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Any organization needs to improve their products, services, and processes. In this context, engaging with customers and understanding their journey is essential. Organizations have leveraged various techniques and technologies to support customer engagement, from call centres to chatbots and virtual agents. Recently, these systems have used Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze large volumes of customer feedback and engagement data. The goal is to understand customers in context and provide meaningful answers across various channels. Despite multiple advances in Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Recommender Systems (RS), it is still challenging to understand the intent behind customer questions during the customer journey. To address this challenge, in this paper, we study and analyze the recent work in Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) in general and, more specifically, in chatbot-based CRS. We introduce a pipeline to contextualize the input utterances in conversations. We then take the next step towards leveraging reverse feature engineering to link the contextualized input and learning model to support intent recognition. Since performance evaluation is achieved based on different ML models, we use transformer base models to evaluate the proposed approach using a labelled dialogue dataset (MSDialogue) of question-answering interactions between information seekers and answer providers.
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在最近的工作中已显示出一种模式指导的对话管理方法,可以有效地创建能够充当友好同行或任务助理的强大定制虚拟代理。但是,这些方法在开放式,混合初始性领域中的成功应用仍然难以捉摸 - 尤其是在诸如虚拟标准化患者之类的医疗领域,在这种复杂的互动很常见的情况下 - 比以前的系统需要更广泛,更灵活的对话管理能力提供。在本文中,我们描述了用于开发索菲(Sophie)的通用架构指导的对话管理框架,Sophie是一种虚拟标准化的癌症患者,可让医生方便地练习与患者的互动。我们对医学生和索菲之间的对话进行了众包评估。我们的经纪人被认为是自然,情感上适当的反应,并且与她作为癌症患者的角色一致。此外,它大大优于对人类标准化患者语料库进行微调的端到端神经模型,这证明了模式引导方法的优势。
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我们提出了一个开放域的社交聊天机器人Chirpy Cardinal。为了既有信息又有信息,我们的机器人以一种真实的,情感上的方式与用户聊天。通过将受控的神经产生与脚手架,手写的对话整合在一起,我们让用户和机器人都轮流推动对话,从而产生引人入胜且流利的体验。Chirpy Cardinal部署在Alexa奖Socialbot Grand Challenge的第四次迭代中,每天处理数千次对话,在9个机器人中排名第二,平均用户评级为3.58/5。
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This paper presents a conversational AI platform called Flowstorm. Flowstorm is an open-source SaaS project suitable for creating, running, and analyzing conversational applications. Thanks to the fast and fully automated build process, the dialogues created within the platform can be executed in seconds. Furthermore, we propose a novel dialogue architecture that uses a combination of tree structures with generative models. The tree structures are also used for training NLU models suitable for specific dialogue scenarios. However, the generative models are globally used across applications and extend the functionality of the dialogue trees. Moreover, the platform functionality benefits from out-of-the-box components, such as the one responsible for extracting data from utterances or working with crawled data. Additionally, it can be extended using a custom code directly in the platform. One of the essential features of the platform is the possibility to reuse the created assets across applications. There is a library of prepared assets where each developer can contribute. All of the features are available through a user-friendly visual editor.
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The advances in language-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies applied to build educational applications can present AI for social-good opportunities with a broader positive impact. Across many disciplines, enhancing the quality of mathematics education is crucial in building critical thinking and problem-solving skills at younger ages. Conversational AI systems have started maturing to a point where they could play a significant role in helping students learn fundamental math concepts. This work presents a task-oriented Spoken Dialogue System (SDS) built to support play-based learning of basic math concepts for early childhood education. The system has been evaluated via real-world deployments at school while the students are practicing early math concepts with multimodal interactions. We discuss our efforts to improve the SDS pipeline built for math learning, for which we explore utilizing MathBERT representations for potential enhancement to the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module. We perform an end-to-end evaluation using real-world deployment outputs from the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Intent Recognition, and Dialogue Manager (DM) components to understand how error propagation affects the overall performance in real-world scenarios.
