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The goal of 3D pose transfer is to transfer the pose from the source mesh to the target mesh while preserving the identity information (e.g., face, body shape) of the target mesh. Deep learning-based methods improved the efficiency and performance of 3D pose transfer. However, most of them are trained under the supervision of the ground truth, whose availability is limited in real-world scenarios. In this work, we present X-DualNet, a simple yet effective approach that enables unsupervised 3D pose transfer. In X-DualNet, we introduce a generator $G$ which contains correspondence learning and pose transfer modules to achieve 3D pose transfer. We learn the shape correspondence by solving an optimal transport problem without any key point annotations and generate high-quality meshes with our elastic instance normalization (ElaIN) in the pose transfer module. With $G$ as the basic component, we propose a cross consistency learning scheme and a dual reconstruction objective to learn the pose transfer without supervision. Besides that, we also adopt an as-rigid-as-possible deformer in the training process to fine-tune the body shape of the generated results. Extensive experiments on human and animal data demonstrate that our framework can successfully achieve comparable performance as the state-of-the-art supervised approaches.
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我们为姿势传输任务提供了一种定制的3D网格变压器模型。随着3D姿势转移基本上是依赖于给定网格的变形过程,这项工作的直觉是在具有强大的自我关注机制之间感知给定网格之间的几何不一致。具体而言,我们提出了一种新的几何对比变压器,其具有高效的3D结构感知能力,对给定网格的全局几何不一致。此外,在本地,进一步提出了一种简单但高效的中央测地对比损失,以改善区域几何不一致学习。最后,我们将潜在的等距正则化模块与新的半合成数据集一起呈现,用于跨DataSet 3D姿势传输任务对未知空间。大规模的实验结果证明了我们对SMPL-NPT,浮点和新建议的数据集SMG-3D数据集的最新定量表演的效果,以及在MG布和SMAL数据集中有前途的定性结果。结果证明,我们的方法可以实现鲁棒3D姿势传输,并且广泛地挑战来自跨数据集任务的未知空间的网格。代码和数据集可用。代码可用:https://github.com/mikecheninoulu/cgt。
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我们认为人类变形转移问题,目标是在不同角色之间的零件姿势。解决此问题的传统方法需要清晰的姿势定义,并使用此定义在字符之间传输姿势。在这项工作中,我们采取了不同的方法,将角色的身份转换为新的身份,而无需修改角色的姿势。这提供了不必在3D人类姿势之间定义等效性的优点,这在姿势往往会根据执行它们的角色的身份而变化并不简单,并且由于它们的含义是高度上下文的。为了实现变形转移,我们提出了一种神经编码器 - 解码器架构,其中仅编码身份信息以及解码器在姿势上调节的位置。我们使用姿势独立表示,例如等距 - 不变形状特征,以表示身份特征。我们的模型使用这些功能来监督从变形姿势的偏移预测到转移结果。我们通过实验展示了我们的方法优于最先进的方法,定量和定性,并且更好地推广在训练期间没有看到。我们还介绍了一个微调步骤,可以为极端身份获得竞争力的结果,并允许转移简单的衣服。
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Single-image 3D human reconstruction aims to reconstruct the 3D textured surface of the human body given a single image. While implicit function-based methods recently achieved reasonable reconstruction performance, they still bear limitations showing degraded quality in both surface geometry and texture from an unobserved view. In response, to generate a realistic textured surface, we propose ReFu, a coarse-to-fine approach that refines the projected backside view image and fuses the refined image to predict the final human body. To suppress the diffused occupancy that causes noise in projection images and reconstructed meshes, we propose to train occupancy probability by simultaneously utilizing 2D and 3D supervisions with occupancy-based volume rendering. We also introduce a refinement architecture that generates detail-preserving backside-view images with front-to-back warping. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in 3D human reconstruction from a single image, showing enhanced geometry and texture quality from an unobserved view.
