We introduce INSTRUCTOR, a new method for computing text embeddings given task instructions: every text input is embedded together with instructions explaining the use case (e.g., task and domain descriptions). Unlike encoders from prior work that are more specialized, INSTRUCTOR is a single embedder that can generate text embeddings tailored to different downstream tasks and domains, without any further training. We first annotate instructions for 330 diverse tasks and train INSTRUCTOR on this multitask mixture with a contrastive loss. We evaluate INSTRUCTOR on 70 embedding evaluation tasks (66 of which are unseen during training), ranging from classification and information retrieval to semantic textual similarity and text generation evaluation. INSTRUCTOR, while having an order of magnitude fewer parameters than the previous best model, achieves state-of-the-art performance, with an average improvement of 3.4% compared to the previous best results on the 70 diverse datasets. Our analysis suggests that INSTRUCTOR is robust to changes in instructions, and that instruction finetuning mitigates the challenge of training a single model on diverse datasets.
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The neural radiance field (NeRF) has shown promising results in preserving the fine details of objects and scenes. However, unlike mesh-based representations, it remains an open problem to build dense correspondences across different NeRFs of the same category, which is essential in many downstream tasks. The main difficulties of this problem lie in the implicit nature of NeRF and the lack of ground-truth correspondence annotations. In this paper, we show it is possible to bypass these challenges by leveraging the rich semantics and structural priors encapsulated in a pre-trained NeRF-based GAN. Specifically, we exploit such priors from three aspects, namely 1) a dual deformation field that takes latent codes as global structural indicators, 2) a learning objective that regards generator features as geometric-aware local descriptors, and 3) a source of infinite object-specific NeRF samples. Our experiments demonstrate that such priors lead to 3D dense correspondence that is accurate, smooth, and robust. We also show that established dense correspondence across NeRFs can effectively enable many NeRF-based downstream applications such as texture transfer.
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Answering complex logical queries on incomplete knowledge graphs is a challenging task, and has been widely studied. Embedding-based methods require training on complex queries, and cannot generalize well to out-of-distribution query structures. Recent work frames this task as an end-to-end optimization problem, and it only requires a pretrained link predictor. However, due to the exponentially large combinatorial search space, the optimal solution can only be approximated, limiting the final accuracy. In this work, we propose QTO (Query Tree Optimization) that can efficiently find the exact optimal solution. QTO finds the optimal solution by a forward-backward propagation on the tree-like computation graph, i.e., query tree. In particular, QTO utilizes the independence encoded in the query tree to reduce the search space, where only local computations are involved during the optimization procedure. Experiments on 3 datasets show that QTO obtains state-of-the-art performance on complex query answering, outperforming previous best results by an average of 22%. Moreover, QTO can interpret the intermediate solutions for each of the one-hop atoms in the query with over 90% accuracy.
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StyleGAN has achieved great progress in 2D face reconstruction and semantic editing via image inversion and latent editing. While studies over extending 2D StyleGAN to 3D faces have emerged, a corresponding generic 3D GAN inversion framework is still missing, limiting the applications of 3D face reconstruction and semantic editing. In this paper, we study the challenging problem of 3D GAN inversion where a latent code is predicted given a single face image to faithfully recover its 3D shapes and detailed textures. The problem is ill-posed: innumerable compositions of shape and texture could be rendered to the current image. Furthermore, with the limited capacity of a global latent code, 2D inversion methods cannot preserve faithful shape and texture at the same time when applied to 3D models. To solve this problem, we devise an effective self-training scheme to constrain the learning of inversion. The learning is done efficiently without any real-world 2D-3D training pairs but proxy samples generated from a 3D GAN. In addition, apart from a global latent code that captures the coarse shape and texture information, we augment the generation network with a local branch, where pixel-aligned features are added to faithfully reconstruct face details. We further consider a new pipeline to perform 3D view-consistent editing. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art inversion methods in both shape and texture reconstruction quality. Code and data will be released.
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The success of deep neural networks requires both high annotation quality and massive data. However, the size and the quality of a dataset are usually a trade-off in practice, as data collection and cleaning are expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, automatic noisy label detection (NLD) techniques are critical to real-world applications, especially those using crowdsourcing datasets. As this is an under-explored topic in automatic speaker verification (ASV), we present a simple but effective solution to the task. First, we compare the effectiveness of various commonly used metric learning loss functions under different noise settings. Then, we propose two ranking-based NLD methods, inter-class inconsistency and intra-class inconsistency ranking. They leverage the inconsistent nature of noisy labels and show high detection precision even under a high level of noise. Our solution gives rise to both efficient and effective cleaning of large-scale speaker recognition datasets.
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Collecting sufficient labeled data for spoken language understanding (SLU) is expensive and time-consuming. Recent studies achieved promising results by using pre-trained models in low-resource scenarios. Inspired by this, we aim to ask: which (if any) pre-training strategies can improve performance across SLU benchmarks? To answer this question, we employ four types of pre-trained models and their combinations for SLU. We leverage self-supervised speech and language models (LM) pre-trained on large quantities of unpaired data to extract strong speech and text representations. We also explore using supervised models pre-trained on larger external automatic speech recognition (ASR) or SLU corpora. We conduct extensive experiments on the SLU Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark and observe self-supervised pre-trained models to be more powerful, with pre-trained LM and speech models being most beneficial for the Sentiment Analysis and Named Entity Recognition task, respectively.
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Our team, Hibikino-Musashi@Home (the shortened name is HMA), was founded in 2010. It is based in the Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, Japan. We have participated in the RoboCup@Home Japan open competition open platform league every year since 2010. Moreover, we participated in the RoboCup 2017 Nagoya as open platform league and domestic standard platform league teams. Currently, the Hibikino-Musashi@Home team has 20 members from seven different laboratories based in the Kyushu Institute of Technology. In this paper, we introduce the activities of our team and the technologies.
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随着自动语音处理(ASR)系统越来越好,使用ASR输出越来越令于进行下游自然语言处理(NLP)任务。但是,很少的开源工具包可用于在不同口语理解(SLU)基准上生成可重复的结果。因此,需要建立一个开源标准,可以用于具有更快的开始进入SLU研究。我们展示了Espnet-SLU,它旨在在一个框架中快速发展口语语言理解。 Espnet-SLU是一个项目内部到结束语音处理工具包,ESPNET,它是一个广泛使用的开源标准,用于各种语音处理任务,如ASR,文本到语音(TTS)和语音转换(ST)。我们增强了工具包,为各种SLU基准提供实现,使研究人员能够无缝混合和匹配不同的ASR和NLU模型。我们还提供预磨损的模型,具有集中调谐的超参数,可以匹配或甚至优于最新的最先进的性能。该工具包在https://github.com/espnet/espnet上公开提供。
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