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我们提出了Blenderbot 3,这是一个175B参数对话模型,能够通过访问Internet和长期内存进行开放域对话,并接受了大量用户定义的任务的培训。我们同时发布了模型权重和代码,还将模型部署在公共网页上,以与有机用户进行交互。该技术报告描述了该模型的构建方式(建筑,模型和培训计划)以及其部署的细节,包括安全机制。人类评估表明,它优于现有的开放域对话代理,包括其前身(Roller等,2021; Komeili等,2022)。最后,我们使用部署收集的数据详细介绍了持续学习的计划,该数据也将公开发布。因此,该研究计划的目标是使社区能够研究通过互动学习的不断改进的负责任的代理商。
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事实证明,在学习环境中,社会智能代理(SIA)的部署在不同的应用领域具有多个优势。社会代理创作工具使场景设计师能够创造出对SIAS行为的高度控制的量身定制体验,但是,另一方面,这是有代价的,因为该方案及其创作的复杂性可能变得霸道。在本文中,我们介绍了可解释的社会代理创作工具的概念,目的是分析社会代理的创作工具是否可以理解和解释。为此,我们检查了创作工具Fatima-Toolkit是否可以理解,并且从作者的角度来看,其创作步骤可以解释。我们进行了两项用户研究,以定量评估Fatima-Toolkit的解释性,可理解性和透明度,从场景设计师的角度来看。关键发现之一是,法蒂玛 - 库尔基特(Fatima-Toolkit)的概念模型通常是可以理解的,但是基于情感的概念并不那么容易理解和使用。尽管关于Fatima-Toolkit的解释性有一些积极的方面,但仍需要取得进展,以实现完全可以解释的社会代理商创作工具。我们提供一组关键概念和可能的解决方案,可以指导开发人员构建此类工具。
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近期和快速转变为大流行迅速的数字学习,也受到数字工具和平台无处不在的可用性的影响,使数字学习更加接近。扩展数字学习和教学中最困难的部分中的一个积分和一个是能够评估学习者的知识和能力。教育者可以录制讲座或创造数字内容,可以传递到数千名学习者,但评估学习者是非常耗时的。在本文中,我们提出了基于人工智能(AI)的解决方案,即VidVersityQG,用于自动从预先记录的视频讲座产生问题。基于从视频推断的上下文和语义信息,该解决方案可以自动生成不同类型的评估问题(包括短答案,多项选择,真/假并填写空白问题)。所提出的解决方案采用以人为本的方法,其中教师提供了修改/编辑任何AI生成的问题的能力。这种方法鼓励教师参与教育的使用和实施教育。评估了基于AI的解决方案,以便通过我们的行业合作伙伴Vidversity提供给我们的多个域名的经验丰富的教学专业人员和117名教育视频的准确性。 VidVersityQG解决方案显示有希望自动从视频产生高质量问题,从而大大减少了在手动问题中为教育工作者的时间和精力。
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This paper aims to provide a radical rundown on Conversation Search (ConvSearch), an approach to enhance the information retrieval method where users engage in a dialogue for the information-seeking tasks. In this survey, we predominantly focused on the human interactive characteristics of the ConvSearch systems, highlighting the operations of the action modules, likely the Retrieval system, Question-Answering, and Recommender system. We labeled various ConvSearch research problems in knowledge bases, natural language processing, and dialogue management systems along with the action modules. We further categorized the framework to ConvSearch and the application is directed toward biomedical and healthcare fields for the utilization of clinical social technology. Finally, we conclude by talking through the challenges and issues of ConvSearch, particularly in Bio-Medicine. Our main aim is to provide an integrated and unified vision of the ConvSearch components from different fields, which benefit the information-seeking process in healthcare systems.
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As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes a prominent part of modern life, AI literacy is becoming important for all citizens, not just those in technology careers. Previous research in AI education materials has largely focused on the introduction of terminology as well as AI use cases and ethics, but few allow students to learn by creating their own machine learning models. Therefore, there is a need for enriching AI educational tools with more adaptable and flexible platforms for interested educators with any level of technical experience to utilize within their teaching material. As such, we propose the development of an open-source tool (Build-a-Bot) for students and teachers to not only create their own transformer-based chatbots based on their own course material, but also learn the fundamentals of AI through the model creation process. The primary concern of this paper is the creation of an interface for students to learn the principles of artificial intelligence by using a natural language pipeline to train a customized model to answer questions based on their own school curriculums. The model uses contexts given by their instructor, such as chapters of a textbook, to answer questions and is deployed on an interactive chatbot/voice agent. The pipeline teaches students data collection, data augmentation, intent recognition, and question answering by having them work through each of these processes while creating their AI agent, diverging from previous chatbot work where students and teachers use the bots as black-boxes with no abilities for customization or the bots lack AI capabilities, with the majority of dialogue scripts being rule-based. In addition, our tool is designed to make each step of this pipeline intuitive for students at a middle-school level. Further work primarily lies in providing our tool to schools and seeking student and teacher evaluations.
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