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大多数现有的动物姿势和形状估计方法用参数模型重建动物网格。这是因为Smal模型的低维姿势和形状参数使得深网络更容易学习高维动物网。然而,Smal模型从具有限制和形状变化的玩具动物的扫描学习,因此可能无法良好地代表高度不同的真实动物。这可能导致估计网格的差,例如2D证据的差。 2d关键点或剪影。为了缓解此问题,我们提出了一种从单个图像重建3D动物网格的粗细方法。粗略估计阶段首先估计Smal模型的姿势,形状和翻译参数。然后将估计的网格用作图表卷积网络(GCN)的起点,以预测细化阶段的每顶顶点变形。基于SMAL和基于顶点的表示的这种组合来自参数和非参数表示。我们将网眼细化GCN(MRGCN)设计为具有分层特征表示的编码器解码器结构,以克服传统GCN的有限接收领域。此外,我们观察到,现有动物网格重建工作所使用的全局图像特征无法捕获用于网格细化的详细形状信息。因此,我们引入了本地特征提取器来检索顶点级别功能,并将其与全局功能一起用作MRGCN的输入。我们在Stanfordextra DataSet上测试我们的方法,实现最先进的结果。此外,我们在动物姿势和BADJA数据集中测试我们方法的泛化能力。我们的代码可在项目网站上获得。
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Recent approaches to drape garments quickly over arbitrary human bodies leverage self-supervision to eliminate the need for large training sets. However, they are designed to train one network per clothing item, which severely limits their generalization abilities. In our work, we rely on self-supervision to train a single network to drape multiple garments. This is achieved by predicting a 3D deformation field conditioned on the latent codes of a generative network, which models garments as unsigned distance fields. Our pipeline can generate and drape previously unseen garments of any topology, whose shape can be edited by manipulating their latent codes. Being fully differentiable, our formulation makes it possible to recover accurate 3D models of garments from partial observations -- images or 3D scans -- via gradient descent. Our code will be made publicly available.
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在本文中,我们展示了Facetunegan,一种新的3D面部模型表示分解和编码面部身份和面部表情。我们提出了对图像到图像翻译网络的第一次适应,该图像已经成功地用于2D域,到3D面几何。利用最近释放的大面扫描数据库,神经网络已经过培训,以便与面部更好的了解,使面部表情转移和中和富有效应面的变异因素。具体而言,我们设计了一种适应基础架构的对抗架构,并使用Spiralnet ++进行卷积和采样操作。使用两个公共数据集(FACESCAPE和COMA),Facetunegan具有比最先进的技术更好的身份分解和面部中和。它还通过预测较近地面真实数据的闪烁形状并且由于源极和目标之间的面部形态过于不同的面部形态而越来越多的不期望的伪像来优异。
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学习重建3D服装对于在不同的姿势中穿着不同形状的3D人体来说是重要的。以前的作品通常依赖于2D图像作为输入,但是遭受尺度和构成歧义。为了规避由2D图像引起的问题,我们提出了一个原则的框架,服装4D,它使用穿着人的3D点云序列来服装重建。 Garment4D有三个专用步骤:顺序服装登记,典型服装估算和摆动衣服重建。主要挑战是两倍:1)有效的3D特征学习精细细节,2)捕获由服装和人体之间的相互作用引起的服装动力学,特别是对于像裙子这样的松散服装。为了解开这些问题,我们介绍了一种新的提议引导的分层特征网络和迭代图卷积网络,其集成了高级语义特征和低级几何特征,以进行精细细节重建。此外,我们提出了一种用于平滑服装运动的时间变压器。与非参数方法不同,我们的方法的重建服装网格可与人体分离,并且具有很强的解释性,这对于下游任务是期望的。作为本任务的第一次尝试,通过广泛的实验定性和定量地说明了高质量的重建结果。代码在https://github.com/hongfz16/garment4d提供。
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我们提出了一种基于优化的新型范式,用于在图像和扫描上拟合3D人类模型。与直接回归输入图像中低维统计体模型(例如SMPL)的参数的现有方法相反,我们训练了每个vertex神经场网络的集合。该网络以分布式的方式预测基于当前顶点投影处提取的神经特征的顶点下降方向。在推断时,我们在梯度降低的优化管道中采用该网络,称为LVD,直到其收敛性为止,即使将所有顶点初始化为单个点,通常也会以一秒钟的分数出现。一项详尽的评估表明,我们的方法能够捕获具有截然不同的身体形状的穿着的人体,与最先进的人相比取得了重大改进。 LVD也适用于人类和手的3D模型配合,为此,我们以更简单,更快的方法对SOTA显示出显着改善。
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在两个非辅助变形形状之间建立对应关系是视觉计算中最根本的问题之一。当对现实世界中的挑战(例如噪声,异常值,自我结合等)挑战时,现有方法通常会显示出弱的弹性。另一方面,自动描述器在学习几何学上有意义的潜在嵌入方面表现出强大的表现力。但是,它们在\ emph {形状分析}中的使用受到限制。在本文中,我们介绍了一种基于自动码头框架的方法,该方法在固定模板上学习了一个连续形状的变形字段。通过监督点在表面上的变形场,并通过小说\ emph {签名距离正则化}(SDR)正规化点偏面的正规化,我们学习了模板和Shape \ Emph {卷}之间的对齐。经过干净的水密网眼培训,\ emph {没有}任何数据启发,我们证明了在受损的数据和现实世界扫描上表现出令人信服的性能。
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Image and video synthesis has become a blooming topic in computer vision and machine learning communities along with the developments of deep generative models, due to its great academic and application value. Many researchers have been devoted to synthesizing high-fidelity human images as one of the most commonly seen object categories in daily lives, where a large number of studies are performed based on various deep generative models, task settings and applications. Thus, it is necessary to give a comprehensive