Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) suffers from the non-stationarity problem, which is the ever-changing targets at every iteration when multiple agents update their policies at the same time. Starting from first principle, in this paper, we manage to solve the non-stationarity problem by proposing bidirectional action-dependent Q-learning (ACE). Central to the development of ACE is the sequential decision-making process wherein only one agent is allowed to take action at one time. Within this process, each agent maximizes its value function given the actions taken by the preceding agents at the inference stage. In the learning phase, each agent minimizes the TD error that is dependent on how the subsequent agents have reacted to their chosen action. Given the design of bidirectional dependency, ACE effectively turns a multiagent MDP into a single-agent MDP. We implement the ACE framework by identifying the proper network representation to formulate the action dependency, so that the sequential decision process is computed implicitly in one forward pass. To validate ACE, we compare it with strong baselines on two MARL benchmarks. Empirical experiments demonstrate that ACE outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms on Google Research Football and StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge by a large margin. In particular, on SMAC tasks, ACE achieves 100% success rate on almost all the hard and super-hard maps. We further study extensive research problems regarding ACE, including extension, generalization, and practicability. Code is made available to facilitate further research.
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Federated learning (FL) enables the building of robust and generalizable AI models by leveraging diverse datasets from multiple collaborators without centralizing the data. We created NVIDIA FLARE as an open-source software development kit (SDK) to make it easier for data scientists to use FL in their research and real-world applications. The SDK includes solutions for state-of-the-art FL algorithms and federated machine learning approaches, which facilitate building workflows for distributed learning across enterprises and enable platform developers to create a secure, privacy-preserving offering for multiparty collaboration utilizing homomorphic encryption or differential privacy. The SDK is a lightweight, flexible, and scalable Python package, and allows researchers to bring their data science workflows implemented in any training libraries (PyTorch, TensorFlow, XGBoost, or even NumPy) and apply them in real-world FL settings. This paper introduces the key design principles of FLARE and illustrates some use cases (e.g., COVID analysis) with customizable FL workflows that implement different privacy-preserving algorithms. Code is available at
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时间网络已被广泛用于建模现实世界中的复杂系统,例如金融系统和电子商务系统。在时间网络中,一组节点的联合邻居通常提供至关重要的结构信息,以预测它们是否可以在一定时间相互作用。但是,最新的时间网络的表示学习方法通​​常无法提取此类信息或取决于极具耗时的特征构建方法。为了解决该问题,这项工作提出了邻里感知的时间网络模型(NAT)。对于网络中的每个节点,NAT放弃了常用的基于单个矢量的表示,同时采用了新颖的词典型邻域表示。这样的词典表示记录了一组相邻节点作为键,并可以快速构建多个节点联合邻域的结构特征。我们还设计了称为N-CACHE的专用数据结构,以支持GPU上这些字典表示的并行访问和更新。 NAT在七个现实世界大规模的时间网络上进行了评估。 NAT不仅胜过所有尖端基线的平均分别为5.9%和6.0%,分别具有换电和电感链路预测准确性,而且还可以通过对采用联合结构特征和实现的基准的加速提高4.1-76.7来保持可扩展性。对基线无法采用这些功能的基线的加速1.6-4.0。代码的链接:。
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随着AI民主化的进展,机器学习(ML)已成功应用于边缘应用,如智能手机和自动驾驶。如今,更多的应用需要在具有极其有限的资源的微小设备上ML,如植入式心脏除颤器(ICD),其称为Tinym1。与边缘上的ML不同,有限的能量供应的Tinyml对低功率执行的需求较高。随机计算(SC)对数据表示的比特流是有价值的,因为它可以使用简单的逻辑门来执行基本的ML操作,而不是复杂的二进制加法器和乘法器。然而,由于算术单元的低数据精度和不准确性,SC通常遭受ML任务的低精度。增加现有作品中的比特流的长度可以减轻精度问题,但延迟较高。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的SC架构,即基于块的随机计算(BSC)。 BSC将输入划分为块,使得通过利用高数据并行性可以减少延迟。此外,提出了优化的算术单元和输出修订(我们)方案以提高精度。在它之上,设计了全局优化方法来确定块的数量,可以提高延迟功率折衷。实验结果表明,BSC可以优于现有的设计,以实现ML任务的高度超过10%,并且减少超过6倍。
