Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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A central challenge of building more powerful Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is the oversmoothing phenomenon, where increasing the network depth leads to homogeneous node representations and thus worse classification performance. While previous works have only demonstrated that oversmoothing is inevitable when the number of graph convolutions tends to infinity, in this paper, we precisely characterize the mechanism behind the phenomenon via a non-asymptotic analysis. Specifically, we distinguish between two different effects when applying graph convolutions -- an undesirable mixing effect that homogenizes node representations in different classes, and a desirable denoising effect that homogenizes node representations in the same class. By quantifying these two effects on random graphs sampled from the Contextual Stochastic Block Model (CSBM), we show that oversmoothing happens once the mixing effect starts to dominate the denoising effect, and the number of layers required for this transition is $O(\log N/\log (\log N))$ for sufficiently dense graphs with $N$ nodes. We also extend our analysis to study the effects of Personalized PageRank (PPR) on oversmoothing. Our results suggest that while PPR mitigates oversmoothing at deeper layers, PPR-based architectures still achieve their best performance at a shallow depth and are outperformed by the graph convolution approach on certain graphs. Finally, we support our theoretical results with numerical experiments, which further suggest that the oversmoothing phenomenon observed in practice may be exacerbated by the difficulty of optimizing deep GNN models.
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Privacy in AI remains a topic that draws attention from researchers and the general public in recent years. As one way to implement privacy-preserving AI, differentially private learning is a framework that enables AI models to use differential privacy (DP). To achieve DP in the learning process, existing algorithms typically limit the magnitude of gradients with a constant clipping, which requires carefully tuned due to its significant impact on model performance. As a solution to this issue, latest works NSGD and Auto-S innovatively propose to use normalization instead of clipping to avoid hyperparameter tuning. However, normalization-based approaches like NSGD and Auto-S rely on a monotonic weight function, which imposes excessive weight on small gradient samples and introduces extra deviation to the update. In this paper, we propose a Differentially Private Per-Sample Adaptive Clipping (DP-PSAC) algorithm based on a non-monotonic adaptive weight function, which guarantees privacy without the typical hyperparameter tuning process of using a constant clipping while significantly reducing the deviation between the update and true batch-averaged gradient. We provide a rigorous theoretical convergence analysis and show that with convergence rate at the same order, the proposed algorithm achieves a lower non-vanishing bound, which is maintained over training iterations, compared with NSGD/Auto-S. In addition, through extensive experimental evaluation, we show that DP-PSAC outperforms or matches the state-of-the-art methods on multiple main-stream vision and language tasks.
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Recently, there has been significant progress in teaching language models to perform step-by-step reasoning to solve complex numerical reasoning tasks. Chain-of-thoughts prompting (CoT) is by far the state-of-art method for these tasks. CoT uses language models to perform both reasoning and computation in the multi-step `thought' process. To disentangle computation from reasoning, we propose `Program of Thoughts' (PoT), which uses language models (mainly Codex) to express the reasoning process as a program. The computation is relegated to an external computer, which executes the generated programs to derive the answer. We evaluate PoT on five math word problem datasets (GSM, AQuA, SVAMP, TabMWP, MultiArith) and three financial-QA datasets (FinQA, ConvFinQA, TATQA) for both few-shot and zero-shot setups. Under both few-shot and zero-shot settings, PoT can show an average performance gain over CoT by around 12\% across all the evaluated datasets. By combining PoT with self-consistency decoding, we can achieve SoTA performance on all math problem datasets and near-SoTA performance on financial datasets. All of our data and code are released in Github\footnote{\url{}}.
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旨在恢复图像中影子区域的原始强度,并使它们与剩余的非阴影区域兼容,而没有跟踪,删除阴影是一个非常具有挑战性的问题,使许多下游图像/视频相关的任务受益。最近,变形金刚通过捕获全局像素相互作用来显示它们在各种应用中的强大能力,并且这种能力在删除阴影时非常可取。然而,由于以下两个原因,应用变压器促进阴影去除是非平凡的:1)修补程序操作不适用于由于不规则的阴影形状而导致阴影去除; 2)阴影去除只需要从非阴影区域到阴影区域的单向交互,而不是图像中所有像素之间的共同双向相互作用。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的跨区域变压器,即CRFormer,用于去除阴影,它与现有变压器的不同之处仅通过考虑从非阴影区域到阴影区域的像素相互作用而不将图像分为斑块。这是通过精心设计的区域感知的跨注意操作来实现的,该操作可以汇总以非阴影区域特征为条件的恢复的阴影区域特征。与其他最先进的方法相比,关于ISTD,AISTD,SRD和视频阴影删除数据集的广泛实验证明了我们方法的优势。
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