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Network structure evolves with time in the real world, and the discovery of changing communities in dynamic networks is an important research topic that poses challenging tasks. Most existing methods assume that no significant change in the network occurs; namely, the difference between adjacent snapshots is slight. However, great change exists in the real world usually. The great change in the network will result in the community detection algorithms are difficulty obtaining valuable information from the previous snapshot, leading to negative transfer for the next time steps. This paper focuses on dynamic community detection with substantial changes by integrating higher-order knowledge from the previous snapshots to aid the subsequent snapshots. Moreover, to improve search efficiency, a higher-order knowledge transfer strategy is designed to determine first-order and higher-order knowledge by detecting the similarity of the adjacency matrix of snapshots. In this way, our proposal can better keep the advantages of previous community detection results and transfer them to the next task. We conduct the experiments on four real-world networks, including the networks with great or minor changes. Experimental results in the low-similarity datasets demonstrate that higher-order knowledge is more valuable than first-order knowledge when the network changes significantly and keeps the advantage even if handling the high-similarity datasets. Our proposal can also guide other dynamic optimization problems with great changes.
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社交网络(SN)是一个由代表它们之间相互作用的群体组成的社会结构。 SNS最近被广泛使用,随后已成为产品推广和信息扩散的合适平台。 SN中的人们直接影响彼此的利益和行为。 SNS中最重要的问题之一是,如果选择将它们作为网络扩散场景的种子节点选择,那么他们可以以级联的方式对网络中的其他节点产生最大影响。有影响力的扩散器是人们,如果他们被选为网络中出版问题中的种子,那么该网络将拥有最多了解该扩散实体的人。这是称为影响最大化(IM)问题的文献中的一个众所周知的问题。尽管已证明这是一个NP完整的问题,并且在多项式时间内没有解决方案,但有人认为它具有子模块化功能的属性,因此可以使用贪婪的算法来解决。提出改善这种复杂性的大多数方法都是基于以下假设:整个图都是可见的。但是,此假设不适合许多真实世界图。进行了这项研究,以扩展使用链接预测技术与伪可见性图的电流最大化方法。为此,将一种称为指数随机图模型(ERGM)的图生成方法用于链接预测。使用斯坦福大学SNAP数据集的数据对所提出的方法进行了测试。根据实验测试,所提出的方法在现实世界图上有效。
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可以将多任务学习(MTL)范例追溯到Caruana(1997)的早期纸张中,其中表示可以使用来自多个任务的数据,其目的是在独立地学习每个任务的旨在获得更好的性能。 MTL与相互矛盾的目标的解决方案需要在它们中进行折衷,这通常超出了直线组合可以实现的。理论上原则和计算有效的策略正在寻找不受他人主导的解决方案,因为它在帕累托分析中解决了它。多任务学习环境中产生的多目标优化问题具有特定的功能,需要adhoc方法。对这些特征的分析和新的计算方法的提议代表了这项工作的重点。多目标进化算法(MOEAS)可以容易地包括优势的概念,因此可以分析。 MOEAS的主要缺点是关于功能评估的低样本效率。此缺点的关键原因是大多数进化方法不使用模型来近似于目标函数。贝叶斯优化采用基于代理模型的完全不同的方法,例如高斯过程。在本文中,输入空间中的解决方案表示为封装功能评估中包含的知识的概率分布。在这种概率分布的空间中,赋予由Wassersein距离给出的度量,可以设计一种新的算法MOEA / WST,其中模型不直接在目标函数上,而是在输入空间中的对象的中间信息空间中被映射成直方图。计算结果表明,MoEA / WST提供的样品效率和帕累托集的质量明显优于标准MoEa。
