Open Information Extraction (OIE) methods extract a large number of OIE triples (noun phrase, relation phrase, noun phrase) from text, which compose large Open Knowledge Bases (OKBs). However, noun phrases (NPs) and relation phrases (RPs) in OKBs are not canonicalized and often appear in different paraphrased textual variants, which leads to redundant and ambiguous facts. To address this problem, there are two related tasks: OKB canonicalization (i.e., convert NPs and RPs to canonicalized form) and OKB linking (i.e., link NPs and RPs with their corresponding entities and relations in a curated Knowledge Base (e.g., DBPedia). These two tasks are tightly coupled, and one task can benefit significantly from the other. However, they have been studied in isolation so far. In this paper, we explore the task of joint OKB canonicalization and linking for the first time, and propose a novel framework JOCL based on factor graph model to make them reinforce each other. JOCL is flexible enough to combine different signals from both tasks, and able to extend to fit any new signals. A thorough experimental study over two large scale OIE triple data sets shows that our framework outperforms all the baseline methods for the task of OKB canonicalization (OKB linking) in terms of average F1 (accuracy).
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开放信息提取(OIE)方法从非结构化文本中提取大量的OIE三元<名词短语,关系短语,名词短语>,它们组成了大型开放知识基础(OKB)。此类OKB中的名词短语和关系短语不是规范化的,这导致了散落和冗余的事实。发现知识的两种观点(即,基于事实三重的事实视图和基于事实三重源上下文的上下文视图)提供了互补信息,这对于OKB规范化的任务至关重要,该信息将其簇为同义名词短语和关系短语分为同一组,并为他们分配唯一的标识符。但是,到目前为止,这两种知识的观点已被现有作品孤立地利用。在本文中,我们提出了CMVC,这是一个新颖的无监督框架,该框架利用这两种知识的观点共同将典范的OKBS化,而无需手动注释的标签。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了一种多视图CH K均值聚类算法,以相互加强通过考虑其不同的聚类质量从每个视图中学到的特定视图嵌入的聚类。为了进一步提高规范化的性能,我们在每个特定视图中分别提出了一个培训数据优化策略,以迭代方式完善学习视图的特定嵌入。此外,我们提出了一种对数跳跃算法,以数据驱动的方式预测簇数的最佳数量,而无需任何标签。我们通过针对最新方法的多个现实世界OKB数据集进行了广泛的实验来证明我们的框架的优势。
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检测欺诈性交易是控制​​电子商务市场风险的重要组成部分。除了已经在生产中部署的基于规则和机器学习过滤器外,我们还希望使用图形神经网络(GNN)进行有效的实时推理,这对于在事务图中捕获多跃风风险传播非常有用。但是,在生产中实施GNN时出现了两个挑战。首先,在消息传递中不应考虑以预测过去中的动态图中的未来信息。其次,图形查询和GNN模型推断的延迟通常高达数百毫秒,这对于某些关键的在线服务来说是昂贵的。为了应对这些挑战,我们提出了一个批处理和实时的成立图拓扑(BRIGHT)框架,以进行端到端的GNN学习,以允许有效的在线实时推理。 Bright框架由图形转换模块(两阶段有向图)和相应的GNN体系结构(Lambda神经网络)组成。两阶段的指示图保证了通过邻居传递的信息仅来自历史支付交易。它分别由代表历史关系和实时链接的两个子图组成。 Lambda神经网络将推断分为两个阶段:实体嵌入的批次推断和交易预测的实时推断。我们的实验表明,在平均W.R.T.〜精确度中,BRIGHT优于基线模型> 2 \%。此外,BRIGHT在实时欺诈检测上在计算上是有效的。关于端到端性能(包括邻居查询和推理),BRIGHT可以将P99延迟降低> 75 \%。对于推理阶段,与传统GNN相比,我们的加速平均为7.8美元。
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无人驾驶飞机(UAV)跟踪对于诸如交货和农业等广泛应用具有重要意义。该领域的先前基准分析主要集中在小规模的跟踪问题上,同时忽略了数据模式的类型,目标类别和方案的多样性以及所涉及的评估协议的数量,从而极大地隐藏了深度无人机跟踪的巨大功能。在这项工作中,我们提出了迄今为止最大的公共无人机跟踪基准Webuav-3M,以促进深度无人机跟踪器的开发和评估。 Webuav-3M在4,500个视频中包含超过330万帧,并提供223个高度多样化的目标类别。每个视频都通过有效且可扩展的半自动目标注释(SATA)管道密集注释。重要的是,要利用语言和音频的互补优势,我们通过提供自然语言规格和音频描述来丰富Webuav-3M。我们认为,这种增加将大大促进未来的研究,以探索语言功能和音频提示,用于多模式无人机跟踪。此外,构建了scenario约束(UTUSC)评估协议和七个具有挑战性的场景子测验集,以使社区能够开发,适应和评估各种类型的高级跟踪器。我们提供了43个代表性跟踪器的广泛评估和详细分析,并设想了深度无人机跟踪及其他领域的未来研究方向。数据集,工具包和基线结果可在\ url {}中获得。
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在线零售平台,积极检测交易风险至关重要,以提高客户体验,并尽量减少财务损失。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种可解释的欺诈行为预测框架,主要由探测器和解释器组成。 Xfraud探测器可以有效和有效地预测进货交易的合法性。具体地,它利用异构图形神经网络来从事务日志中的信息的非渗透键入实体中学习表达式表示。 Xfraud中的解释器可以从图表中生成有意义和人性化的解释,以便于业务部门中的进一步进程。在我们对具有高达11亿节点和37亿边缘的实际交易网络上的Xfraud实验中,XFraud能够在许多评估度量中倾销各种基线模型,同时在分布式设置中剩余可扩展。此外,我们表明,XFraud解释者可以通过定量和定性评估来显着帮助业务分析来产生合理的解释。
