This paper explores a simple and efficient baseline for person re-identification (ReID). Person re-identification (ReID) with deep neural networks has made progress and achieved high performance in recent years. However, many state-of-the-arts methods design complex network structure and concatenate multi-branch features. In the literature, some effective training tricks are briefly appeared in several papers or source codes. This paper will collect and evaluate these effective training tricks in person ReID. By combining these tricks together, the model achieves 94.5% rank-1 and 85.9% mAP on Market1501 with only using global features. Our codes and models are available at * Equal contributions. This work was partially done when Hao Luo and Xingyu Liao were interns at Megvii Inc.
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学习模态不变功能是可见热跨模板人员重新凝视(VT-REID)问题的核心,其中查询和画廊图像来自不同的模式。现有工作通过使用对抗性学习或仔细设计特征提取模块来隐式地将像素和特征空间中的模态对齐。我们提出了一个简单但有效的框架MMD-REID,通过明确的差异减少约束来降低模态差距。 MMD-REID从最大均值(MMD)中获取灵感,广泛使用的统计工具用于确定两个分布之间的距离。 MMD-REID采用新的基于边缘的配方,以匹配可见和热样品的类条件特征分布,以最大限度地减少级别的距离,同时保持特征辨别性。 MMD-Reid是一个简单的架构和损失制定方面的框架。我们对MMD-REID的有效性进行了广泛的实验,以使MMD-REID对调整边缘和阶级条件分布的有效性,从而学习模型无关和身份的一致特征。所提出的框架显着优于Sysu-MM01和RegDB数据集的最先进的方法。代码将在 -reid发布
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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Recently, a popular line of research in face recognition is adopting margins in the well-established softmax loss function to maximize class separability. In this paper, we first introduce an Additive Angular Margin Loss (ArcFace), which not only has a clear geometric interpretation but also significantly enhances the discriminative power. Since ArcFace is susceptible to the massive label noise, we further propose sub-center ArcFace, in which each class contains K sub-centers and training samples only need to be close to any of the K positive sub-centers. Sub-center ArcFace encourages one dominant sub-class that contains the majority of clean faces and non-dominant sub-classes that include hard or noisy faces. Based on this self-propelled isolation, we boost the performance through automatically purifying raw web faces under massive real-world noise. Besides discriminative feature embedding, we also explore the inverse problem, mapping feature vectors to face images. Without training any additional generator or discriminator, the pre-trained ArcFace model can generate identity-preserved face images for both subjects inside and outside the training data only by using the network gradient and Batch Normalization (BN) priors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ArcFace can enhance the discriminative feature embedding as well as strengthen the generative face synthesis.
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最近,由于受监督人员重新识别(REID)的表现不佳,域名概括(DG)人REID引起了很多关注,旨在学习一个不敏感的模型,并可以抵抗域的影响偏见。在本文中,我们首先通过实验验证样式因素是域偏差的重要组成部分。基于这个结论,我们提出了一种样式变量且无关紧要的学习方法(SVIL)方法,以消除样式因素对模型的影响。具体来说,我们在SVIL中设计了样式的抖动模块(SJM)。 SJM模块可以丰富特定源域的样式多样性,并减少各种源域的样式差异。这导致该模型重点关注与身份相关的信息,并对样式变化不敏感。此外,我们将SJM模块与元学习算法有机结合,从而最大程度地提高了好处并进一步提高模型的概括能力。请注意,我们的SJM模块是插件和推理,无需成本。广泛的实验证实了我们的SVIL的有效性,而我们的方法的表现优于DG-REID基准测试的最先进方法。
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Person re-identification is a challenging task because of the high intra-class variance induced by the unrestricted nuisance factors of variations such as pose, illumination, viewpoint, background, and sensor noise. Recent approaches postulate that powerful architectures have the capacity to learn feature representations invariant to nuisance factors, by training them with losses that minimize intra-class variance and maximize inter-class separation, without modeling nuisance factors explicitly. The dominant approaches use either a discriminative loss with margin, like the softmax loss with the additive angular margin, or a metric learning loss, like the triplet loss with batch hard mining of triplets. Since the softmax imposes feature normalization, it limits the gradient flow supervising the feature embedding. We address this by joining the losses and leveraging the triplet loss as a proxy for the missing gradients. We further improve invariance to nuisance factors by adding the discriminative task of predicting attributes. Our extensive evaluation highlights that when only a holistic representation is learned, we consistently outperform the state-of-the-art on the three most challenging datasets. Such representations are easier to deploy in practical systems. Finally, we found that joining the losses removes the requirement for having a margin in the softmax loss while increasing performance.
