Neural machine translation(NMT) has aroused wide attention due to its impressive quality. Beyond quality, controlling translation styles is also an important demand for many languages. Previous related studies mainly focus on controlling formality and gain some improvements. However, they still face two challenges. The first is the evaluation limitation. Style contains abundant information including lexis, syntax, etc. But only formality is well studied. The second is the heavy reliance on iterative fine-tuning when new styles are required. Correspondingly, this paper contributes in terms of the benchmark and approach. First, we re-visit this task and propose a multiway stylized machine translation (MSMT) benchmark, which includes multiple categories of styles in four language directions to push the boundary of this task. Second, we propose a method named style activation prompt (StyleAP) by retrieving prompts from stylized monolingual corpus, which needs no extra fine-tuning. Experiments show that StyleAP could effectively control the style of translation and achieve remarkable performance. All of our data and code are released at
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A unidirectional imager would only permit image formation along one direction, from an input field-of-view (FOV) A to an output FOV B, and in the reverse path, the image formation would be blocked. Here, we report the first demonstration of unidirectional imagers, presenting polarization-insensitive and broadband unidirectional imaging based on successive diffractive layers that are linear and isotropic. These diffractive layers are optimized using deep learning and consist of hundreds of thousands of diffractive phase features, which collectively modulate the incoming fields and project an intensity image of the input onto an output FOV, while blocking the image formation in the reverse direction. After their deep learning-based training, the resulting diffractive layers are fabricated to form a unidirectional imager. As a reciprocal device, the diffractive unidirectional imager has asymmetric mode processing capabilities in the forward and backward directions, where the optical modes from B to A are selectively guided/scattered to miss the output FOV, whereas for the forward direction such modal losses are minimized, yielding an ideal imaging system between the input and output FOVs. Although trained using monochromatic illumination, the diffractive unidirectional imager maintains its functionality over a large spectral band and works under broadband illumination. We experimentally validated this unidirectional imager using terahertz radiation, very well matching our numerical results. Using the same deep learning-based design strategy, we also created a wavelength-selective unidirectional imager, where two unidirectional imaging operations, in reverse directions, are multiplexed through different illumination wavelengths. Diffractive unidirectional imaging using structured materials will have numerous applications in e.g., security, defense, telecommunications and privacy protection.
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Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to improve the performance of multiple related prediction tasks by leveraging useful information from them. Due to their flexibility and ability to reduce unknown coefficients substantially, the task-clustering-based MTL approaches have attracted considerable attention. Motivated by the idea of semisoft clustering of data, we propose a semisoft task clustering approach, which can simultaneously reveal the task cluster structure for both pure and mixed tasks as well as select the relevant features. The main assumption behind our approach is that each cluster has some pure tasks, and each mixed task can be represented by a linear combination of pure tasks in different clusters. To solve the resulting non-convex constrained optimization problem, we design an efficient three-step algorithm. The experimental results based on synthetic and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach. Finally, we extend the proposed approach to a robust task clustering problem.
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High-dimensional linear regression model is the most popular statistical model for high-dimensional data, but it is quite a challenging task to achieve a sparse set of regression coefficients. In this paper, we propose a simple heuristic algorithm to construct sparse high-dimensional linear regression models, which is adapted from the shortest solution-guided decimation algorithm and is referred to as ASSD. This algorithm constructs the support of regression coefficients under the guidance of the least-squares solution of the recursively decimated linear equations, and it applies an early-stopping criterion and a second-stage thresholding procedure to refine this support. Our extensive numerical results demonstrate that ASSD outperforms LASSO, vector approximate message passing, and two other representative greedy algorithms in solution accuracy and robustness. ASSD is especially suitable for linear regression problems with highly correlated measurement matrices encountered in real-world applications.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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This study investigates clustered federated learning (FL), one of the formulations of FL with non-i.i.d. data, where the devices are partitioned into clusters and each cluster optimally fits its data with a localized model. We propose a novel clustered FL framework, which applies a nonconvex penalty to pairwise differences of parameters. This framework can automatically identify clusters without a priori knowledge of the number of clusters and the set of devices in each cluster. To implement the proposed framework, we develop a novel clustered FL method called FPFC. Advancing from the standard ADMM, our method is implemented in parallel, updates only a subset of devices at each communication round, and allows each participating device to perform a variable amount of work. This greatly reduces the communication cost while simultaneously preserving privacy, making it practical for FL. We also propose a new warmup strategy for hyperparameter tuning under FL settings and consider the asynchronous variant of FPFC (asyncFPFC). Theoretically, we provide convergence guarantees of FPFC for general nonconvex losses and establish the statistical convergence rate under a linear model with squared loss. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of FPFC over existing methods.
