类网络激活CAM中更多积分对象区域的能力外,我们还引入了一个对象引导的标签细化模块,以完全利用分割预测和初始标签,以获取出色的伪标签。 Pascal VOC 2012和可可数据集的广泛实验很好地证明了I $^2 $ CRC的有效性,而不是其他最先进的对应物。源代码,模型和数据已在\ url {https://github.com/nust-machine-intelligence-laboratory/i2crc}提供。
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Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels is a challenging task in computer vision. Mainstream approaches follow a multi-stage framework and suffer from high training costs. In this paper, we explore the potential of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training models (CLIP) to localize different categories with only image-level labels and without any further training. To efficiently generate high-quality segmentation masks from CLIP, we propose a novel framework called CLIP-ES for WSSS. Our framework improves all three stages of WSSS with special designs for CLIP: 1) We introduce the softmax function into GradCAM and exploit the zero-shot ability of CLIP to suppress the confusion caused by non-target classes and backgrounds. Meanwhile, to take full advantage of CLIP, we re-explore text inputs under the WSSS setting and customize two text-driven strategies: sharpness-based prompt selection and synonym fusion. 2) To simplify the stage of CAM refinement, we propose a real-time class-aware attention-based affinity (CAA) module based on the inherent multi-head self-attention (MHSA) in CLIP-ViTs. 3) When training the final segmentation model with the masks generated by CLIP, we introduced a confidence-guided loss (CGL) to mitigate noise and focus on confident regions. Our proposed framework dramatically reduces the cost of training for WSSS and shows the capability of localizing objects in CLIP. Our CLIP-ES achieves SOTA performance on Pascal VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 while only taking 10% time of previous methods for the pseudo mask generation. Code is available at https://github.com/linyq2117/CLIP-ES.
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This paper presents the first attempt to learn semantic boundary detection using image-level class labels as supervision. Our method starts by estimating coarse areas of object classes through attentions drawn by an image classification network. Since boundaries will locate somewhere between such areas of different classes, our task is formulated as a multiple instance learning (MIL) problem, where pixels on a line segment connecting areas of two different classes are regarded as a bag of boundary candidates. Moreover, we design a new neural network architecture that can learn to estimate semantic boundaries reliably even with uncertain supervision given by the MIL strategy. Our network is used to generate pseudo semantic boundary labels of training images, which are in turn used to train fully supervised models. The final model trained with our pseudo labels achieves an outstanding performance on the SBD dataset, where it is as competitive as some of previous arts trained with stronger supervision.
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弱监督的语义分割(WSSS)是具有挑战性的,特别是当使用图像级标签来监督像素级预测时。为了弥合它们的差距,通常生成一个类激活图(CAM)以提供像素级伪标签。卷积神经网络中的凸轮患有部分激活,即,仅激活最多的识别区域。另一方面,基于变压器的方法在探索具有长范围依赖性建模的全球背景下,非常有效,可能会减轻“部分激活”问题。在本文中,我们提出了基于第一变压器的WSSS方法,并介绍了梯度加权元素明智的变压器注意图(GetAn)。 GetaN显示所有特征映射元素的精确激活,跨越变压器层显示对象的不同部分。此外,我们提出了一种激活感知标签完成模块来生成高质量的伪标签。最后,我们将我们的方法纳入了使用双向向上传播的WSS的结束框架。 Pascal VOC和Coco的广泛实验表明,我们的结果通过显着的保证金击败了最先进的端到端方法,并且优于大多数多级方法.M大多数多级方法。
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我们在语义分段(NCDSS)中介绍了新型类发现的新设置,其目的在于将未标记的图像分段,其中给出了从标记的不相交类集之前知识的新类。与看起来在图像分类中的新型类发现的现有方法相比,我们专注于更具挑战性的语义细分。在NCDS中,我们需要区分对象和背景,并处理图像内的多个类的存在,这增加了使用未标记数据的难度。为了解决这个新的设置,我们利用标记的基础数据和显着模型来粗略地集群新颖的课程,以便在我们的基本框架中进行模型培训。此外,我们提出了基于熵的不确定性建模和自我培训(EUMS)框架来克服嘈杂的伪标签,进一步提高了新颖类别的模型性能。我们的欧姆斯利用熵排名技术和动态重新分配来蒸馏清洁标签,从而充分利用自我监督的学习来充分利用嘈杂的数据。我们在Pascal-5 $ ^ i $ dataSet上构建NCDSS基准。广泛的实验表明了基本框架的可行性(实现了平均Miou的49.81%)和欧姆斯框架的有效性(优于9.28%Miou的基本框架)。
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Image-level weakly supervised semantic segmentation is a challenging problem that has been deeply studied in recent years. Most of advanced solutions exploit class activation map (CAM). However, CAMs can hardly serve as the object mask due to the gap between full and weak supervisions. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised equivariant attention mechanism (SEAM) to discover additional supervision and narrow the gap. Our method is based on the observation that equivariance is an implicit constraint in fully supervised semantic segmentation, whose pixel-level labels take the same spatial transformation as the input images during data augmentation. However, this constraint is lost on the CAMs trained by image-level supervision. Therefore, we propose consistency regularization on predicted CAMs from various transformed images to provide self-supervision for network learning. Moreover, we propose a pixel correlation module (PCM), which exploits context appearance information and refines the prediction of current pixel by its similar neighbors, leading to further improvement on CAMs consistency. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset demonstrate our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods using the same level of supervision. The code is released online 1 .
