Multi-source translation (MST), which typically receives multiple source sentences of the same meaning in different languages, has been shown superior to single-source translation. As the quantity of multi-source parallel data is limited, taking full advantage of single-source data and limited multi-source data to make models perform well when receiving as many as possible sources remains a challenge. Unlike previous work mostly devoted to supervised scenarios, we focus on zero-shot MST: expecting models to be able to process unseen combinations of multiple sources, e.g., unseen language combinations, during inference. We propose a simple yet effective parameter efficient method, named Prompt Gating, which appends prompts to the model inputs and attaches gates on the extended hidden states for each encoder layer. It shows strong zero-shot transferability (+9.0 BLEU points maximally) and remarkable compositionality (+15.6 BLEU points maximally) on MST, and also shows its superiorities over baselines on lexically constrained translation.
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产生连贯的长文本的困难在于,现有模型压倒性地集中在预测本地单词上,并且无法制定高级计划,以生成或捕获文本块之间的高级话语依赖性。受到人类写作过程的启发,首先概述了子弹点或目录的列表,然后扩展了每个子弹点以构成整个文章,我们建议{\ it soe},这是一个涉及总结,概述和概述和概述和概述和的系统的系统详细说明长文本生成:模型首先概述了长文本不同段的摘要,然后在每个子弹点上详细阐述以生成相应的段。为了避免劳动密集型的摘要征集过程,我们提出了{\ it重建}策略,该策略通过选择其最有用的部分来重建该细分市场,以无监督的方式提取细分市场摘要。拟议的生成系统具有以下优点:(1)摘要为文本生成提供了高级指导,并避免了单个单词预测的局部最小值; (2)高级话语依赖性是在摘要之间的条件依赖性中捕获的,并在摘要扩展过程中保留了,并且(3)此外,我们能够通过将上下文表示为简洁的摘要来考虑更多的上下文。广泛的实验表明,SOE产生的长文本具有明显更好的质量,以及更快的收敛速度。
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Deep learning models, though having achieved great success in many different fields over the past years, are usually data hungry, fail to perform well on unseen samples, and lack of interpretability. Various prior knowledge often exists in the target domain and their use can alleviate the deficiencies with deep learning. To better mimic the behavior of human brains, different advanced methods have been proposed to identify domain knowledge and integrate it into deep models for data-efficient, generalizable, and interpretable deep learning, which we refer to as knowledge-augmented deep learning (KADL). In this survey, we define the concept of KADL, and introduce its three major tasks, i.e., knowledge identification, knowledge representation, and knowledge integration. Different from existing surveys that are focused on a specific type of knowledge, we provide a broad and complete taxonomy of domain knowledge and its representations. Based on our taxonomy, we provide a systematic review of existing techniques, different from existing works that survey integration approaches agnostic to taxonomy of knowledge. This survey subsumes existing works and offers a bird's-eye view of research in the general area of knowledge-augmented deep learning. The thorough and critical reviews of numerous papers help not only understand current progresses but also identify future directions for the research on knowledge-augmented deep learning.
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Existing Cross Modal Hashing (CMH) methods are mainly designed for balanced data, while imbalanced data with long-tail distribution is more general in real-world. Several long-tail hashing methods have been proposed but they can not adapt for multi-modal data, due to the complex interplay between labels and individuality and commonality information of multi-modal data. Furthermore, CMH methods mostly mine the commonality of multi-modal data to learn hash codes, which may override tail labels encoded by the individuality of respective modalities. In this paper, we propose LtCMH (Long-tail CMH) to handle imbalanced multi-modal data. LtCMH firstly adopts auto-encoders to mine the individuality and commonality of different modalities by minimizing the dependency between the individuality of respective modalities and by enhancing the commonality of these modalities. Then it dynamically combines the individuality and commonality with direct features extracted from respective modalities to create meta features that enrich the representation of tail labels, and binaries meta features to generate hash codes. LtCMH significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on long-tail datasets and holds a better (or comparable) performance on datasets with balanced labels.
