医学图像预处理中最有争议的研究领域之一是3D CT扫描。随着Covid-19的快速扩散,CT扫描在正确,迅速诊断疾病的功能变得至关重要。它对预防感染有积极影响。通过CT-Scan图像诊断疾病有许多任务,包括Covid-19。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用堆叠深神经网络的方法,通过一系列3D CT扫描图像来检测COVID 19。在我们的方法中,我们使用两个骨架进行实验是Densenet 121和Resnet101。此方法在某些评估指标上实现了竞争性能
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This paper aims to improve the Warping Planer Object Detection Network (WPOD-Net) using feature engineering to increase accuracy. What problems are solved using the Warping Object Detection Network using feature engineering? More specifically, we think that it makes sense to add knowledge about edges in the image to enhance the information for determining the license plate contour of the original WPOD-Net model. The Sobel filter has been selected experimentally and acts as a Convolutional Neural Network layer, the edge information is combined with the old information of the original network to create the final embedding vector. The proposed model was compared with the original model on a set of data that we collected for evaluation. The results are evaluated through the Quadrilateral Intersection over Union value and demonstrate that the model has a significant improvement in performance.
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The introduction of high-quality image generation models, particularly the StyleGAN family, provides a powerful tool to synthesize and manipulate images. However, existing models are built upon high-quality (HQ) data as desired outputs, making them unfit for in-the-wild low-quality (LQ) images, which are common inputs for manipulation. In this work, we bridge this gap by proposing a novel GAN structure that allows for generating images with controllable quality. The network can synthesize various image degradation and restore the sharp image via a quality control code. Our proposed QC-StyleGAN can directly edit LQ images without altering their quality by applying GAN inversion and manipulation techniques. It also provides for free an image restoration solution that can handle various degradations, including noise, blur, compression artifacts, and their mixtures. Finally, we demonstrate numerous other applications such as image degradation synthesis, transfer, and interpolation.
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Robots have been brought to work close to humans in many scenarios. For coexistence and collaboration, robots should be safe and pleasant for humans to interact with. To this end, the robots could be both physically soft with multimodal sensing/perception, so that the robots could have better awareness of the surrounding environment, as well as to respond properly to humans' action/intention. This paper introduces a novel soft robotic link, named ProTac, that possesses multiple sensing modes: tactile and proximity sensing, based on computer vision and a functional material. These modalities come from a layered structure of a soft transparent silicon skin, a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) film, and reflective markers. Here, the PDLC film can switch actively between the opaque and the transparent state, from which the tactile sensing and proximity sensing can be obtained by using cameras solely built inside the ProTac link. In this paper, inference algorithms for tactile proximity perception are introduced. Evaluation results of two sensing modalities demonstrated that, with a simple activation strategy, ProTac link could effectively perceive useful information from both approaching and in-contact obstacles. The proposed sensing device is expected to bring in ultimate solutions for design of robots with softness, whole-body and multimodal sensing, and safety control strategies.
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语义分割是开发医学图像诊断系统的重要任务。但是,构建注释的医疗数据集很昂贵。因此,在这种情况下,半监督方法很重要。在半监督学习中,标签的质量在模型性能中起着至关重要的作用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的伪标签策略,可提高用于培训学生网络的伪标签的质量。我们遵循多阶段的半监督训练方法,该方法在标记的数据集上训练教师模型,然后使用训练有素的老师将伪标签渲染用于学生培训。通过这样做,伪标签将被更新,并且随着培训的进度更加精确。上一个和我们的方法之间的关键区别在于,我们在学生培训过程中更新教师模型。因此,在学生培训过程中,提高了伪标签的质量。我们还提出了一种简单但有效的策略,以使用动量模型来提高伪标签的质量 - 训练过程中原始模型的慢复制版本。通过应用动量模型与学生培训期间的重新渲染伪标签相结合,我们在五个数据集中平均达到了84.1%的骰子分数(即Kvarsir,CVC-ClinicdB,Etis-laribpolypdb,cvc-colondb,cvc-colondb,cvc-colondb和cvc-300)和CVC-300)只有20%的数据集用作标记数据。我们的结果超过了3%的共同实践,甚至在某些数据集中取得了完全监督的结果。我们的源代码和预培训模型可在https://github.com/sun-asterisk-research/online学习SSL上找到
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在现实世界应用中,联合学习(FL)遇到了两个挑战:(1)可伸缩性,尤其是应用于大型物联网网络时; (2)如何使用异质数据对环境进行健全。意识到第一个问题,我们旨在设计一个名为Full-Stack FL(F2L)的新型FL框架。更具体地说,F2L使用层次结构架构,使扩展FL网络可以访问而无需重建整个网络系统。此外,利用层次网络设计的优势,我们在全球服务器上提出了一种新的标签驱动知识蒸馏(LKD)技术来解决第二个问题。与当前的知识蒸馏技术相反,LKD能够训练学生模型,该模型由所有教师模型的良好知识组成。因此,我们提出的算法可以有效地提取区域数据分布(即区域汇总模型)的知识,以减少客户在使用非独立分布数据的FL系统下操作时客户模型之间的差异。广泛的实验结果表明:(i)我们的F2L方法可以显着提高所有全球蒸馏的总体FL效率,并且(ii)F2L随着全球蒸馏阶段的发生而迅速达到收敛性,而不是在每个通信周期中提高。
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计算机系统的程序或功能中存在的软件漏洞是一个严重且至关重要的问题。通常,在由数百或数千个源代码语句组成的程序或功能中,只有很少的语句引起相应的漏洞。当前,在机器学习工具的协助下,专家在功能或程序级别上进行了脆弱性标签。将这种方法扩展到代码语句级别的成本更高和耗时,并且仍然是一个开放的问题。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的端到端深度学习方法,以识别与特定功能相关的脆弱性代码语句。受到现实世界中脆弱代码中观察到的特定结构的启发,我们首先利用相互信息来学习一组潜在变量,代表源代码语句与相应函数的漏洞的相关性。然后,我们提出了新颖的群集空间对比学习,以进一步改善与脆弱性相关的代码语句的强大选择过程。 200K+ C/C ++功能的实际数据集的实验结果表明,我们方法的优越性比其他最先进的基线相比。通常,我们的方法在无需监督的环境中在现实世界数据集上运行时,在Baselines上,VCP,VCA和TOP-10 ACC测量的较高性能在3 \%至14 \%之间。我们已发布的源代码样本可在\ href {https://github.com/vannguyennd/livuitcl} {https://github.com/vannguyennd/livuitcl。} {
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