The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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在大多数现实世界中的推荐方案中,多种行为(例如,单击,添加到购物车,采购等)的多类型,这对于学习用户的多方面偏好是有益的。由于多种类型的行为明确表现出依赖性,因此有效地对复杂行为依赖性建模对于多行为预测至关重要。最先进的多行为模型以所有历史互动为输入都没有区别地学习行为依赖性。但是,不同的行为可能反映了用户偏好的不同方面,这意味着某些无关的互动可能会像预测目标行为的声音一样发挥作用。为了解决上述局限性,我们向多行为建议介绍了多功能学习。更具体地说,我们提出了一种新颖的粗到五个知识增强的多功能学习(CKML)框架,以学习不同行为的共享和特定于行为的利益。 CKML引入了两个高级模块,即粗粒兴趣提取(CIE)和细粒度的行为相关性(FBC),它们共同起作用以捕获细粒度的行为依赖性。 CIE使用知识感知信息来提取每个兴趣的初始表示。 FBC结合了动态路由方案,以在兴趣之间进一步分配每个行为。此外,我们使用自我注意机制在兴趣水平上将不同的行为信息相关联。三个现实世界数据集的经验结果验证了我们模型在利用多行为数据方面的有效性和效率。进一步的实验证明了每个模块的有效性以及多行为数据共享和特定建模范式的鲁棒性和优越性。
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密集的视频字幕(DVC)的任务旨在为一个视频中的多个事件制作带有时间戳的字幕。语义信息对于DVC的本地化和描述都起着重要作用。我们提出了基于编码编码框架的语义辅助密集的视频字幕模型。在编码阶段,我们设计了一个概念检测器来提取语义信息,然后将其与多模式的视觉特征融合在一起,以充分代表输入视频。在解码阶段,我们设计了一个与本地化和字幕的分类头,以提供语义监督。我们的方法在DVC评估指标下对Youmakeup数据集进行了重大改进,并在PIC 4TH挑战的化妆密集视频字幕(MDVC)任务中实现了高性能。
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逆合合成是一种将分子转化为潜在反应物的过程,因此鉴定了合成途径。我们提出了一个新颖的生成框架,称为$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $,用于一步回曲预测。 $ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $模仿合成反应的反向逻辑,也就是说,首先预测反应中心以将靶分子转换为名为合成的片段,然后将合成剂转化为反应剂,然后按照先前的基于半电压的方法转换为反应剂。在预测反应中心时,$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $定义了一组全面的反应中心类型,并通过考虑多个反应中心候选者来实现预测反应的多样性。在完成合成子时,$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $部署了一系列子结构附件,以将合成物转换为反应物,该反应物利用了要完成的合成结构的最新结构的整体视图,以及所有所涉及的合成物和所有合成的结构产品结构。在这里,我们证明$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $能够更好地对基准数据集中最可能的反应物进行优先级,而不是最先进的方法,并且发现了不包括在该方法中基准数据集。
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以前的在线3D多对象跟踪(3DMOT)方法在与几帧的新检测无关时终止ROCKET。但是如果一个物体刚刚变暗,就像被其他物体暂时封闭或者只是从FOV暂时封闭一样,过早地终止ROCKET将导致身份切换。我们揭示了过早的轨迹终端是现代3DMOT系统中身份开关的主要原因。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个不朽的跟踪器,一个简单的跟踪系统,它利用轨迹预测来维护对象变暗的物体的轨迹。我们使用一个简单的卡尔曼滤波器进行轨迹预测,并在目标不可见时通过预测保留轨迹。通过这种方法,我们可以避免由过早托管终止产生的96%的车辆标识开关。如果没有任何学习的参数,我们的方法在Waymo Open DataSet测试集上的车载类别的0.0001级和竞争Mota处实现了不匹配的比率。我们的不匹配比率比任何先前发表的方法低一倍。在NUSCENes上报告了类似的结果。我们相信拟议的不朽追踪器可以为推动3DMOT的极限提供简单而强大的解决方案。我们的代码可在中找到。
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在药物发现中,分子优化是在所需药物性质方面将药物候选改变为更好的阶梯。随着近期人工智能的进展,传统上的体外过程越来越促进了Silico方法。我们以硅方法提出了一种创新的,以通过深生成模型制定分子并制定问题,以便产生优化的分子图。我们的生成模型遵循基于片段的药物设计的关键思想,并通过修改其小碎片来优化分子。我们的模型了解如何识别待优化的碎片以及如何通过学习具有良好和不良性质的分子的差异来修改此类碎片。在优化新分子时,我们的模型将学习信号应用于在片段的预测位置解码优化的片段。我们还将多个这样的模型构造成管道,使得管道中的每个模型能够优化一个片段,因此整个流水线能够在需要时改变多个分子片段。我们将我们的模型与基准数据集的其他最先进的方法进行比较,并证明我们的方法在中等分子相似度约束下具有超过80%的性质改善,在高分子相似度约束下具有超过80%的财产改善。 。
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In this paper we revisit endless online level generation with the recently proposed experience-driven procedural content generation via reinforcement learning (EDRL) framework, from an observation that EDRL tends to generate recurrent patterns. Inspired by this phenomenon, we formulate a notion of state space closure, which means that any state that may appear in an infinite-horizon online generation process can be found in a finite horizon. Through theoretical analysis we find that though state space closure arises a concern about diversity, it makes the EDRL trained on a finite-horizon generalised to the infinite-horizon scenario without deterioration of content quality. Moreover, we verify the quality and diversity of contents generated by EDRL via empirical studies on the widely used Super Mario Bros. benchmark. Experimental results reveal that the current EDRL approach's ability of generating diverse game levels is limited due to the state space closure, whereas it does not suffer from reward deterioration given a horizon longer than the one of training. Concluding our findings and analysis, we argue that future works in generating online diverse and high-quality contents via EDRL should address the issue of diversity on the premise of state space closure which ensures the quality.
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Segmenting the fine structure of the mouse brain on magnetic resonance (MR) images is critical for delineating morphological regions, analyzing brain function, and understanding their relationships. Compared to a single MRI modality, multimodal MRI data provide complementary tissue features that can be exploited by deep learning models, resulting in better segmentation results. However, multimodal mouse brain MRI data is often lacking, making automatic segmentation of mouse brain fine structure a very challenging task. To address this issue, it is necessary to fuse multimodal MRI data to produce distinguished contrasts in different brain structures. Hence, we propose a novel disentangled and contrastive GAN-based framework, named MouseGAN++, to synthesize multiple MR modalities from single ones in a structure-preserving manner, thus improving the segmentation performance by imputing missing modalities and multi-modality fusion. Our results demonstrate that the translation performance of our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Using the subsequently learned modality-invariant information as well as the modality-translated images, MouseGAN++ can segment fine brain structures with averaged dice coefficients of 90.0% (T2w) and 87.9% (T1w), respectively, achieving around +10% performance improvement compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Our results demonstrate that MouseGAN++, as a simultaneous image synthesis and segmentation method, can be used to fuse cross-modality information in an unpaired manner and yield more robust performance in the absence of multimodal data. We release our method as a mouse brain structural segmentation tool for free academic usage at
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