Pennylane是用于量子计算机可区分编程的Python 3软件框架。该库为近期量子计算设备提供了统一的体系结构,支持量子和连续变化的范例。 Pennylane的核心特征是能够以与经典技术(例如反向传播)兼容的方式来计算变异量子电路的梯度。因此,Pennylane扩展了在优化和机器学习中常见的自动分化算法,以包括量子和混合计算。插件系统使该框架与任何基于门的量子模拟器或硬件兼容。我们为硬件提供商提供插件,包括Xanadu Cloud,Amazon Braket和IBM Quantum,允许Pennylane优化在公开访问的量子设备上运行。在古典方面,Pennylane与加速的机器学习库(例如Tensorflow,Pytorch,Jax和Autograd)接口。 Pennylane可用于优化变分的量子本素体,量子近似优化,量子机学习模型和许多其他应用。
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Efforts to improve the adversarial robustness of convolutional neural networks have primarily focused on developing more effective adversarial training methods. In contrast, little attention was devoted to analyzing the role of architectural elements (such as topology, depth, and width) on adversarial robustness. This paper seeks to bridge this gap and present a holistic study on the impact of architectural design on adversarial robustness. We focus on residual networks and consider architecture design at the block level, i.e., topology, kernel size, activation, and normalization, as well as at the network scaling level, i.e., depth and width of each block in the network. In both cases, we first derive insights through systematic ablative experiments. Then we design a robust residual block, dubbed RobustResBlock, and a compound scaling rule, dubbed RobustScaling, to distribute depth and width at the desired FLOP count. Finally, we combine RobustResBlock and RobustScaling and present a portfolio of adversarially robust residual networks, RobustResNets, spanning a broad spectrum of model capacities. Experimental validation across multiple datasets and adversarial attacks demonstrate that RobustResNets consistently outperform both the standard WRNs and other existing robust architectures, achieving state-of-the-art AutoAttack robust accuracy of 61.1% without additional data and 63.7% with 500K external data while being $2\times$ more compact in terms of parameters. Code is available at \url{}
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The adversarial input generation problem has become central in establishing the robustness and trustworthiness of deep neural nets, especially when they are used in safety-critical application domains such as autonomous vehicles and precision medicine. This is also practically challenging for multiple reasons-scalability is a common issue owing to large-sized networks, and the generated adversarial inputs often lack important qualities such as naturalness and output-impartiality. We relate this problem to the task of patching neural nets, i.e. applying small changes in some of the network$'$s weights so that the modified net satisfies a given property. Intuitively, a patch can be used to produce an adversarial input because the effect of changing the weights can also be brought about by changing the inputs instead. This work presents a novel technique to patch neural networks and an innovative approach of using it to produce perturbations of inputs which are adversarial for the original net. We note that the proposed solution is significantly more effective than the prior state-of-the-art techniques.
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Household environments are visually diverse. Embodied agents performing Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) in the wild must be able to handle this diversity, while also following arbitrary language instructions. Recently, Vision-Language models like CLIP have shown great performance on the task of zero-shot object recognition. In this work, we ask if these models are also capable of zero-shot language grounding. In particular, we utilize CLIP to tackle the novel problem of zero-shot VLN using natural language referring expressions that describe target objects, in contrast to past work that used simple language templates describing object classes. We examine CLIP's capability in making sequential navigational decisions without any dataset-specific finetuning, and study how it influences the path that an agent takes. Our results on the coarse-grained instruction following task of REVERIE demonstrate the navigational capability of CLIP, surpassing the supervised baseline in terms of both success rate (SR) and success weighted by path length (SPL). More importantly, we quantitatively show that our CLIP-based zero-shot approach generalizes better to show consistent performance across environments when compared to SOTA, fully supervised learning approaches when evaluated via Relative Change in Success (RCS).
