Most existing Spiking Neural Network (SNN) works state that SNNs may utilize temporal information dynamics of spikes. However, an explicit analysis of temporal information dynamics is still missing. In this paper, we ask several important questions for providing a fundamental understanding of SNNs: What are temporal information dynamics inside SNNs? How can we measure the temporal information dynamics? How do the temporal information dynamics affect the overall learning performance? To answer these questions, we estimate the Fisher Information of the weights to measure the distribution of temporal information during training in an empirical manner. Surprisingly, as training goes on, Fisher information starts to concentrate in the early timesteps. After training, we observe that information becomes highly concentrated in earlier few timesteps, a phenomenon we refer to as temporal information concentration. We observe that the temporal information concentration phenomenon is a common learning feature of SNNs by conducting extensive experiments on various configurations such as architecture, dataset, optimization strategy, time constant, and timesteps. Furthermore, to reveal how temporal information concentration affects the performance of SNNs, we design a loss function to change the trend of temporal information. We find that temporal information concentration is crucial to building a robust SNN but has little effect on classification accuracy. Finally, we propose an efficient iterative pruning method based on our observation on temporal information concentration. Code is available at
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尖峰神经网络(SNNS)最近成为新一代的低功耗深神经网络,二进制尖峰在多个时间步中传达信息。 SNN的修剪非常重要,因为它们被部署在资源控制移动/边缘设备上。先前的SNN修剪作品的重点是浅SNN(2〜6层),但是,最深层的SNN(> 16层)是由最先进的SNN作品提出的,这很难与当前的修剪工作兼容。为了扩展针对深SNN的修剪技术,我们研究了彩票假说(LTH),该假说(LTH)指出,密集的网络包含较小的子网络(即获胜的票),这些子网与密集网络相当。我们对LTH的研究表明,获胜的门票始终存在于各种数据集和体系结构的深SNN中,可提供多达97%的稀疏性,而没有巨大的性能降级。但是,LTH的迭代搜索过程与SNN的多个时间段相结合时,带来了巨大的培训计算成本。为了减轻这种沉重的搜索成本,我们提出了早期(ET)票,从而从少量的时间步中找到重要的重量连接性。提出的ET票可以与常见的修剪技术无缝结合,以查找获胜门票,例如迭代级修剪(IMP)和早鸟(EB)门票。我们的实验结果表明,与IMP或EB方法相比,提出的ET票可将搜索时间缩短多达38%。
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Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained huge attention as a potential energy-efficient alternative to conventional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) due to their inherent high-sparsity activation. Recently, SNNs with backpropagation through time (BPTT) have achieved a higher accuracy result on image recognition tasks than other SNN training algorithms. Despite the success from the algorithm perspective, prior works neglect the evaluation of the hardware energy overheads of BPTT due to the lack of a hardware evaluation platform for this SNN training algorithm. Moreover, although SNNs have long been seen as an energy-efficient counterpart of ANNs, a quantitative comparison between the training cost of SNNs and ANNs is missing. To address the aforementioned issues, in this work, we introduce SATA (Sparsity-Aware Training Accelerator), a BPTT-based training accelerator for SNNs. The proposed SATA provides a simple and re-configurable systolic-based accelerator architecture, which makes it easy to analyze the training energy for BPTT-based SNN training algorithms. By utilizing the sparsity, SATA increases its computation energy efficiency by $5.58 \times$ compared to the one without using sparsity. Based on SATA, we show quantitative analyses of the energy efficiency of SNN training and compare the training cost of SNNs and ANNs. The results show that, on Eyeriss-like systolic-based architecture, SNNs consume $1.27\times$ more total energy with sparsities when compared to ANNs. We find that such high training energy cost is from time-repetitive convolution operations and data movements during backpropagation. Moreover, to propel the future SNN training algorithm design, we provide several observations on energy efficiency for different SNN-specific training parameters and propose an energy estimation framework for SNN training. Code for our framework is made publicly available.
