孟加拉语是世界上说话最多的语言之一,全球有超过3亿的演讲者。尽管它很受欢迎,但由于缺乏多样化的开源数据集,对孟加拉语音识别系统的发展的研究受到阻碍。作为前进的道路,我们已经众包孟加拉语音语音数据集,这是句子级自动语音识别语料库。该数据集于Mozilla Common Voice平台上收集,是正在进行的广告系列的一部分,该活动已在2个月内收集了超过400个小时的数据,并且正在迅速增长。我们的分析表明,与OpenSLR孟加拉ASR数据集相比,该数据集具有更多的发言人,音素和环境多样性,这是最大的现有开源孟加拉语语音数据集。我们提供从数据集获得的见解,并讨论未来版本中需要解决的关键语言挑战。此外,我们报告了一些自动语音识别(ASR)算法的当前性能,并为将来的研究设定了基准。
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Multi-view projection techniques have shown themselves to be highly effective in achieving top-performing results in the recognition of 3D shapes. These methods involve learning how to combine information from multiple view-points. However, the camera view-points from which these views are obtained are often fixed for all shapes. To overcome the static nature of current multi-view techniques, we propose learning these view-points. Specifically, we introduce the Multi-View Transformation Network (MVTN), which uses differentiable rendering to determine optimal view-points for 3D shape recognition. As a result, MVTN can be trained end-to-end with any multi-view network for 3D shape classification. We integrate MVTN into a novel adaptive multi-view pipeline that is capable of rendering both 3D meshes and point clouds. Our approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in 3D classification and shape retrieval on several benchmarks (ModelNet40, ScanObjectNN, ShapeNet Core55). Further analysis indicates that our approach exhibits improved robustness to occlusion compared to other methods. We also investigate additional aspects of MVTN, such as 2D pretraining and its use for segmentation. To support further research in this area, we have released MVTorch, a PyTorch library for 3D understanding and generation using multi-view projections.
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Recent advances in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) treat the problem of novel view synthesis as Sparse Radiance Field (SRF) optimization using sparse voxels for efficient and fast rendering (plenoxels,InstantNGP). In order to leverage machine learning and adoption of SRFs as a 3D representation, we present SPARF, a large-scale ShapeNet-based synthetic dataset for novel view synthesis consisting of $\sim$ 17 million images rendered from nearly 40,000 shapes at high resolution (400 X 400 pixels). The dataset is orders of magnitude larger than existing synthetic datasets for novel view synthesis and includes more than one million 3D-optimized radiance fields with multiple voxel resolutions. Furthermore, we propose a novel pipeline (SuRFNet) that learns to generate sparse voxel radiance fields from only few views. This is done by using the densely collected SPARF dataset and 3D sparse convolutions. SuRFNet employs partial SRFs from few/one images and a specialized SRF loss to learn to generate high-quality sparse voxel radiance fields that can be rendered from novel views. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the task of unconstrained novel view synthesis based on few views on ShapeNet as compared to recent baselines. The SPARF dataset will be made public with the code and models on the project website https://abdullahamdi.com/sparf/ .
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Handwriting Recognition has been a field of great interest in the Artificial Intelligence domain. Due to its broad use cases in real life, research has been conducted widely on it. Prominent work has been done in this field focusing mainly on Latin characters. However, the domain of Arabic handwritten character recognition is still relatively unexplored. The inherent cursive nature of the Arabic characters and variations in writing styles across individuals makes the task even more challenging. We identified some probable reasons behind this and proposed a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network-based architecture for recognizing Arabic characters and digits. The proposed pipeline consists of a total of 18 layers containing four layers each for convolution, pooling, batch normalization, dropout, and finally one Global average pooling and a Dense layer. Furthermore, we thoroughly investigated the different choices of hyperparameters such as the choice of the optimizer, kernel initializer, activation function, etc. Evaluating the proposed architecture on the publicly available 'Arabic Handwritten Character Dataset (AHCD)' and 'Modified Arabic handwritten digits Database (MadBase)' datasets, the proposed model respectively achieved an accuracy of 96.93% and 99.35% which is comparable to the state-of-the-art and makes it a suitable solution for real-life end-level applications.
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Ultrasound is progressing toward becoming an affordable and versatile solution to medical imaging. With the advent of COVID-19 global pandemic, there is a need to fully automate ultrasound imaging as it requires trained operators in close proximity to patients for long period of time. In this work, we investigate the important yet seldom-studied problem of scan target localization, under the setting of lung ultrasound imaging. We propose a purely vision-based, data driven method that incorporates learning-based computer vision techniques. We combine a human pose estimation model with a specially designed regression model to predict the lung ultrasound scan targets, and deploy multiview stereo vision to enhance the consistency of 3D target localization. While related works mostly focus on phantom experiments, we collect data from 30 human subjects for testing. Our method attains an accuracy level of 15.52 (9.47) mm for probe positioning and 4.32 (3.69){\deg} for probe orientation, with a success rate above 80% under an error threshold of 25mm for all scan targets. Moreover, our approach can serve as a general solution to other types of ultrasound modalities. The code for implementation has been released.
