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Although large language models can be prompted for both zero- and few-shot learning, performance drops significantly when no demonstrations are available. In this paper, we introduce Z-ICL, a new zero-shot method that closes the gap by constructing pseudo-demonstrations for a given test input using a raw text corpus. Concretely, pseudo-demonstrations are constructed by (1) finding the nearest neighbors to the test input from the corpus and pairing them with random task labels, and (2) applying a set of techniques to reduce the amount of direct copying the model does from the resulting demonstrations. Evaluation on nine classification datasets shows that Z-ICL outperforms previous zero-shot methods by a significant margin, and is on par with in-context learning with labeled training data in the few-shot setting. Overall, Z-ICL provides a significantly higher estimate of the zero-shot performance levels of a model, and supports future efforts to develop better pseudo-demonstrations that further improve zero-shot results.
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User and product information associated with a review is useful for sentiment polarity prediction. Typical approaches incorporating such information focus on modeling users and products as implicitly learned representation vectors. Most do not exploit the potential of historical reviews, or those that currently do require unnecessary modifications to model architecture or do not make full use of user/product associations. The contribution of this work is twofold: i) a method to explicitly employ historical reviews belonging to the same user/product to initialize representations, and ii) efficient incorporation of textual associations between users and products via a user-product cross-context module. Experiments on IMDb, Yelp-2013 and Yelp-2014 benchmarks show that our approach substantially outperforms previous state-of-the-art. Since we employ BERT-base as the encoder, we additionally provide experiments in which our approach performs well with Span-BERT and Longformer. Furthermore, experiments where the reviews of each user/product in the training data are downsampled demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach under a low-resource setting.
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Deep Neural Networks have been widely used in many fields. However, studies have shown that DNNs are easily attacked by adversarial examples, which have tiny perturbations and greatly mislead the correct judgment of DNNs. Furthermore, even if malicious attackers cannot obtain all the underlying model parameters, they can use adversarial examples to attack various DNN-based task systems. Researchers have proposed various defense methods to protect DNNs, such as reducing the aggressiveness of adversarial examples by preprocessing or improving the robustness of the model by adding modules. However, some defense methods are only effective for small-scale examples or small perturbations but have limited defense effects for adversarial examples with large perturbations. This paper assigns different defense strategies to adversarial perturbations of different strengths by grading the perturbations on the input examples. Experimental results show that the proposed method effectively improves defense performance. In addition, the proposed method does not modify any task model, which can be used as a preprocessing module, which significantly reduces the deployment cost in practical applications.
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In this paper, we aim to design an efficient real-time object detector that exceeds the YOLO series and is easily extensible for many object recognition tasks such as instance segmentation and rotated object detection. To obtain a more efficient model architecture, we explore an architecture that has compatible capacities in the backbone and neck, constructed by a basic building block that consists of large-kernel depth-wise convolutions. We further introduce soft labels when calculating matching costs in the dynamic label assignment to improve accuracy. Together with better training techniques, the resulting object detector, named RTMDet, achieves 52.8% AP on COCO with 300+ FPS on an NVIDIA 3090 GPU, outperforming the current mainstream industrial detectors. RTMDet achieves the best parameter-accuracy trade-off with tiny/small/medium/large/extra-large model sizes for various application scenarios, and obtains new state-of-the-art performance on real-time instance segmentation and rotated object detection. We hope the experimental results can provide new insights into designing versatile real-time object detectors for many object recognition tasks. Code and models are released at https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection/tree/3.x/configs/rtmdet.
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The statistical heterogeneity of the non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) data in local clients significantly limits the performance of federated learning. Previous attempts like FedProx, SCAFFOLD, MOON, FedNova and FedDyn resort to an optimization perspective, which requires an auxiliary term or re-weights local updates to calibrate the learning bias or the objective inconsistency. However, in addition to previous explorations for improvement in federated averaging, our analysis shows that another critical bottleneck is the poorer optima of client models in more heterogeneous conditions. We thus introduce a data-driven approach called FedSkip to improve the client optima by periodically skipping federated averaging and scattering local models to the cross devices. We provide theoretical analysis of the possible benefit from FedSkip and conduct extensive experiments on a range of datasets to demonstrate that FedSkip achieves much higher accuracy, better aggregation efficiency and competing communication efficiency. Source code is available at: https://github.com/MediaBrain-SJTU/FedSkip.