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由于传感器,社交媒体等,过去几十年来,数据流的分析已经受到相当大的关注。它旨在识别无序,无限和不断发展的观察流中的模式。聚类此类数据需要一些时间和内存的限制。本文介绍了一种新的数据流群集方法(IMOC流)。与其他聚类算法不同,这种方法使用两个不同的目标函数来捕获数据的不同方面。 IMOC流的目标是:1)通过使用空闲时间来减少计算时间以应用遗传操作并增强解决方案。 2)通过引入新的树概要来减少内存分配。 3)通过使用多目标框架查找任意形状的群集。我们对高维流数据集进行了实验研究,并将其与众所周知的流聚类技术进行了比较。实验表明我们的方法在优化时间和内存的同时在任意形状,紧凑且分开的群集中分区数据流的能力。我们的方法在NMI和Arand测量方面也表现出大部分流算法。
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客户满意度在移动设备中的能源消耗至关重要。应用程序中最耗能的部分之一是图像。尽管具有不同质量的不同图像消耗了不同量的能量,但没有直接的方法来计算典型图像中操作的能量消耗。首先,本文调查了能源消耗与图像质量以及图像文件大小之间存在相关性。因此,这两者可以被视为能源消耗的代理。然后,我们提出了一种多目标策略,以增强图像质量并根据JPEG图像压缩中的定量表减少图像文件大小。为此,我们使用了两种一般的多目标元启发式方法:基于标量和基于帕累托。标量方法找到基于组合不同目标的单个最佳解决方案,而基于帕累托的技术旨在实现一组解决方案。在本文中,我们将策略纳入五种标量算法,包括能量感知的多目标遗传算法(ENMOGA),能量感知的多目标粒子群优化(ENMOPSO),能量感知的多目标多目标差异进化(ENMODE)(ENMODE)(ENMODE) ,能源感知的多目标进化策略(ENMOES)和能量感知的多目标模式搜索(ENMOPS)。此外,使用两种基于帕累托的方法,包括非主导的分类遗传算法(NSGA-II)和基于参考点的NSGA-II(NSGA-III),用于嵌入方案,以及两种基于帕累托的算法,即两种基于帕累托的算法,即提出了Ennsgaii和Ennsgaiii。实验研究表明,基线算法的性能通过将拟议策略嵌入到元启发式算法中来提高。
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Clustering is a fundamental problem in network analysis that finds closely connected groups of nodes and separates them from other nodes in the graph, while link prediction is to predict whether two nodes in a network are likely to have a link. The definition of both naturally determines that clustering must play a positive role in obtaining accurate link prediction tasks. Yet researchers have long ignored or used inappropriate ways to undermine this positive relationship. In this article, We construct a simple but efficient clustering-driven link prediction framework(ClusterLP), with the goal of directly exploiting the cluster structures to obtain connections between nodes as accurately as possible in both undirected graphs and directed graphs. Specifically, we propose that it is easier to establish links between nodes with similar representation vectors and cluster tendencies in undirected graphs, while nodes in a directed graphs can more easily point to nodes similar to their representation vectors and have greater influence in their own cluster. We customized the implementation of ClusterLP for undirected and directed graphs, respectively, and the experimental results using multiple real-world networks on the link prediction task showed that our models is highly competitive with existing baseline models. The code implementation of ClusterLP and baselines we use are available at https://github.com/ZINUX1998/ClusterLP.