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The foundation models have recently shown excellent performance on a variety of downstream tasks in computer vision. However, most existing vision foundation models simply focus on image-level pretraining and adpation, which are limited for dynamic and complex video-level understanding tasks. To fill the gap, we present general video foundation models, InternVideo, by taking advantage of both generative and discriminative self-supervised video learning. Specifically, InternVideo efficiently explores masked video modeling and video-language contrastive learning as the pretraining objectives, and selectively coordinates video representations of these two complementary frameworks in a learnable manner to boost various video applications. Without bells and whistles, InternVideo achieves state-of-the-art performance on 39 video datasets from extensive tasks including video action recognition/detection, video-language alignment, and open-world video applications. Especially, our methods can obtain 91.1% and 77.2% top-1 accuracy on the challenging Kinetics-400 and Something-Something V2 benchmarks, respectively. All of these results effectively show the generality of our InternVideo for video understanding. The code will be released at .
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Personal knowledge bases (PKBs) are crucial for a broad range of applications such as personalized recommendation and Web-based chatbots. A critical challenge to build PKBs is extracting personal attribute knowledge from users' conversation data. Given some users of a conversational system, a personal attribute and these users' utterances, our goal is to predict the ranking of the given personal attribute values for each user. Previous studies often rely on a relative number of resources such as labeled utterances and external data, yet the attribute knowledge embedded in unlabeled utterances is underutilized and their performance of predicting some difficult personal attributes is still unsatisfactory. In addition, it is found that some text classification methods could be employed to resolve this task directly. However, they also perform not well over those difficult personal attributes. In this paper, we propose a novel framework PEARL to predict personal attributes from conversations by leveraging the abundant personal attribute knowledge from utterances under a low-resource setting in which no labeled utterances or external data are utilized. PEARL combines the biterm semantic information with the word co-occurrence information seamlessly via employing the updated prior attribute knowledge to refine the biterm topic model's Gibbs sampling process in an iterative manner. The extensive experimental results show that PEARL outperforms all the baseline methods not only on the task of personal attribute prediction from conversations over two data sets, but also on the more general weakly supervised text classification task over one data set.
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