Depression is a leading cause of death worldwide, and the diagnosis of depression is nontrivial. Multimodal learning is a popular solution for automatic diagnosis of depression, and the existing works suffer two main drawbacks: 1) the high-order interactions between different modalities can not be well exploited; and 2) interpretability of the models are weak. To remedy these drawbacks, we propose a multimodal multi-order factor fusion (MMFF) method. Our method can well exploit the high-order interactions between different modalities by extracting and assembling modality factors under the guide of a shared latent proxy. We conduct extensive experiments on two recent and popular datasets, E-DAIC-WOZ and CMDC, and the results show that our method achieve significantly better performance compared with other existing approaches. Besides, by analyzing the process of factor assembly, our model can intuitively show the contribution of each factor. This helps us understand the fusion mechanism.
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The recent success of pre-trained 2D vision models is mostly attributable to learning from large-scale datasets. However, compared with 2D image datasets, the current pre-training data of 3D point cloud is limited. To overcome this limitation, we propose a knowledge distillation method for 3D point cloud pre-trained models to acquire knowledge directly from the 2D representation learning model, particularly the image encoder of CLIP, through concept alignment. Specifically, we introduce a cross-attention mechanism to extract concept features from 3D point cloud and compare them with the semantic information from 2D images. In this scheme, the point cloud pre-trained models learn directly from rich information contained in 2D teacher models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed knowledge distillation scheme achieves higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art 3D pre-training methods for synthetic and real-world datasets on downstream tasks, including object classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and part segmentation.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Exploring dense matching between the current frame and past frames for long-range context modeling, memory-based methods have demonstrated impressive results in video object segmentation (VOS) recently. Nevertheless, due to the lack of instance understanding ability, the above approaches are oftentimes brittle to large appearance variations or viewpoint changes resulted from the movement of objects and cameras. In this paper, we argue that instance understanding matters in VOS, and integrating it with memory-based matching can enjoy the synergy, which is intuitively sensible from the definition of VOS task, \ie, identifying and segmenting object instances within the video. Towards this goal, we present a two-branch network for VOS, where the query-based instance segmentation (IS) branch delves into the instance details of the current frame and the VOS branch performs spatial-temporal matching with the memory bank. We employ the well-learned object queries from IS branch to inject instance-specific information into the query key, with which the instance-augmented matching is further performed. In addition, we introduce a multi-path fusion block to effectively combine the memory readout with multi-scale features from the instance segmentation decoder, which incorporates high-resolution instance-aware features to produce final segmentation results. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on DAVIS 2016/2017 val (92.6% and 87.1%), DAVIS 2017 test-dev (82.8%), and YouTube-VOS 2018/2019 val (86.3% and 86.3%), outperforming alternative methods by clear margins.
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An undirected weighted graph (UWG) is frequently adopted to describe the interactions among a solo set of nodes from real applications, such as the user contact frequency from a social network services system. A graph convolutional network (GCN) is widely adopted to perform representation learning to a UWG for subsequent pattern analysis tasks such as clustering or missing data estimation. However, existing GCNs mostly neglects the latent collaborative information hidden in its connected node pairs. To address this issue, this study proposes to model the node collaborations via a symmetric latent factor analysis model, and then regards it as a node-collaboration module for supplementing the collaboration loss in a GCN. Based on this idea, a Node-collaboration-informed Graph Convolutional Network (NGCN) is proposed with three-fold ideas: a) Learning latent collaborative information from the interaction of node pairs via a node-collaboration module; b) Building the residual connection and weighted representation propagation to obtain high representation capacity; and c) Implementing the model optimization in an end-to-end fashion to achieve precise representation to the target UWG. Empirical studies on UWGs emerging from real applications demonstrate that owing to its efficient incorporation of node-collaborations, the proposed NGCN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art GCNs in addressing the task of missing weight estimation. Meanwhile, its good scalability ensures its compatibility with more advanced GCN extensions, which will be further investigated in our future studies.