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影响最大化是挖掘社交网络深入信息的关键问题,该信息旨在选择从网络中选择种子以最大程度地增加受影响的节点的数量。为了评估种子套装的影响,现有的努力提出了拟议的代理模型(转换),以较低的计算成本来代替昂贵的蒙特卡洛模拟过程。这些基于网络先验知识的替代转换从各个角度引起具有相似特征的不同搜索行为。对于特定情况,用户很难先验确定合适的转换。在本文中,我们提出了一个多种转化的进化框架,以进行影响最大化(MTEFIM),并保证了融合保证,以利用替代转换的潜在相似性和独特的优势,并避免用户手动确定最合适的转换。在MTEFIM中,将多个转换同时优化为多个任务。每个转换均分配一个进化求解器。进行了MTEFIM的三个主要组成部分:1)根据不同人群的个人(种子集)重叠程度估算转化之间的潜在关系,2)根据转变关系,将个体转移到跨种群中,3)选择最终输出种子集,包含所有代理模型知识。 MTEFIM的有效性在基准和现实世界社交网络上得到了验证。实验结果表明,与几种流行的IM特异性方法相比,MTEFIM可以有效地利用跨多个转换的潜在转移知识,以实现高度竞争性能。可以在https://github.com/xiaofangxd/mtefim上访问MTEFIM的实现。
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This research presents ORUGA, a method that tries to automatically optimize the readability of any text in English. The core idea behind the method is that certain factors affect the readability of a text, some of which are quantifiable (number of words, syllables, presence or absence of adverbs, and so on). The nature of these factors allows us to implement a genetic learning strategy to replace some existing words with their most suitable synonyms to facilitate optimization. In addition, this research seeks to preserve both the original text's content and form through multi-objective optimization techniques. In this way, neither the text's syntactic structure nor the semantic content of the original message is significantly distorted. An exhaustive study on a substantial number and diversity of texts confirms that our method was able to optimize the degree of readability in all cases without significantly altering their form or meaning. The source code of this approach is available at https://github.com/jorge-martinez-gil/oruga.
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Most real-world networks suffer from incompleteness or incorrectness, which is an inherent attribute to real-world datasets. As a consequence, those downstream machine learning tasks in complex network like community detection methods may yield less satisfactory results, i.e., a proper preprocessing measure is required here. To address this issue, in this paper, we design a new community attribute based link prediction strategy HAP and propose a two-step community enhancement algorithm with automatic evolution process based on HAP. This paper aims at providing a community enhancement measure through adding links to clarify ambiguous community structures. The HAP method takes the neighbourhood uncertainty and Shannon entropy to identify boundary nodes, and establishes links by considering the nodes' community attributes and community size at the same time. The experimental results on twelve real-world datasets with ground truth community indicate that the proposed link prediction method outperforms other baseline methods and the enhancement of community follows the expected evolution process.
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Multi-objective feature selection is one of the most significant issues in the field of pattern recognition. It is challenging because it maximizes the classification performance and, at the same time, minimizes the number of selected features, and the mentioned two objectives are usually conflicting. To achieve a better Pareto optimal solution, metaheuristic optimization methods are widely used in many studies. However, the main drawback is the exploration of a large search space. Another problem with multi-objective feature selection approaches is the interaction between features. Selecting correlated features has negative effect on classification performance. To tackle these problems, we present a novel multi-objective feature selection method that has several advantages. Firstly, it considers the interaction between features using an advanced probability scheme. Secondly, it is based on the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) method that has several advantages such as simplicity and its speed in exploring the solution space. However, we improve the structure of PAES in such a way that generates the offsprings, intelligently. Thus, the proposed method utilizes the introduced probability scheme to produce more promising offsprings. Finally, it is equipped with a novel strategy that guides it to find the optimum number of features through the process of evolution. The experimental results show a significant improvement in finding the optimal Pareto front compared to state-of-the-art methods on different real-world datasets.
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Most multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MMEAs) aim to find all global Pareto optimal sets (PSs) for a multimodal multi-objective optimization problem (MMOP). However, in real-world problems, decision makers (DMs) may be also interested in local PSs. Also, searching for both global and local PSs is more general in view of dealing with MMOPs, which can be seen as a generalized MMOP. In addition, the state-of-the-art MMEAs exhibit poor convergence on high-dimension MMOPs. To address the above two issues, in this study, a novel coevolutionary framework termed CoMMEA for multimodal multi-objective optimization is proposed to better obtain both global and local PSs, and simultaneously, to improve the convergence performance in dealing with high-dimension MMOPs. Specifically, the CoMMEA introduces two archives to the search process, and coevolves them simultaneously through effective knowledge transfer. The convergence archive assists the CoMMEA to quickly approaching the Pareto optimal front (PF). The knowledge of the converged solutions is then transferred to the diversity archive which utilizes the local convergence indicator and the $\epsilon$-dominance-based method to obtain global and local PSs effectively. Experimental results show that CoMMEA is competitive compared to seven state-of-the-art MMEAs on fifty-four complex MMOPs.
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