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In this paper, we are interested in learning a generalizable person re-identification (re-ID) representation from unlabeled videos. Compared with 1) the popular unsupervised re-ID setting where the training and test sets are typically under the same domain, and 2) the popular domain generalization (DG) re-ID setting where the training samples are labeled, our novel scenario combines their key challenges: the training samples are unlabeled, and collected form various domains which do no align with the test domain. In other words, we aim to learn a representation in an unsupervised manner and directly use the learned representation for re-ID in novel domains. To fulfill this goal, we make two main contributions: First, we propose Cycle Association (CycAs), a scalable self-supervised learning method for re-ID with low training complexity; and second, we construct a large-scale unlabeled re-ID dataset named LMP-video, tailored for the proposed method. Specifically, CycAs learns re-ID features by enforcing cycle consistency of instance association between temporally successive video frame pairs, and the training cost is merely linear to the data size, making large-scale training possible. On the other hand, the LMP-video dataset is extremely large, containing 50 million unlabeled person images cropped from over 10K Youtube videos, therefore is sufficient to serve as fertile soil for self-supervised learning. Trained on LMP-video, we show that CycAs learns good generalization towards novel domains. The achieved results sometimes even outperform supervised domain generalizable models. Remarkably, CycAs achieves 82.2% Rank-1 on Market-1501 and 49.0% Rank-1 on MSMT17 with zero human annotation, surpassing state-of-the-art supervised DG re-ID methods. Moreover, we also demonstrate the superiority of CycAs under the canonical unsupervised re-ID and the pretrain-and-finetune scenarios.
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产品检索在电子商务领域非常重要。本文介绍了我们在eBay Eproduct Visual Search Challenge(FGVC9)中介绍的第一个解决方案,该解决方案是来自视觉模型和视觉模型的大约20个模型的集合。尽管模型合奏很普遍,但我们表明,将视觉模型和视觉模型结合起来带来了特殊的互补性,这是我们优越性的关键因素。具体而言,对于视觉模型,我们使用两阶段的训练管道,该管道首先从训练集中提供的粗制标签中学习,然后进行细粒度的自学训练,从而产生粗到5的度量度量学习方式。对于视觉语言模型,我们将训练图像的文本描述用作微调图像编码器(功能提取器)的监督信号。通过这些设计,我们的解决方案达到了0.7623 Mar@10,在所有竞争对手中排名第一。该代码可在:\ href {} {v $^2 $ l}中获得。
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由于其广泛的应用,情感行为分析引起了研究人员的关注。但是,获得大量面部图像的准确注释是详尽的。因此,我们建议通过在未标记的面部图像上预处理的蒙版自动编码器(MAE)利用先前的面部信息。此外,我们结合了MAE预处理的视觉变压器(VIT)和AffectNet预处理的CNN,以执行多任务情绪识别。我们注意到表达和动作单元(AU)得分是价值(VA)回归的纯粹和完整的特征。结果,我们利用AffectNet预处理的CNN提取与表达和来自VIT的AU评分相连的表达评分,以获得最终的VA特征。此外,我们还提出了一个共同训练框架,该框架与两个平行的MAE预估计的VIT进行表达识别任务。为了使这两个视图独立,我们在训练过程中随机掩盖了大多数补丁。然后,执行JS差异以使两种视图的预测尽可能一致。 ABAW4上的结果表明我们的方法是有效的。
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本文提出了一种新颖的统一特征优化(UFO)范式,用于训练和在现实世界和大规模场景下进行深层模型,这需要集合多个AI功能。不明飞行物的目标是通过对所有任务进行大规模预修。与众所周知的基础模型相比,UFO具有两个不同的重点,即相对较小的模型大小,没有适应性成本:1)UFO以多任务学习方式将广泛的任务挤入中等尺寸的统一模型中并在转移到下游任务时进一步修剪模型大小。 2)不明飞行物不强调转移到新任务。相反,它旨在使修剪模型专门用于一个或多个已经看到的任务。有了这两个特征,UFO为灵活的部署提供了极大的便利,同时保持了大规模预处理的好处。 UFO的一个关键优点是修剪过程不仅可以减少模型的大小和推理消耗,而且还提高了某些任务的准确性。具体而言,UFO考虑了多任务培训,并对统一模型产生了两倍的影响:一些密切相关的任务具有相互利益,而某些任务相互冲突。不明飞行物设法通过新颖的网络体系结构搜索(NAS)方法来减少冲突并保留相互利益。对各种深度表示学习任务(即面部识别,人重新识别,车辆重新识别和产品检索)的实验表明,从UFO中修剪的模型比单件任务训练的对应物更高,但却具有更高的准确性较小的型号大小,验证不明飞行物的概念。此外,UFO还支持发布170亿个参数计算机视觉(CV)基础模型,该模型是该行业中最大的CV模型。
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