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With the recent advances in video and 3D understanding, novel 4D spatio-temporal challenges fusing both concepts have emerged. Towards this direction, the Ego4D Episodic Memory Benchmark proposed a task for Visual Queries with 3D Localization (VQ3D). Given an egocentric video clip and an image crop depicting a query object, the goal is to localize the 3D position of the center of that query object with respect to the camera pose of a query frame. Current methods tackle the problem of VQ3D by lifting the 2D localization results of the sister task Visual Queries with 2D Localization (VQ2D) into a 3D reconstruction. Yet, we point out that the low number of Queries with Poses (QwP) from previous VQ3D methods severally hinders their overall success rate and highlights the need for further effort in 3D modeling to tackle the VQ3D task. In this work, we formalize a pipeline that better entangles 3D multiview geometry with 2D object retrieval from egocentric videos. We estimate more robust camera poses, leading to more successful object queries and substantially improved VQ3D performance. In practice, our method reaches a top-1 overall success rate of 86.36% on the Ego4D Episodic Memory Benchmark VQ3D, a 10x improvement over the previous state-of-the-art. In addition, we provide a complete empirical study highlighting the remaining challenges in VQ3D.
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Via operator theoretic methods, we formalize the concentration phenomenon for a given observable `$r$' of a discrete time Markov chain with `$\mu_{\pi}$' as invariant ergodic measure, possibly having support on an unbounded state space. The main contribution of this paper is circumventing tedious probabilistic methods with a study of a composition of the Markov transition operator $P$ followed by a multiplication operator defined by $e^{r}$. It turns out that even if the observable/ reward function is unbounded, but for some for some $q>2$, $\|e^{r}\|_{q \rightarrow 2} \propto \exp\big(\mu_{\pi}(r) +\frac{2q}{q-2}\big) $ and $P$ is hyperbounded with norm control $\|P\|_{2 \rightarrow q }< e^{\frac{1}{2}[\frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{q}]}$, sharp non-asymptotic concentration bounds follow. \emph{Transport-entropy} inequality ensures the aforementioned upper bound on multiplication operator for all $q>2$. The role of \emph{reversibility} in concentration phenomenon is demystified. These results are particularly useful for the reinforcement learning and controls communities as they allow for concentration inequalities w.r.t standard unbounded obersvables/reward functions where exact knowledge of the system is not available, let alone the reversibility of stationary measure.
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Dynamic neural networks (DyNNs) have become viable techniques to enable intelligence on resource-constrained edge devices while maintaining computational efficiency. In many cases, the implementation of DyNNs can be sub-optimal due to its underlying backbone architecture being developed at the design stage independent of both: (i) the dynamic computing features, e.g. early exiting, and (ii) the resource efficiency features of the underlying hardware, e.g., dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). Addressing this, we present HADAS, a novel Hardware-Aware Dynamic Neural Architecture Search framework that realizes DyNN architectures whose backbone, early exiting features, and DVFS settings have been jointly optimized to maximize performance and resource efficiency. Our experiments using the CIFAR-100 dataset and a diverse set of edge computing platforms have seen HADAS dynamic models achieve up to 57% energy efficiency gains compared to the conventional dynamic ones while maintaining the desired level of accuracy scores. Our code is available at https://github.com/HalimaBouzidi/HADAS
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This study considers a federated learning setup where cost-sensitive and strategic agents train a learning model with a server. During each round, each agent samples a minibatch of training data and sends his gradient update. As an increasing function of his minibatch size choice, the agent incurs a cost associated with the data collection, gradient computation and communication. The agents have the freedom to choose their minibatch size and may even opt out from training. To reduce his cost, an agent may diminish his minibatch size, which may also cause an increase in the noise level of the gradient update. The server can offer rewards to compensate the agents for their costs and to incentivize their participation but she lacks the capability of validating the true minibatch sizes of the agents. To tackle this challenge, the proposed reward mechanism evaluates the quality of each agent's gradient according to the its distance to a reference which is constructed from the gradients provided by other agents. It is shown that the proposed reward mechanism has a cooperative Nash equilibrium in which the agents determine the minibatch size choices according to the requests of the server.
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With the goal of increasing the speed and efficiency in robotic dual-arm manipulation, a novel control approach is presented that utilizes intentional simultaneous impacts to rapidly grasp objects. This approach uses the time-invariant reference spreading framework, in which partly-overlapping ante- and post-impact reference vector fields are used. These vector fields are coupled via the impact dynamics in proximity of the expected impact area, minimizing the otherwise large velocity errors after the impact and the corresponding large control efforts. A purely spatial task is introduced to strongly encourage the synchronization of impact times of the two arms. An interim-impact control phase provides robustness in the execution against the inevitable lack of exact impact simultaneity and the corresponding unreliable velocity error. In this interim phase, a position feedback signal is derived from the ante-impact velocity reference, which is used to enforce sustained contact in all contact points without using velocity error feedback. With an eye towards real-life implementation, the approach is formulated using a QP control framework, and is validated using numerical simulations on a realistic robot model with flexible joints and low-level torque control.
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