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The semantic image segmentation task presents a trade-off between test time accuracy and training-time annotation cost. Detailed per-pixel annotations enable training accurate models but are very timeconsuming to obtain; image-level class labels are an order of magnitude cheaper but result in less accurate models. We take a natural step from image-level annotation towards stronger supervision: we ask annotators to point to an object if one exists. We incorporate this point supervision along with a novel objectness potential in the training loss function of a CNN model. Experimental results on the PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmark reveal that the combined effect of point-level supervision and objectness potential yields an improvement of 12.9% mIOU over image-level supervision. Further, we demonstrate that models trained with pointlevel supervision are more accurate than models trained with image-level, squiggle-level or full supervision given a fixed annotation budget.
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The deficiency of segmentation labels is one of the main obstacles to semantic segmentation in the wild. To alleviate this issue, we present a novel framework that generates segmentation labels of images given their image-level class labels. In this weakly supervised setting, trained models have been known to segment local discriminative parts rather than the entire object area. Our solution is to propagate such local responses to nearby areas which belong to the same semantic entity. To this end, we propose a Deep Neural Network (DNN) called AffinityNet that predicts semantic affinity between a pair of adjacent image coordinates. The semantic propagation is then realized by random walk with the affinities predicted by AffinityNet. More importantly, the supervision employed to train AffinityNet is given by the initial discriminative part segmentation, which is incomplete as a segmentation annotation but sufficient for learning semantic affinities within small image areas. Thus the entire framework relies only on image-level class labels and does not require any extra data or annotations. On the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset, a DNN learned with segmentation labels generated by our method outperforms previous models trained with the same level of supervision, and is even as competitive as those relying on stronger supervision.
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Class-Incremental Learning is a challenging problem in machine learning that aims to extend previously trained neural networks with new classes. This is especially useful if the system is able to classify new objects despite the original training data being unavailable. While the semantic segmentation problem has received less attention than classification, it poses distinct problems and challenges since previous and future target classes can be unlabeled in the images of a single increment. In this case, the background, past and future classes are correlated and there exist a background-shift. In this paper, we address the problem of how to model unlabeled classes while avoiding spurious feature clustering of future uncorrelated classes. We propose to use Evidential Deep Learning to model the evidence of the classes as a Dirichlet distribution. Our method factorizes the problem into a separate foreground class probability, calculated by the expected value of the Dirichlet distribution, and an unknown class (background) probability corresponding to the uncertainty of the estimate. In our novel formulation, the background probability is implicitly modeled, avoiding the feature space clustering that comes from forcing the model to output a high background score for pixels that are not labeled as objects. Experiments on the incremental Pascal VOC, and ADE20k benchmarks show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art, especially when repeatedly learning new classes with increasing number of increments.
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带有图像级标签的弱监督语义分割(WSSS)是一项重要且具有挑战性的任务。由于高训练效率,WSS的端到端解决方案受到了社区的越来越多的关注。但是,当前方法主要基于卷积神经网络,无法正确探索全局信息,因此通常会导致不完整的对象区域。在本文中,为了解决上述问题,我们介绍了自然整合全局信息的变形金刚,以生成更具不可或缺的初始伪标签,以用于端到端WSSS。由变压器中的自我注意力与语义亲和力之间的固有一致性激发,我们提出了来自注意力(AFA)模块的亲和力,以从变形金刚中的多头自我注意力(MHSA)学习语义亲和力。然后将学习的亲和力借用以完善初始伪标签以进行分割。此外,为了有效地得出可靠的亲和力标签,用于监督AFA并确保伪标签的局部一致性,我们设计了一个像素自适应改进模块,该模块结合了低级图像外观信息,以完善伪标签。我们进行了广泛的实验,我们的方法在Pascal VOC 2012和MS Coco 2014数据集中获得了66.0%和38.9%的MIOU,大大优于最近的端到端方法和几个多阶段竞争对手。代码可在https://github.com/rulixiang/afa上找到。
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大多数现有的语义分割方法都以图像级类标签作为监督,高度依赖于从标准分类网络生成的初始类激活图(CAM)。在本文中,提出了一种新颖的“渐进贴片学习”方法,以改善分类的局部细节提取,从而更好地覆盖整个对象的凸轮,而不仅仅是在常规分类模型中获得的CAM中的最歧视区域。 “补丁学习”将特征映射破坏成贴片,并在最终聚合之前并行独立处理每个本地贴片。这样的机制强迫网络从分散的歧视性本地部分中找到弱信息,从而提高了本地细节的敏感性。 “渐进的补丁学习”进一步将特征破坏和补丁学习扩展到多层粒度。与多阶段优化策略合作,这种“渐进的补丁学习”机制隐式地为模型提供了跨不同位置粒状性的特征提取能力。作为隐式多粒性渐进式融合方法的替代方案,我们还提出了一种明确的方法,以同时将单个模型中不同粒度的特征融合,从而进一步增强了完整对象覆盖的凸轮质量。我们提出的方法在Pascal VOC 2012数据集上取得了出色的性能,例如,测试集中有69.6 $%miou),它超过了大多数现有的弱监督语义细分方法。代码将在此处公开提供,https://github.com/tyroneli/ppl_wsss。
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经过图像级标签训练的弱监督图像分割通常在伪地面上的生成期间因物体区域的覆盖率不准确。这是因为对象激活图受到分类目标的训练,并且缺乏概括的能力。为了提高客观激活图的一般性,我们提出了一个区域原型网络RPNET来探索训练集的跨图像对象多样性。通过区域特征比较确定了跨图像的相似对象零件。区域之间传播对象信心,以发现新的对象区域,同时抑制了背景区域。实验表明,该提出的方法会生成更完整和准确的伪对象掩模,同时在Pascal VOC 2012和MS Coco上实现最先进的性能。此外,我们研究了提出的方法在减少训练集方面的鲁棒性。
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