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The primary obstacle to developing technologies for low-resource languages is the lack of representative, usable data. In this paper, we report the deployment of technology-driven data collection methods for creating a corpus of more than 60,000 translations from Hindi to Gondi, a low-resource vulnerable language spoken by around 2.3 million tribal people in south and central India. During this process, we help expand information access in Gondi across 2 different dimensions (a) The creation of linguistic resources that can be used by the community, such as a dictionary, children's stories, Gondi translations from multiple sources and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) based mass awareness platform; (b) Enabling its use in the digital domain by developing a Hindi-Gondi machine translation model, which is compressed by nearly 4 times to enable it's edge deployment on low-resource edge devices and in areas of little to no internet connectivity. We also present preliminary evaluations of utilizing the developed machine translation model to provide assistance to volunteers who are involved in collecting more data for the target language. Through these interventions, we not only created a refined and evaluated corpus of 26,240 Hindi-Gondi translations that was used for building the translation model but also engaged nearly 850 community members who can help take Gondi onto the internet.
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Structural failures are often caused by catastrophic events such as earthquakes and winds. As a result, it is crucial to predict dynamic stress distributions during highly disruptive events in real time. Currently available high-fidelity methods, such as Finite Element Models (FEMs), suffer from their inherent high complexity. Therefore, to reduce computational cost while maintaining accuracy, a Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN), PINN-Stress model, is proposed to predict the entire sequence of stress distribution based on Finite Element simulations using a partial differential equation (PDE) solver. Using automatic differentiation, we embed a PDE into a deep neural network's loss function to incorporate information from measurements and PDEs. The PINN-Stress model can predict the sequence of stress distribution in almost real-time and can generalize better than the model without PINN.
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Green Security Games with real-time information (GSG-I) add the real-time information about the agents' movement to the typical GSG formulation. Prior works on GSG-I have used deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to learn the best policy for the agent in such an environment without any need to store the huge number of state representations for GSG-I. However, the decision-making process of DRL methods is largely opaque, which results in a lack of trust in their predictions. To tackle this issue, we present an interpretable DRL method for GSG-I that generates visualization to explain the decisions taken by the DRL algorithm. We also show that this approach performs better and works well with a simpler training regimen compared to the existing method.
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我们表明,具有“低稳定器复杂性”的量子状态可以有效地与HAAR随机区分开。具体而言,给定$ n $ qubit的纯状态$ | \ psi \ rangle $,我们给出了一种有效的算法,以区分$ | \ psi \ rangle $是(i)haar-random或(ii)具有稳定器保真度的状态至少$ \ frac {1} {k} $(即,具有一些稳定器状态的保真度至少$ \ frac {1} {k} $),保证就是其中之一。使用Black-box访问$ | \ psi \ rangle $,我们的算法使用$ o \!\ left(k^{12} \ log(1/\ delta)\ right)$ copies $ | \ psi \ rangle $和$ o \!\ left(n k^{12} \ log(1/\ delta)\ right)$ $时间以概率至少$ 1- \ delta $成功,并且随着访问状态准备统一,以$ | | \ psi \ rangle $(及其倒数),$ o \!\ left(k^{3} \ log(1/\ delta)\ right)$ queries和$ o \!\! log(1/\ delta)\ right)$时间就足够了。作为推论,我们证明$ \ omega(\ log(n))$ $ t $ - 盖特对于任何Clifford+$ t $ circile都是必不可少的,以准备计算上的pseudorandom Quantum Quantum state,这是一种首要的下限。
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多机器人覆盖计划问题的集中式方法缺乏可扩展性。基于学习的分布式算法除了将面向数据的功能生成功能带入表格外,还提供了可扩展的途径,从而允许与其他基于学习的方法集成。为此,我们提出了一个基于学习的,可区分的分布式覆盖范围计划(D2COPL A N),该计划者与专家算法相比在运行时和代理数量上有效地扩展,并与经典分布式算法相同。此外,我们表明D2Coplan可以与其他学习方法无缝地结合到端到端的学习方法,从而提供了比单独训练的模块更好的解决方案,从而打开了进一步的研究,以进一步研究以经典方法难以捉摸的任务。
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