前列腺癌是美国男性癌症死亡的第二大原因。前列腺MRI的诊断通常依赖于准确的前列腺区域分割。但是,最新的自动分割方法通常无法产生前列腺区域的含有良好的体积分割,因为某些切片的前列腺MRI(例如碱基和顶点片)比其他切片更难分割。可以通过考虑相邻切片之间的跨片段关系来克服这一困难,但是当前的方法不能完全学习和利用这种关系。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的跨板夹心注意机制,我们在变压器模块中使用该机制,以系统地学习不同尺度的跨斜纹关系。该模块可以在任何基于Skip Connections的现有基于学习的细分框架中使用。实验表明,我们的跨板块注意力能够捕获前列腺区域分割中的跨板片信息,并提高当前最新方法的性能。我们的方法提高了外围区域的分割精度,从而使所有前列腺切片(Apex,Mid-Gland和Base)的分割结果保持一致。
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最新的语义分段方法采用具有编码器解码器架构的U-Net框架。 U-Net仍然具有挑战性,具有简单的跳过连接方案来模拟全局多尺度上下文:1)由于编码器和解码器级的不兼容功能集的问题,并非每个跳过连接设置都是有效的,甚至一些跳过连接对分割性能产生负面影响; 2)原始U-Net比某些数据集上没有任何跳过连接的U-Net更糟糕。根据我们的调查结果,我们提出了一个名为Uctransnet的新分段框架(在U-Net中的提议CTRANS模块),从引导机制的频道视角。具体地,CTRANS模块是U-NET SKIP连接的替代,其包括与变压器(命名CCT)和子模块通道 - 明智的跨关注进行多尺度信道交叉融合的子模块(命名为CCA)以指导熔融的多尺度通道 - 明智信息,以有效地连接到解码器功能以消除歧义。因此,由CCT和CCA组成的所提出的连接能够替换原始跳过连接以解决精确的自动医学图像分割的语义间隙。实验结果表明,我们的UCTRANSNET产生更精确的分割性能,并通过涉及变压器或U形框架的不同数据集和传统架构的语义分割来实现一致的改进。代码:https://github.com/mcgregorwwwww/uctransnet。
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Fully Convolutional Neural Networks (FCNNs) with contracting and expanding paths have shown prominence for the majority of medical image segmentation applications since the past decade. In FCNNs, the encoder plays an integral role by learning both global and local features and contextual representations which can be utilized for semantic output prediction by the decoder. Despite their success, the locality of convolutional layers in FCNNs, limits the capability of learning long-range spatial dependencies. Inspired by the recent success of transformers for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in long-range sequence learning, we reformulate the task of volumetric (3D) medical image segmentation as a sequence-to-sequence prediction problem. We introduce a novel architecture, dubbed as UNEt TRansformers (UNETR), that utilizes a transformer as the encoder to learn sequence representations of the input volume and effectively capture the global multi-scale information, while also following the successful "U-shaped" network design for the encoder and decoder. The transformer encoder is directly connected to a decoder via skip connections at different resolutions to compute the final semantic segmentation output. We have validated the performance of our method on the Multi Atlas Labeling Beyond The Cranial Vault (BTCV) dataset for multiorgan segmentation and the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) dataset for brain tumor and spleen segmentation tasks. Our benchmarks demonstrate new state-of-the-art performance on the BTCV leaderboard. Code: https://monai.io/research/unetr
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随着深度学习方法的进步,如深度卷积神经网络,残余神经网络,对抗网络的进步。 U-Net架构最广泛利用生物医学图像分割,以解决目标区域或子区域的识别和检测的自动化。在最近的研究中,基于U-Net的方法在不同应用中显示了最先进的性能,以便在脑肿瘤,肺癌,阿尔茨海默,乳腺癌等疾病的早期诊断和治疗中发育计算机辅助诊断系统等,使用各种方式。本文通过描述U-Net框架来提出这些方法的成功,然后通过执行1)型号的U-Net变体进行综合分析,2)模特内分类,建立更好的见解相关的挑战和解决方案。此外,本文还强调了基于U-Net框架在持续的大流行病,严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2(SARS-COV-2)中的贡献也称为Covid-19。最后,分析了这些U-Net变体的优点和相似性以及生物医学图像分割所涉及的挑战,以发现该领域的未来未来的研究方向。
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Transformer-based models, capable of learning better global dependencies, have recently demonstrated exceptional representation learning capabilities in computer vision and medical image analysis. Transformer reformats the image into separate patches and realize global communication via the self-attention mechanism. However, positional information between patches is hard to preserve in such 1D sequences, and loss of it can lead to sub-optimal performance when dealing with large amounts of heterogeneous tissues of various sizes in 3D medical image segmentation. Additionally, current methods are not robust and efficient for heavy-duty medical segmentation tasks such as predicting a large number of tissue classes or modeling globally inter-connected tissues structures. Inspired by the nested hierarchical structures in vision transformer, we proposed a novel 3D medical image segmentation method (UNesT), employing a simplified and faster-converging transformer encoder design that achieves local communication among spatially adjacent patch sequences by aggregating them hierarchically. We extensively validate our method on multiple challenging datasets, consisting anatomies of 133 structures in brain, 14 organs in abdomen, 4 hierarchical components in kidney, and inter-connected kidney tumors). We show that UNesT consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance and evaluate its generalizability and data efficiency. Particularly, the model achieves whole brain segmentation task complete ROI with 133 tissue classes in single network, outperforms prior state-of-the-art method SLANT27 ensembled with 27 network tiles, our model performance increases the mean DSC score of the publicly available Colin and CANDI dataset from 0.7264 to 0.7444 and from 0.6968 to 0.7025, respectively.