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因果发现是学习给定观察数据的变量之间的因果关系,对于许多应用程序很重要。现有的因果发现方法假设数据足够,在许多现实世界数据集中可能并非如此。结果,在有限的数据下,许多现有的因果发现方法可能会失败。在这项工作中,我们提出了贝叶斯的频繁独立性测试,以在数据不足下提高基于约束的因果发现方法的性能:1)我们首先引入了一种贝叶斯方法来估计互信息(MI),我们提出了一个可靠的方法基于MI的独立测试; 2)其次,我们考虑了假设可能性的贝叶斯估计,并将其纳入定义明确的统计检验中,从而进行了基于统计测试的强大独立性检验。我们将提出的独立测试应用于基于约束的因果发现方法,并评估样品不足的基准数据集上的性能。实验在SOTA方法的准确性和效率方面表现出显着的性能提高。
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尽管现有的单眼深度估计方法取得了长足的进步,但由于网络的建模能力有限和规模歧义问题,预测单个图像的准确绝对深度图仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们介绍了一个完全视觉上的基于注意力的深度(Vadepth)网络,在该网络中,将空间注意力和通道注意都应用于所有阶段。通过在远距离沿空间和通道维度沿空间和通道维度的特征的依赖关系连续提取,Vadepth网络可以有效地保留重要的细节并抑制干扰特征,以更好地感知场景结构,以获得更准确的深度估计。此外,我们利用几何先验来形成规模约束,以进行比例感知模型培训。具体而言,我们使用摄像机和由地面点拟合的平面之间的距离构建了一种新颖的规模感知损失,该平面与图像底部中间的矩形区域的像素相对应。 Kitti数据集的实验结果表明,该体系结构达到了最新性能,我们的方法可以直接输出绝对深度而无需后处理。此外,我们在Seasondepth数据集上的实验还证明了我们模型对多个看不见的环境的鲁棒性。
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尽管视觉变压器模型的令人印象深刻的表示能力,但目前的轻型视觉变压器模型仍然遭受当地地区的不一致和不正确的预测。我们怀疑他们的自我关注机制的力量在较浅和较薄的网络中受到限制。我们提出Lite Vision变压器(LVT),一种新型轻型变压器网络,具有两个增强的自我关注机制,可以改善移动部署的模型性能。对于低级功能,我们介绍了卷积自我关注(CSA)。与以前的合并卷积和自我关注的方法不同,CSA将局部自我关注引入到大小3x3内核内的卷积中,以丰富LVT第一阶段的低级功能。对于高级功能,我们提出了在计算相似性图和递归机制时利用多尺度上下文的递归的自我关注,以增加具有边际额外参数成本的表示能力。 Imagenet识别,ADE20K语义分割和CoCo Panoptic分割对LVT的优越性。代码公开可用。
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我们提出了一种增强的多尺度网络,被称为GriddehazeNet +,用于单图像脱水。所提出的去吸收方法不依赖于大气散射模型(ASM),并提供为什么不一定执行该模型提供的尺寸减少的原因。 Griddehazenet +由三个模块组成:预处理,骨干和后处理。与手工选定的预处理方法产生的那些导出的输入相比,可训练的预处理模块可以生成具有更好分集和更相关的功能的学习输入。骨干模块实现了两种主要增强功能的多尺度估计:1)一种新颖的网格结构,有效地通过不同尺度的密集连接来减轻瓶颈问题; 2)一种空间通道注意力块,可以通过巩固脱水相关特征来促进自适应融合。后处理模块有助于减少最终输出中的伪像。由于域移位,在合成数据上培训的模型可能在真实数据上概括。为了解决这个问题,我们塑造了合成数据的分布以匹配真实数据的分布,并使用所产生的翻译数据来到Finetune我们的网络。我们还提出了一种新的任务内部知识转移机制,可以记住和利用综合域知识,以协助学习过程对翻译数据。实验结果表明,所提出的方法优于几种合成脱色数据集的最先进,并在FineTuning之后实现了现实世界朦胧图像的优越性。
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