深度学习已被广​​泛用于医学图像细分和其他方面。但是,现有的医学图像分割模型的性能受到获得足够数量的高质量数据的挑战的限制。为了克服限制,我们提出了一个新的视觉医学图像分割模型LVIT(语言符合视觉变压器)。在我们的模型中,引入了医学文本注释,以弥补图像数据的质量缺陷。此外,文本信息可以在一定程度上指导伪标签的产生,并进一步保证半监督学习中伪标签的质量。我们还提出了指数伪标签迭代机制(EPI),以帮助扩展LVIT和像素级注意模块(PLAM)的半监督版本,以保留图像的局部特征。在我们的模型中,LV(语言视觉)损失旨在直接使用文本信息监督未标记图像的培训。为了验证LVIT的性能,我们构建了包含病理图像,X射线等的多模式医学分割数据集(图像 +文本)。实验结果表明,我们提出的LVIT在完全和半监督条件下具有更好的分割性能。代码和数据集可在https://github.com/huanglizi/lvit上找到。
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Web搜索是人类获取信息的重要方法,但是对于了解网页内容的机器仍然是一个巨大的挑战。在本文中,我们介绍了对网上结构阅读理解(SRC)的任务。鉴于网页和关于它的问题,任务是从网页找到答案。此任务要求系统不仅要了解文本的语义,还需要了解文本的语义,还需要网页的结构。此外,我们提出了一种新的基于Web的结构阅读理解数据集。 WebSRC由400K问答对组成,从6.4K网页收集。与QA对一起,我们的数据集还提供了相应的HTML源代码,屏幕截图和元数据。 WebSRC中的每个问题都需要对网页的某种结构理解来回答,并且答案是网页或是/否的文本跨度。我们评估我们数据集的各种基线,以显示我们的任务难度。我们还研究了结构信息和视觉功能的有用性。我们的数据集和基线已在HTTPS://x-lance.github.io/websrc/上公开提供。
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Esports, a sports competition using video games, has become one of the most important sporting events in recent years. Although the amount of esports data is increasing than ever, only a small fraction of those data accompanies text commentaries for the audience to retrieve and understand the plays. Therefore, in this study, we introduce a task of generating game commentaries from structured data records to address the problem. We first build a large-scale esports data-to-text dataset using structured data and commentaries from a popular esports game, League of Legends. On this dataset, we devise several data preprocessing methods including linearization and data splitting to augment its quality. We then introduce several baseline encoder-decoder models and propose a hierarchical model to generate game commentaries. Considering the characteristics of esports commentaries, we design evaluation metrics including three aspects of the output: correctness, fluency, and strategic depth. Experimental results on our large-scale esports dataset confirmed the advantage of the hierarchical model, and the results revealed several challenges of this novel task.
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Due to the high activation sparsity and use of accumulates (AC) instead of expensive multiply-and-accumulates (MAC), neuromorphic spiking neural networks (SNNs) have emerged as a promising low-power alternative to traditional DNNs for several computer vision (CV) applications. However, most existing SNNs require multiple time steps for acceptable inference accuracy, hindering real-time deployment and increasing spiking activity and, consequently, energy consumption. Recent works proposed direct encoding that directly feeds the analog pixel values in the first layer of the SNN in order to significantly reduce the number of time steps. Although the overhead for the first layer MACs with direct encoding is negligible for deep SNNs and the CV processing is efficient using SNNs, the data transfer between the image sensors and the downstream processing costs significant bandwidth and may dominate the total energy. To mitigate this concern, we propose an in-sensor computing hardware-software co-design framework for SNNs targeting image recognition tasks. Our approach reduces the bandwidth between sensing and processing by 12-96x and the resulting total energy by 2.32x compared to traditional CV processing, with a 3.8% reduction in accuracy on ImageNet.
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Understanding when and how much a model gradient leaks information about the training sample is an important question in privacy. In this paper, we present a surprising result: even without training or memorizing the data, we can fully reconstruct the training samples from a single gradient query at a randomly chosen parameter value. We prove the identifiability of the training data under mild conditions: with shallow or deep neural networks and a wide range of activation functions. We also present a statistically and computationally efficient algorithm based on tensor decomposition to reconstruct the training data. As a provable attack that reveals sensitive training data, our findings suggest potential severe threats to privacy, especially in federated learning.
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Dialogue systems can leverage large pre-trained language models and knowledge to generate fluent and informative responses. However, these models are still prone to produce hallucinated responses not supported by the input source, which greatly hinders their application. The heterogeneity between external knowledge and dialogue context challenges representation learning and source integration, and further contributes to unfaithfulness. To handle this challenge and generate more faithful responses, this paper presents RHO ($\rho$) utilizing the representations of linked entities and relation predicates from a knowledge graph (KG). We propose (1) local knowledge grounding to combine textual embeddings with the corresponding KG embeddings; and (2) global knowledge grounding to equip RHO with multi-hop reasoning abilities via the attention mechanism. In addition, we devise a response re-ranking technique based on walks over KG sub-graphs for better conversational reasoning. Experimental results on OpenDialKG show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both automatic and human evaluation by a large margin, especially in hallucination reduction (17.54% in FeQA).
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Adding perturbations via utilizing auxiliary gradient information or discarding existing details of the benign images are two common approaches for generating adversarial examples. Though visual imperceptibility is the desired property of adversarial examples, conventional adversarial attacks still generate traceable adversarial perturbations. In this paper, we introduce a novel Adversarial Attack via Invertible Neural Networks (AdvINN) method to produce robust and imperceptible adversarial examples. Specifically, AdvINN fully takes advantage of the information preservation property of Invertible Neural Networks and thereby generates adversarial examples by simultaneously adding class-specific semantic information of the target class and dropping discriminant information of the original class. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1K demonstrate that the proposed AdvINN method can produce less imperceptible adversarial images than the state-of-the-art methods and AdvINN yields more robust adversarial examples with high confidence compared to other adversarial attacks.
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We consider optimizing a function network in the noise-free grey-box setting with RKHS function classes, where the exact intermediate results are observable. We assume that the structure of the network is known (but not the underlying functions comprising it), and we study three types of structures: (1) chain: a cascade of scalar-valued functions, (2) multi-output chain: a cascade of vector-valued functions, and (3) feed-forward network: a fully connected feed-forward network of scalar-valued functions. We propose a sequential upper confidence bound based algorithm GPN-UCB along with a general theoretical upper bound on the cumulative regret. For the Mat\'ern kernel, we additionally propose a non-adaptive sampling based method along with its theoretical upper bound on the simple regret. We also provide algorithm-independent lower bounds on the simple regret and cumulative regret, showing that GPN-UCB is near-optimal for chains and multi-output chains in broad cases of interest.
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