Code generation models have achieved impressive performance. However, they tend to be brittle as slight edits to a prompt could lead to very different generations; these robustness properties, critical for user experience when deployed in real-life applications, are not well understood. Most existing works on robustness in text or code tasks have focused on classification, while robustness in generation tasks is an uncharted area and to date there is no comprehensive benchmark for robustness in code generation. In this paper, we propose ReCode, a comprehensive robustness evaluation benchmark for code generation models. We customize over 30 transformations specifically for code on docstrings, function and variable names, code syntax, and code format. They are carefully designed to be natural in real-life coding practice, preserve the original semantic meaning, and thus provide multifaceted assessments of a model's robustness performance. With human annotators, we verified that over 90% of the perturbed prompts do not alter the semantic meaning of the original prompt. In addition, we define robustness metrics for code generation models considering the worst-case behavior under each type of perturbation, taking advantage of the fact that executing the generated code can serve as objective evaluation. We demonstrate ReCode on SOTA models using HumanEval, MBPP, as well as function completion tasks derived from them. Interesting observations include: better robustness for CodeGen over InCoder and GPT-J; models are most sensitive to syntax perturbations; more challenging robustness evaluation on MBPP over HumanEval.
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Recently, RNN-Transducers have achieved remarkable results on various automatic speech recognition tasks. However, lattice-free sequence discriminative training methods, which obtain superior performance in hybrid modes, are rarely investigated in RNN-Transducers. In this work, we propose three lattice-free training objectives, namely lattice-free maximum mutual information, lattice-free segment-level minimum Bayes risk, and lattice-free minimum Bayes risk, which are used for the final posterior output of the phoneme-based neural transducer with a limited context dependency. Compared to criteria using N-best lists, lattice-free methods eliminate the decoding step for hypotheses generation during training, which leads to more efficient training. Experimental results show that lattice-free methods gain up to 6.5% relative improvement in word error rate compared to a sequence-level cross-entropy trained model. Compared to the N-best-list based minimum Bayes risk objectives, lattice-free methods gain 40% - 70% relative training time speedup with a small degradation in performance.
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语言模型既展示了定量的改进,又展示了新的定性功能,随着规模的增加。尽管它们具有潜在的变革性影响,但这些新能力的特征却很差。为了为未来的研究提供信息,为破坏性的新模型能力做准备,并改善社会有害的效果,至关重要的是,我们必须了解目前和近乎未来的能力和语言模型的局限性。为了应对这一挑战,我们介绍了超越模仿游戏基准(Big Bench)。 Big Bench目前由204个任务组成,由132家机构的442位作者贡献。任务主题是多样的,从语言学,儿童发展,数学,常识性推理,生物学,物理学,社会偏见,软件开发等等。 Big-Bench专注于被认为超出当前语言模型的功能的任务。我们评估了OpenAI的GPT型号,Google内部密集变压器体系结构和大型基础上的开关稀疏变压器的行为,跨越了数百万到数十亿个参数。此外,一个人类专家评估者团队执行了所有任务,以提供强大的基准。研究结果包括:模型性能和校准都随规模改善,但绝对的术语(以及与评估者的性能相比);在模型类中的性能非常相似,尽管带有稀疏性。逐渐和预测的任务通常涉及大量知识或记忆成分,而在临界规模上表现出“突破性”行为的任务通常涉及多个步骤或组成部分或脆性指标;社交偏见通常会随着含糊不清的环境而随着规模而增加,但这可以通过提示来改善。
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Twitter机器人检测已成为打击错误信息,促进社交媒体节制并保持在线话语的完整性的越来越重要的任务。最先进的机器人检测方法通常利用Twitter网络的图形结构,在面对传统方法无法检测到的新型Twitter机器人时,它们表现出令人鼓舞的性能。但是,现有的Twitter机器人检测数据集很少是基于图形的,即使这些基于图形的数据集也遭受有限的数据集量表,不完整的图形结构以及低注释质量。实际上,缺乏解决这些问题的大规模基于图的Twitter机器人检测基准,严重阻碍了基于图形的机器人检测方法的开发和评估。在本文中,我们提出了Twibot-22,这是一个综合基于图的Twitter机器人检测基准,它显示了迄今为止最大的数据集,在Twitter网络上提供了多元化的实体和关系,并且与现有数据集相比具有更好的注释质量。此外,我们重新实施35代表性的Twitter机器人检测基线,并在包括Twibot-22在内的9个数据集上进行评估,以促进对模型性能和对研究进度的整体了解的公平比较。为了促进进一步的研究,我们将所有实施的代码和数据集巩固到Twibot-22评估框架中,研究人员可以在其中始终如一地评估新的模型和数据集。 Twibot-22 Twitter机器人检测基准和评估框架可在上公开获得。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种用于一般物体检测的第一自蒸馏框架,称为LGD(标签引导自蒸馏)。以前的研究依赖于强大的预酝酿教师,以提供在现实世界方案中可能无法使用的指导知识。相反,我们通过对象之间的关系间和帧间关系建模来生成一个有效的知识,只需要学生表示和常规标签。具体而言,我们的框架涉及稀疏的标签外观编码,对象间关系适应和对象内的知识映射,以获得指导知识。他们在培训阶段共同形成隐式教师,动态依赖标签和不断发展的学生表示。 LGD中的模块与学生检测器的端到端训练,并在推理中丢弃。实验上,LGD在各种探测器,数据集和广泛的任务上获得了体面的结果,如实例分段。例如,在MS-Coco DataSet中,LGD将Reset-50下的REDINENT改善2倍单尺度培训,从36.2%到39.0%地图(+ 2.8%)。它在2倍多尺度培训下使用Resnext-101 DCN V2等FCO的探测器增加了更强大的探测器,从46.1%到47.9%(+ 1.8%)。与古典教师的方法FGFI相比,LGD不仅在不需要佩金的教师而且还可以降低固有的学生学习超出51%的培训成本。
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一个常见的分类任务情况是,有大量数据可用于培训,但只有一小部分用类标签注释。在这种情况下,半监督培训的目的是通过利用标记数据,而且从大量未标记的数据中提高分类准确性。最近的作品通过探索不同标记和未标记数据的不同增强性数据之间的一致性约束,从而取得了重大改进。遵循这条路径,我们提出了一个新颖的无监督目标,该目标侧重于彼此相似的高置信度未标记的数据之间所研究的关系较少。新提出的对损失最大程度地减少了高置信度伪伪标签之间的统计距离,其相似性高于一定阈值。我们提出的简单算法将对损失与MixMatch家族开发的技术结合在一起,显示出比以前在CIFAR-100和MINI-IMAGENET上的算法的显着性能增长,并且与CIFAR-的最先进方法相当。 10和SVHN。此外,简单还优于传输学习设置中最新方法,其中模型是由在ImainEnet或域内实现的权重初始化的。该代码可在上获得。