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Deep metric learning aims to learn an embedding space, where semantically similar samples are close together and dissimilar ones are repelled against. To explore more hard and informative training signals for augmentation and generalization, recent methods focus on generating synthetic samples to boost metric learning losses. However, these methods just use the deterministic and class-independent generations (e.g., simple linear interpolation), which only can cover the limited part of distribution spaces around original samples. They have overlooked the wide characteristic changes of different classes and can not model abundant intra-class variations for generations. Therefore, generated samples not only lack rich semantics within the certain class, but also might be noisy signals to disturb training. In this paper, we propose a novel intra-class adaptive augmentation (IAA) framework for deep metric learning. We reasonably estimate intra-class variations for every class and generate adaptive synthetic samples to support hard samples mining and boost metric learning losses. Further, for most datasets that have a few samples within the class, we propose the neighbor correction to revise the inaccurate estimations, according to our correlation discovery where similar classes generally have similar variation distributions. Extensive experiments on five benchmarks show our method significantly improves and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on retrieval performances by 3%-6%. Our code is available at
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Deep Metric Learning (DML) learns a non-linear semantic embedding from input data that brings similar pairs together while keeping dissimilar data away from each other. To this end, many different methods are proposed in the last decade with promising results in various applications. The success of a DML algorithm greatly depends on its loss function. However, no loss function is perfect, and it deals only with some aspects of an optimal similarity embedding. Besides, the generalizability of the DML on unseen categories during the test stage is an important matter that is not considered by existing loss functions. To address these challenges, we propose novel approaches to combine different losses built on top of a shared deep feature extractor. The proposed ensemble of losses enforces the deep model to extract features that are consistent with all losses. Since the selected losses are diverse and each emphasizes different aspects of an optimal semantic embedding, our effective combining methods yield a considerable improvement over any individual loss and generalize well on unseen categories. Here, there is no limitation in choosing loss functions, and our methods can work with any set of existing ones. Besides, they can optimize each loss function as well as its weight in an end-to-end paradigm with no need to adjust any hyper-parameter. We evaluate our methods on some popular datasets from the machine vision domain in conventional Zero-Shot-Learning (ZSL) settings. The results are very encouraging and show that our methods outperform all baseline losses by a large margin in all datasets.
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The combination of global and partial features has been an essential solution to improve discriminative performances in person re-identification (Re-ID) tasks. Previous part-based methods mainly focus on locating regions with specific pre-defined semantics to learn local representations, which increases learning difficulty but not efficient or robust to scenarios with large variances. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end feature learning strategy integrating discriminative information with various granularities. We carefully design the Multiple Granularity Network (MGN), a multi-branch deep network architecture consisting of one branch for global feature representations and two branches for local feature representations. Instead of learning on semantic regions, we uniformly partition the images into several stripes, and vary the number of parts in different local branches to obtain local feature representations with multiple granularities. Comprehensive experiments implemented on the mainstream evaluation datasets including Market-1501, DukeMTMC-reid and CUHK03 indicate that our method robustly achieves state-of-the-art performances and outperforms any existing approaches by a large margin. For example, on Market-1501 dataset in single query mode, we obtain a top result of Rank-1/mAP=96.6%/94.2% with this method after re-ranking.
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人员搜索统一人员检测和人重新识别(重新ID),以从全景画廊图像找到查询人员。一个主要挑战来自于不平衡的长尾人身份分布,这可以防止一步人搜索模型学习歧视性人员特征,以获得最终重新识别。但是,探索了如何解决一步人员搜索的重型不平衡的身份分布。设计用于长尾分类任务的技术,例如,图像级重新采样策略很难被有效地应用于与基于检测的多个多个多的人检测和重新ID子任务共同解决人员检测和重新ID子任务 - 框架框架。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个子任务主导的传输学习(STL)方法。 STL方法解决了主导的重新ID子批次的预测阶段的长尾问题,并通过转移学习来改善普试模型的一步人搜索。我们进一步设计了一个多级ROI融合池层,以提高一步人搜索的人特征的辨别能力。 Cuhk-Sysu和Prw Datasets的广泛实验证明了该方法的优越性和有效性。
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