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Cross-speaker style transfer in speech synthesis aims at transferring a style from source speaker to synthesised speech of a target speaker's timbre. Most previous approaches rely on data with style labels, but manually-annotated labels are expensive and not always reliable. In response to this problem, we propose Style-Label-Free, a cross-speaker style transfer method, which can realize the style transfer from source speaker to target speaker without style labels. Firstly, a reference encoder structure based on quantized variational autoencoder (Q-VAE) and style bottleneck is designed to extract discrete style representations. Secondly, a speaker-wise batch normalization layer is proposed to reduce the source speaker leakage. In order to improve the style extraction ability of the reference encoder, a style invariant and contrastive data augmentation method is proposed. Experimental results show that the method outperforms the baseline. We provide a website with audio samples.
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Federated learning enables cooperative training among massively distributed clients by sharing their learned local model parameters. However, with increasing model size, deploying federated learning requires a large communication bandwidth, which limits its deployment in wireless networks. To address this bottleneck, we introduce a residual-based federated learning framework (ResFed), where residuals rather than model parameters are transmitted in communication networks for training. In particular, we integrate two pairs of shared predictors for the model prediction in both server-to-client and client-to-server communication. By employing a common prediction rule, both locally and globally updated models are always fully recoverable in clients and the server. We highlight that the residuals only indicate the quasi-update of a model in a single inter-round, and hence contain more dense information and have a lower entropy than the model, comparing to model weights and gradients. Based on this property, we further conduct lossy compression of the residuals by sparsification and quantization and encode them for efficient communication. The experimental evaluation shows that our ResFed needs remarkably less communication costs and achieves better accuracy by leveraging less sensitive residuals, compared to standard federated learning. For instance, to train a 4.08 MB CNN model on CIFAR-10 with 10 clients under non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) setting, our approach achieves a compression ratio over 700X in each communication round with minimum impact on the accuracy. To reach an accuracy of 70%, it saves around 99% of the total communication volume from 587.61 Mb to 6.79 Mb in up-streaming and to 4.61 Mb in down-streaming on average for all clients.
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Existing natural language understanding (NLU) models often rely on dataset biases rather than intended task-relevant features to achieve high performance on specific datasets. As a result, these models perform poorly on datasets outside the training distribution. Some recent studies address the above issue by reducing the weights of biased samples during the training process. However, these methods still encode biased latent features in representations and neglect the dynamic nature of bias, which hinders model prediction. We propose an NLU debiasing method, named debiasing contrastive learning (DCT), to simultaneously alleviate the above problems based on contrastive learning. We devise a debiasing positive sampling strategy to mitigate biased latent features by selecting the least similar biased positive samples. We also propose a dynamic negative sampling strategy to capture the dynamic influence of biases by employing a bias-only model to dynamically select the most similar biased negative samples. We conduct experiments on three NLU benchmark datasets. Experimental results show that DCT outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on out-of-distribution datasets while maintaining in-distribution performance. We also verify that DCT can reduce biased latent features from the model's representations.
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Image super-resolution (SR) is a technique to recover lost high-frequency information in low-resolution (LR) images. Spatial-domain information has been widely exploited to implement image SR, so a new trend is to involve frequency-domain information in SR tasks. Besides, image SR is typically application-oriented and various computer vision tasks call for image arbitrary magnification. Therefore, in this paper, we study image features in the frequency domain to design a novel scale-arbitrary image SR network. First, we statistically analyze LR-HR image pairs of several datasets under different scale factors and find that the high-frequency spectra of different images under different scale factors suffer from different degrees of degradation, but the valid low-frequency spectra tend to be retained within a certain distribution range. Then, based on this finding, we devise an adaptive scale-aware feature division mechanism using deep reinforcement learning, which can accurately and adaptively divide the frequency spectrum into the low-frequency part to be retained and the high-frequency one to be recovered. Finally, we design a scale-aware feature recovery module to capture and fuse multi-level features for reconstructing the high-frequency spectrum at arbitrary scale factors. Extensive experiments on public datasets show the superiority of our method compared with state-of-the-art methods.
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