overview on these variant methods on human image generation. In this paper, we divide human image generation techniques into three paradigms, i.e., data-driven methods, knowledge-guided methods and hybrid methods. For each route, the most representative models and the corresponding variants are presented, where the advantages and characteristics of different methods are summarized in terms of model architectures and input/output requirements. Besides, the main public human image datasets and evaluation metrics in the literature are also summarized. Furthermore, due to the wide application potentials, two typical downstream usages of synthesized human images are covered, i.e., data augmentation for person recognition tasks and virtual try-on for fashion customers. Finally, we discuss the challenges and potential directions of human image generation to shed light on future research.
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您将如何通过一些错过来修复物理物体?您可能会想象它的原始形状从先前捕获的图像中,首先恢复其整体(全局)但粗大的形状,然后完善其本地细节。我们有动力模仿物理维修程序以解决点云完成。为此,我们提出了一个跨模式的形状转移双转化网络(称为CSDN),这是一种带有全循环参与图像的粗到精细范式,以完成优质的点云完成。 CSDN主要由“ Shape Fusion”和“ Dual-Refinect”模块组成,以应对跨模式挑战。第一个模块将固有的形状特性从单个图像传输,以指导点云缺失区域的几何形状生成,在其中,我们建议iPadain嵌入图像的全局特征和部分点云的完成。第二个模块通过调整生成点的位置来完善粗糙输出,其中本地改进单元通过图卷积利用了小说和输入点之间的几何关系,而全局约束单元则利用输入图像来微调生成的偏移。与大多数现有方法不同,CSDN不仅探讨了图像中的互补信息,而且还可以在整个粗到精细的完成过程中有效利用跨模式数据。实验结果表明,CSDN对十个跨模式基准的竞争对手表现出色。
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We present G-MSM (Graph-based Multi-Shape Matching), a novel unsupervised learning approach for non-rigid shape correspondence. Rather than treating a collection of input poses as an unordered set of samples, we explicitly model the underlying shape data manifold. To this end, we propose an adaptive multi-shape matching architecture that constructs an affinity graph on a given set of training shapes in a self-supervised manner. The key idea is to combine putative, pairwise correspondences by propagating maps along shortest paths in the underlying shape graph. During training, we enforce cycle-consistency between such optimal paths and the pairwise matches which enables our model to learn topology-aware shape priors. We explore different classes of shape graphs and recover specific settings, like template-based matching (star graph) or learnable ranking/sorting (TSP graph), as special cases in our framework. Finally, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on several recent shape correspondence benchmarks, including real-world 3D scan meshes with topological noise and challenging inter-class pairs.
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We propose an end-to-end deep learning architecture that produces a 3D shape in triangular mesh from a single color image. Limited by the nature of deep neural network, previous methods usually represent a 3D shape in volume or point cloud, and it is non-trivial to convert them to the more ready-to-use mesh model. Unlike the existing methods, our network represents 3D mesh in a graph-based convolutional neural network and produces correct geometry by progressively deforming an ellipsoid, leveraging perceptual features extracted from the input image. We adopt a coarse-to-fine strategy to make the whole deformation procedure stable, and define various of mesh related losses to capture properties of different levels to guarantee visually appealing and physically accurate 3D geometry. Extensive experiments show that our method not only qualitatively produces mesh model with better details, but also achieves higher 3D shape estimation accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art.
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