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用尖峰神经网络(SNN)对基于事件的数据集开发神经形态智能最近引起了很多研究的关注。但是,基于事件的数据集的大小有限,使SNN易于过度拟合和不稳定的收敛性。以前的学术工作仍未探索这个问题。为了最大程度地减少这种泛化差距,我们提出了神经形态数据增强(NDA),这是一个专门针对基于事件的数据集设计的几何增强家族,目的是显着稳定SNN训练并减少训练和测试性能之间的概括差距。所提出的方法简单且与现有的SNN训练管道兼容。我们首次使用所提出的增强作用,证明了无监督的SNN对比度学习的可行性。我们对盛行的神经形态视觉基准进行了全面的实验,并表明NDA比以前的最新结果产生了实质性改进。例如,基于NDA的SNN分别在CIFAR10-DV和N-Caltech 101上获得了101%和13.7%的准确性增长。代码可在github上找到。
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我们如何为神经系统带来隐私和能效?在本文中,我们提出了PrivateNN,旨在从预先训练的ANN模型构建低功耗尖峰神经网络(SNNS),而不会泄漏包含在数据集中的敏感信息。在这里,我们解决两种类型的泄漏问题:1)当网络在Ann-SNN转换过程中访问真实训练数据时,会导致数据泄漏。 2)当类相关的特征可以从网络参数重建时,会导致类泄漏。为了解决数据泄漏问题,我们从预先培训的ANN生成合成图像,并使用所生成的图像将ANN转换为SNNS。然而,转换的SNNS仍然容易受到类泄漏的影响,因为权重参数相对于ANN参数具有相同的(或缩放)值。因此,通过训练SNNS,通过训练基于时间尖峰的学习规则来加密SNN权重。使用时间数据更新权重参数使得SNN难以在空间域中解释。我们观察到,加密的私人没有消除数据和类泄漏问题,略微的性能下降(小于〜2),与标准ANN相比,与标准ANN相比的显着的能效增益(约55倍)。我们对各种数据集进行广泛的实验,包括CiFar10,CiFar100和Tinyimagenet,突出了隐私保留的SNN培训的重要性。
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由于稀疏,异步和二进制事件(或尖峰)驱动加工,尖峰神经网络(SNNS)最近成为深度学习的替代方案,可以在神经形状硬件上产生巨大的能效益。然而,从划痕训练高精度和低潜伏期的SNN,患有尖刺神经元的非微弱性质。要在SNNS中解决此培训问题,我们重新批准批量标准化,并通过时间(BNTT)技术提出时间批量标准化。大多数先前的SNN工程到现在忽略了批量标准化,认为它无效地训练时间SNN。与以前的作品不同,我们提出的BNTT沿着时轴沿着时间轴解耦的参数,以捕获尖峰的时间动态。在BNTT中的时间上不断发展的可学习参数允许神经元通过不同的时间步长来控制其尖峰率,从头开始实现低延迟和低能量训练。我们对CiFar-10,CiFar-100,微小想象特和事件驱动的DVS-CIFAR10数据集进行实验。 BNTT允许我们首次在三个复杂的数据集中培训深度SNN架构,只需25-30步即可。我们还使用BNTT中的参数分布提前退出算法,以降低推断的延迟,进一步提高了能量效率。
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The 3D-aware image synthesis focuses on conserving spatial consistency besides generating high-resolution images with fine details. Recently, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has been introduced for synthesizing novel views with low computational cost and superior performance. While several works investigate a generative NeRF and show remarkable achievement, they cannot handle conditional and continuous feature manipulation in the generation procedure. In this work, we introduce a novel model, called Class-Continuous Conditional Generative NeRF ($\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF), which can synthesize conditionally manipulated photorealistic 3D-consistent images by projecting conditional features to the generator and the discriminator. The proposed $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF is evaluated with three image datasets, AFHQ, CelebA, and Cars. As a result, our model shows strong 3D-consistency with fine details and smooth interpolation in conditional feature manipulation. For instance, $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF exhibits a Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) of 7.64 in 3D-aware face image synthesis with a $\text{128}^{2}$ resolution. Additionally, we provide FIDs of generated 3D-aware images of each class of the datasets as it is possible to synthesize class-conditional images with $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF.
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