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with U-shaped architectures have dominated medical image segmentation, which is crucial for various clinical purposes. However, the inherent locality of convolution makes CNNs fail to fully exploit global context, essential for better recognition of some structures, e.g., brain lesions. Transformers have recently proven promising performance on vision tasks, including semantic segmentation, mainly due to their capability of modeling long-range dependencies. Nevertheless, the quadratic complexity of attention makes existing Transformer-based models use self-attention layers only after somehow reducing the image resolution, which limits the ability to capture global contexts present at higher resolutions. Therefore, this work introduces a family of models, dubbed Factorizer, which leverages the power of low-rank matrix factorization for constructing an end-to-end segmentation model. Specifically, we propose a linearly scalable approach to context modeling, formulating Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) as a differentiable layer integrated into a U-shaped architecture. The shifted window technique is also utilized in combination with NMF to effectively aggregate local information. Factorizers compete favorably with CNNs and Transformers in terms of accuracy, scalability, and interpretability, achieving state-of-the-art results on the BraTS dataset for brain tumor segmentation and ISLES'22 dataset for stroke lesion segmentation. Highly meaningful NMF components give an additional interpretability advantage to Factorizers over CNNs and Transformers. Moreover, our ablation studies reveal a distinctive feature of Factorizers that enables a significant speed-up in inference for a trained Factorizer without any extra steps and without sacrificing much accuracy. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/pashtari/factorizer.
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作为新一代神经体系结构的变形金刚在自然语言处理和计算机视觉方面表现出色。但是,现有的视觉变形金刚努力使用有限的医学数据学习,并且无法概括各种医学图像任务。为了应对这些挑战,我们将Medformer作为数据量表变压器呈现为可推广的医学图像分割。关键设计结合了理想的电感偏差,线性复杂性的层次建模以及以空间和语义全局方式以线性复杂性的关注以及多尺度特征融合。 Medformer可以在不预训练的情况下学习微小至大规模的数据。广泛的实验表明,Medformer作为一般分割主链的潜力,在三个具有多种模式(例如CT和MRI)和多样化的医学靶标(例如,健康器官,疾病,疾病组织和肿瘤)的三个公共数据集上优于CNN和视觉变压器。我们将模型和评估管道公开可用,为促进广泛的下游临床应用提供固体基线和无偏比较。
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计算机辅助医学图像分割已广泛应用于诊断和治疗,以获得靶器官和组织的形状和体积的临床有用信息。在过去的几年中,基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的方法(例如,U-Net)占主导地位,但仍遭受了不足的远程信息捕获。因此,最近的工作提出了用于医学图像分割任务的计算机视觉变压器变体,并获得了有希望的表现。这种变压器通过计算配对贴片关系来模拟远程依赖性。然而,它们促进了禁止的计算成本,尤其是在3D医学图像(例如,CT和MRI)上。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为扩张变压器的新方法,该方法在本地和全球范围内交替捕获的配对贴片关系进行自我关注。灵感来自扩张卷积核,我们以扩张的方式进行全球自我关注,扩大接收领域而不增加所涉及的斑块,从而降低计算成本。基于这种扩展变压器的设计,我们构造了一个用于3D医学图像分割的U形编码器解码器分层体系结构。 Synapse和ACDC数据集的实验表明,我们的D-Ager Model从头开始培训,以低计算成本从划痕训练,优于各种竞争力的CNN或基于变压器的分段模型,而不耗时的每训练过程。
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Owing to the success of transformer models, recent works study their applicability in 3D medical segmentation tasks. Within the transformer models, the self-attention mechanism is one of the main building blocks that strives to capture long-range dependencies, compared to the local convolutional-based design. However, the self-attention operation has quadratic complexity which proves to be a computational bottleneck, especially in volumetric medical imaging, where the inputs are 3D with numerous slices. In this paper, we propose a 3D medical image segmentation approach, named UNETR++, that offers both high-quality segmentation masks as well as efficiency in terms of parameters and compute cost. The core of our design is the introduction of a novel efficient paired attention (EPA) block that efficiently learns spatial and channel-wise discriminative features using a pair of inter-dependent branches based on spatial and channel attention. Our spatial attention formulation is efficient having linear complexity with respect to the input sequence length. To enable communication between spatial and channel-focused branches, we share the weights of query and key mapping functions that provide a complimentary benefit (paired attention), while also reducing the overall network parameters. Our extensive evaluations on three benchmarks, Synapse, BTCV and ACDC, reveal the effectiveness of the proposed contributions in terms of both efficiency and accuracy. On Synapse dataset, our UNETR++ sets a new state-of-the-art with a Dice Similarity Score of 87.2%, while being significantly efficient with a reduction of over 71% in terms of both parameters and FLOPs, compared to the best existing method in the literature. Code: https://github.com/Amshaker/unetr_plus_plus.