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Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have shown a powerful capacity of generating high-quality image samples. Recently, diffusion autoencoders (Diff-AE) have been proposed to explore DPMs for representation learning via autoencoding. Their key idea is to jointly train an encoder for discovering meaningful representations from images and a conditional DPM as the decoder for reconstructing images. Considering that training DPMs from scratch will take a long time and there have existed numerous pre-trained DPMs, we propose \textbf{P}re-trained \textbf{D}PM \textbf{A}uto\textbf{E}ncoding (\textbf{PDAE}), a general method to adapt existing pre-trained DPMs to the decoders for image reconstruction, with better training efficiency and performance than Diff-AE. Specifically, we find that the reason that pre-trained DPMs fail to reconstruct an image from its latent variables is due to the information loss of forward process, which causes a gap between their predicted posterior mean and the true one. From this perspective, the classifier-guided sampling method can be explained as computing an extra mean shift to fill the gap, reconstructing the lost class information in samples. These imply that the gap corresponds to the lost information of the image, and we can reconstruct the image by filling the gap. Drawing inspiration from this, we employ a trainable model to predict a mean shift according to encoded representation and train it to fill as much gap as possible, in this way, the encoder is forced to learn as much information as possible from images to help the filling. By reusing a part of network of pre-trained DPMs and redesigning the weighting scheme of diffusion loss, PDAE can learn meaningful representations from images efficiently. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of PDAE.
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While pre-trained language models (LM) for code have achieved great success in code completion, they generate code conditioned only on the contents within the file, i.e., in-file context, but ignore the rich semantics in other files within the same project, i.e., cross-file context, a critical source of information that is especially useful in modern modular software development. Such overlooking constrains code language models' capacity in code completion, leading to unexpected behaviors such as generating hallucinated class member functions or function calls with unexpected arguments. In this work, we develop a cross-file context finder tool, CCFINDER, that effectively locates and retrieves the most relevant cross-file context. We propose CoCoMIC, a framework that incorporates cross-file context to learn the in-file and cross-file context jointly on top of pretrained code LMs. CoCoMIC successfully improves the existing code LM with a 19.30% relative increase in exact match and a 15.41% relative increase in identifier matching for code completion when the cross-file context is provided.
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When facing changing environments in the real world, the lightweight model on client devices suffers from severe performance drops under distribution shifts. The main limitations of the existing device model lie in (1) unable to update due to the computation limit of the device, (2) the limited generalization ability of the lightweight model. Meanwhile, recent large models have shown strong generalization capability on the cloud while they can not be deployed on client devices due to poor computation constraints. To enable the device model to deal with changing environments, we propose a new learning paradigm of Cloud-Device Collaborative Continual Adaptation, which encourages collaboration between cloud and device and improves the generalization of the device model. Based on this paradigm, we further propose an Uncertainty-based Visual Prompt Adapted (U-VPA) teacher-student model to transfer the generalization capability of the large model on the cloud to the device model. Specifically, we first design the Uncertainty Guided Sampling (UGS) to screen out challenging data continuously and transmit the most out-of-distribution samples from the device to the cloud. Then we propose a Visual Prompt Learning Strategy with Uncertainty guided updating (VPLU) to specifically deal with the selected samples with more distribution shifts. We transmit the visual prompts to the device and concatenate them with the incoming data to pull the device testing distribution closer to the cloud training distribution. We conduct extensive experiments on two object detection datasets with continually changing environments. Our proposed U-VPA teacher-student framework outperforms previous state-of-the-art test time adaptation and device-cloud collaboration methods. The code and datasets will be released.
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