一种独立的自动解码和转录口服语音方法称为自动语音识别(ASR)。典型的ASR系统提取物从音频录制或流中列出,并运行一种或多种算法以将功能映射到相应的文本。近年来,在语音信号处理领域进行了许多研究。当获得足够的资源时,常规的ASR和新兴的端到端(E2E)语音识别都产生了有希望的结果。但是,对于像孟加拉这样的低资源语言,ASR的当前状态落后于落后,尽管低资源状态并没有反映出这一语言是全世界有超过5亿人使用的。尽管它很受欢迎,但并没有很多可用的开源数据集,因此很难对孟加拉语语音识别系统进行研究。本文是名为“ Buet CSE Fest DL Sprint”的比赛的一部分。本文的目的是通过基于转移学习框架在E2E结构上采用语音识别技术来提高孟加拉语的语音识别表现。提出的方法有效地对孟加拉语语言进行了建模,并在7747个样本的测试数据集上以“ Levenshtein平均距离”获得3.819分数,而仅使用1000个火车数据集样本进行培训。
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Recent work has shown that large language models are capable of generating natural language reasoning steps or Chains-of-Thoughts (CoT) to answer a multi-step question when prompted to do so. This is insufficient, however, when the necessary knowledge is not available or up-to-date within a model's parameters. A straightforward approach to address this is to retrieve text from an external knowledge source using the question as a query and prepend it as context to the model's input. This, however, is also insufficient for multi-step QA where \textit{what to retrieve} depends on \textit{what has already been derived}. To address this issue we propose IRCoT, a new approach that interleaves retrieval with CoT for multi-step QA, guiding the retrieval with CoT and in turn using retrieved results to improve CoT. Our experiments with GPT3 show substantial improvements in retrieval (up to 22 points) and downstream QA (up to 16 points) over the baselines on four datasets: HotpotQA, 2WikiMultihopQA, MuSiQue, and IIRC. Notably, our method also works well for much smaller models such as T5-Flan-large (0.7B) without any additional training.
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Network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) play an important role in computer network security. There are several detection mechanisms where anomaly-based automated detection outperforms others significantly. Amid the sophistication and growing number of attacks, dealing with large amounts of data is a recognized issue in the development of anomaly-based NIDS. However, do current models meet the needs of today's networks in terms of required accuracy and dependability? In this research, we propose a new hybrid model that combines machine learning and deep learning to increase detection rates while securing dependability. Our proposed method ensures efficient pre-processing by combining SMOTE for data balancing and XGBoost for feature selection. We compared our developed method to various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to find a more efficient algorithm to implement in the pipeline. Furthermore, we chose the most effective model for network intrusion based on a set of benchmarked performance analysis criteria. Our method produces excellent results when tested on two datasets, KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, with an accuracy of 99.99% and 100% for KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, respectively, and no overfitting or Type-1 and Type-2 issues.
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Generative models learned from training using deep learning methods can be used as priors in inverse under-determined inverse problems, including imaging from sparse set of measurements. In this paper, we present a novel hierarchical deep-generative model MrSARP for SAR imagery that can synthesize SAR images of a target at different resolutions jointly. MrSARP is trained in conjunction with a critic that scores multi resolution images jointly to decide if they are realistic images of a target at different resolutions. We show how this deep generative model can be used to retrieve the high spatial resolution image from low resolution images of the same target. The cost function of the generator is modified to improve its capability to retrieve the input parameters for a given set of resolution images. We evaluate the model's performance using the three standard error metrics used for evaluating super-resolution performance on simulated data and compare it to upsampling and sparsity based image sharpening approaches.
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Modern Deep Learning (DL) models have grown to sizes requiring massive clusters of specialized, high-end nodes to train. Designing such clusters to maximize both performance and utilization to amortize their steep cost is a challenging task requiring careful balance of compute, memory, and network resources. Moreover, a plethora of each model's tuning knobs drastically affect the performance, with optimal values often depending on the underlying cluster's characteristics, which necessitates a complex cluster-workload co-design process. To facilitate the design space exploration of such massive DL training clusters, we introduce COMET a holistic cluster design methodology and workflow to jointly study the impact of parallelization strategies and key cluster resource provisioning on the performance of distributed DL training. We develop a step-by-step process to establish a reusable and flexible methodology, and demonstrate its application with a case study of training a Transformer-1T model on a cluster of variable compute, memory, and network resources. Our case study demonstrates COMET's utility in identifying promising architectural optimization directions and guiding system designers in configuring key model and cluster parameters.
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