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医疗图像分割有助于计算机辅助诊断,手术和治疗。数字化组织载玻片图像用于分析和分段腺,核和其他生物标志物,这些标志物进一步用于计算机辅助医疗应用中。为此,许多研究人员开发了不同的神经网络来对组织学图像进行分割,主要是这些网络基于编码器编码器体系结构,并且还利用了复杂的注意力模块或变压器。但是,这些网络不太准确地捕获相关的本地和全局特征,并在多个尺度下具有准确的边界检测,因此,我们提出了一个编码器折叠网络,快速注意模块和多损耗函数(二进制交叉熵(BCE)损失的组合) ,焦点损失和骰子损失)。我们在两个公开可用数据集上评估了我们提出的网络的概括能力,用于医疗图像分割Monuseg和Glas,并胜过最先进的网络,在Monuseg数据集上提高了1.99%的提高,而GLAS数据集则提高了7.15%。实施代码可在此链接上获得:https://bit.ly/histoseg
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光学相干断层扫描(OCT)有助于眼科医生评估黄斑水肿,流体的积累以及微观分辨率的病变。视网膜流体的定量对于OCT引导的治疗管理是必需的,这取决于精确的图像分割步骤。由于对视网膜流体的手动分析是一项耗时,主观和容易出错的任务,因此对快速和健壮的自动解决方案的需求增加了。在这项研究中,提出了一种名为Retifluidnet的新型卷积神经结构,用于多级视网膜流体分割。该模型受益于层次表示使用新的自适应双重注意(SDA)模块的纹理,上下文和边缘特征的学习,多个基于自适应的Skip Connections(SASC)以及一种新颖的多尺度深度自我监督学习(DSL)方案。拟议的SDA模块中的注意机制使该模型能够自动提取不同级别的变形感知表示,并且引入的SASC路径进一步考虑了空间通道相互依存,以串联编码器和解码器单元,从而提高了表示能力。还使用包含加权版本的骰子重叠和基于边缘的连接损失的联合损失函数进行了优化的retifluidnet,其中将多尺度局部损失的几个分层阶段集成到优化过程中。该模型根据三个公开可用数据集进行验证:润饰,Optima和Duke,并与几个基线进行了比较。数据集的实验结果证明了在视网膜OCT分割中提出的模型的有效性,并揭示了建议的方法比现有的最新流体分割算法更有效,以适应各种图像扫描仪器记录的视网膜OCT扫描。
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Achieving accurate and automated tumor segmentation plays an important role in both clinical practice and radiomics research. Segmentation in medicine is now often performed manually by experts, which is a laborious, expensive and error-prone task. Manual annotation relies heavily on the experience and knowledge of these experts. In addition, there is much intra- and interobserver variation. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a method that can automatically segment tumor target regions. In this paper, we propose a deep learning segmentation method based on multimodal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), which combines the high sensitivity of PET and the precise anatomical information of CT. We design an improved spatial attention network(ISA-Net) to increase the accuracy of PET or CT in detecting tumors, which uses multi-scale convolution operation to extract feature information and can highlight the tumor region location information and suppress the non-tumor region location information. In addition, our network uses dual-channel inputs in the coding stage and fuses them in the decoding stage, which can take advantage of the differences and complementarities between PET and CT. We validated the proposed ISA-Net method on two clinical datasets, a soft tissue sarcoma(STS) and a head and neck tumor(HECKTOR) dataset, and compared with other attention methods for tumor segmentation. The DSC score of 0.8378 on STS dataset and 0.8076 on HECKTOR dataset show that ISA-Net method achieves better segmentation performance and has better generalization. Conclusions: The method proposed in this paper is based on multi-modal medical image tumor segmentation, which can effectively utilize the difference and complementarity of different modes. The method can also be applied to other multi-modal data or single-modal data by proper adjustment.
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