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大多数现有的神经结构搜索(NAS)算法专用于下游任务,例如计算机视觉中的图像分类。然而,广泛的实验表明,突出的神经架构,例如计算机视觉和自然语言处理中的LSTM中的reset,通常擅长从输入数据中提取模式并在不同的下游任务上执行良好。在本文中,我们试图回答与NAS相关的两个基本问题。 (1)是否有必要使用特定的下游任务的性能来评估和搜索良好的神经架构? (2)我们可以有效且有效地执行NAS,同时对下游任务无关吗?要回答这些问题,我们提出了一种新颖和通用NAS框架,称为通用NAS(Genna)。 Genna不使用特定于特定的标签,而是通过对架构评估的一组手动设计的合成信号基础采用回归。这种自我监督的回归任务可以有效地评估架构的内在力量以捕获和转换输入信号模式,并允许更多地使用训练样本。在13个CNN搜索空间和一个NLP空间中的大量实验和一个NLP空间在评估神经架构(通过近似性能与下游任务性能之间的排名相关Spearman的RON)和收敛速度之间的rho(通过排名相关Spearman的Rho量化)来证明GennaS的显着效率培训(几秒钟内)。
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最近,我们看到了基于深神经网络(DNN)的视觉跟踪解决方案的快速发展。一些跟踪器将基于DNN的解决方案与判别相关滤波器(DCF)相结合,以提取语义特征并成功地提供最新的跟踪准确性。但是,这些解决方案是高度计算密集型的,需要长时间处理时间,从而导致无抵押的实时性能。为了提供高精度和可靠的实时性能,我们提出了一个名为Siamvgg的新颖跟踪器。它结合了卷积神经网络(CNN)主链和互相关操作员,并利用示例图像中的功能以进行更准确的对象跟踪。 Siamvgg的体系结构是根据VGG-16自定义的,其参数由示例性图像和所需的输入视频帧共享。我们在OTB-2013/50/100和Dot 2015/2016/2017数据集中证明了拟议的暹罗,具有STATE-ORT-TEA-ART精度,同时保持在GTX 1080TI上运行的50 FPS的体面实时性能。与Dot2017挑战中的ECO和C-COT相比,我们的设计可以实现预期平均重叠(EAO)的预期平均重叠(EAO)。
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We propose a network for Congested Scene Recognition called CSRNet to provide a data-driven and deep learning method that can understand highly congested scenes and perform accurate count estimation as well as present highquality density maps. The proposed CSRNet is composed of two major components: a convolutional neural network (CNN) as the front-end for 2D feature extraction and a dilated CNN for the back-end, which uses dilated kernels to deliver larger reception fields and to replace pooling operations. CSRNet is an easy-trained model because of its pure convolutional structure. We demonstrate CSRNet on four datasets (ShanghaiTech dataset, the UCF CC 50 dataset, the WorldEXPO'10 dataset, and the UCSD dataset) and we deliver the state-of-the-art performance. In the Shang-haiTech Part B dataset, CSRNet achieves 47.3% lower Mean Absolute Error (MAE) than the previous state-of-theart method. We extend the targeted applications for counting other objects, such as the vehicle in TRANCOS dataset. Results show that CSRNet significantly improves the output quality with 15.4% lower MAE than the previous state-ofthe-art approach.
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There are many artificial intelligence algorithms for autonomous driving, but directly installing these algorithms on vehicles is unrealistic and expensive. At the same time, many of these algorithms need an environment to train and optimize. Simulation is a valuable and meaningful solution with training and testing functions, and it can say that simulation is a critical link in the autonomous driving world. There are also many different applications or systems of simulation from companies or academies such as SVL and Carla. These simulators flaunt that they have the closest real-world simulation, but their environment objects, such as pedestrians and other vehicles around the agent-vehicle, are already fixed programmed. They can only move along the pre-setting trajectory, or random numbers determine their movements. What is the situation when all environmental objects are also installed by Artificial Intelligence, or their behaviors are like real people or natural reactions of other drivers? This problem is a blind spot for most of the simulation applications, or these applications cannot be easy to solve this problem. The Neurorobotics Platform from the TUM team of Prof. Alois Knoll has the idea about "Engines" and "Transceiver Functions" to solve the multi-agents problem. This report will start with a little research on the Neurorobotics Platform and analyze the potential and possibility of developing a new simulator to achieve the true real-world simulation goal. Then based on the NRP-Core Platform, this initial development aims to construct an initial demo experiment. The consist of this report starts with the basic knowledge of NRP-Core and its installation, then focus on the explanation of the necessary components for a simulation experiment, at last, about the details of constructions for the autonomous driving system, which is integrated object detection and autonomous control.
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