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Existing object detection methods are bounded in a fixed-set vocabulary by costly labeled data. When dealing with novel categories, the model has to be retrained with more bounding box annotations. Natural language supervision is an attractive alternative for its annotation-free attributes and broader object concepts. However, learning open-vocabulary object detection from language is challenging since image-text pairs do not contain fine-grained object-language alignments. Previous solutions rely on either expensive grounding annotations or distilling classification-oriented vision models. In this paper, we propose a novel open-vocabulary object detection framework directly learning from image-text pair data. We formulate object-language alignment as a set matching problem between a set of image region features and a set of word embeddings. It enables us to train an open-vocabulary object detector on image-text pairs in a much simple and effective way. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, COCO and LVIS, demonstrate our superior performance over the competing approaches on novel categories, e.g. achieving 32.0% mAP on COCO and 21.7% mask mAP on LVIS. Code is available at:
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Underwater automatic target recognition (UATR) has been a challenging research topic in ocean engineering. Although deep learning brings opportunities for target recognition on land and in the air, underwater target recognition techniques based on deep learning have lagged due to sensor performance and the size of trainable data. This letter proposed a framework for learning the visual representation of underwater acoustic imageries, which takes a transformer-based style transfer model as the main body. It could replace the low-level texture features of optical images with the visual features of underwater acoustic imageries while preserving their raw high-level semantic content. The proposed framework could fully use the rich optical image dataset to generate a pseudo-acoustic image dataset and use it as the initial sample to train the underwater acoustic target recognition model. The experiments select the dual-frequency identification sonar (DIDSON) as the underwater acoustic data source and also take fish, the most common marine creature, as the research subject. Experimental results show that the proposed method could generate high-quality and high-fidelity pseudo-acoustic samples, achieve the purpose of acoustic data enhancement and provide support for the underwater acoustic-optical images domain transfer research.
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Gauge Theory plays a crucial role in many areas in science, including high energy physics, condensed matter physics and quantum information science. In quantum simulations of lattice gauge theory, an important step is to construct a wave function that obeys gauge symmetry. In this paper, we have developed gauge equivariant neural network wave function techniques for simulating continuous-variable quantum lattice gauge theories in the Hamiltonian formulation. We have applied the gauge equivariant neural network approach to find the ground state of 2+1-dimensional lattice gauge theory with U(1) gauge group using variational Monte Carlo. We have benchmarked our approach against the state-of-the-art complex Gaussian wave functions, demonstrating improved performance in the strong coupling regime and comparable results in the weak coupling regime.
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在本文中,我们从经验上研究了如何充分利用低分辨率框架以进行有效的视频识别。现有方法主要集中于开发紧凑的网络或减轻视频输入的时间冗余以提高效率,而压缩框架分辨率很少被认为是有希望的解决方案。一个主要问题是低分辨率帧的识别准确性不佳。因此,我们首先分析低分辨率帧上性能降解的根本原因。我们的主要发现是,降级的主要原因不是在下采样过程中的信息丢失,而是网络体系结构和输入量表之间的不匹配。通过知识蒸馏(KD)的成功,我们建议通过跨分辨率KD(RESKD)弥合网络和输入大小之间的差距。我们的工作表明,RESKD是一种简单但有效的方法,可以提高低分辨率帧的识别精度。没有铃铛和哨子,RESKD在四个大规模基准数据集(即ActivityNet,FCVID,Mini-Kinetics,sopeings soseings ossings v2)上,就效率和准确性上的所有竞争方法都大大超过了所有竞争方法。此外,我们广泛地展示了其对最先进的体系结构(即3D-CNN和视频变压器)的有效性,以及对超低分辨率帧的可扩展性。结果表明,RESKD可以作为最先进视频识别的一般推理加速方法。我们的代码将在上找到。
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本文介绍了Omnivl,这是一种新的基础模型,旨在使用一种通用体系结构来支持图像语言和视频语言任务。它为图像和视频输入采用了统一的基于变压器的视觉编码器,因此可以执行联合图像语言和视频语言预处理。我们首次证明了这样的范式受益于图像和视频任务,而不是传统的单向传输(例如,使用图像语言来帮助视频语言)。为此,我们提出了对图像语言和视频语言的脱钩关节预处理,以有效地将视觉模型分解为空间和时间维度,并在图像和视频任务上获得性能提升。此外,我们引入了一种新颖的统一视觉对比度(UNIVLC)损失,以利用图像文本,视频文本,图像标签(例如,图像分类),视频标签(例如,视频动作识别)在一起受到监督和吵闹的监督预处理数据都尽可能多地利用。无需额外的任务适配器,Omnivl可以同时支持仅视觉任务(例如,图像分类,视频操作识别),跨模式对齐任务(例如,图像/视频 - 文本检索)和多模式理解和生成任务(例如,图像/视频问答,字幕)。我们在各种下游任务上评估Omnivl,并以相似的模型大小和数据量表获得最新的或竞争结果。
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