This article presents our generative model for rhythm action games together with applications in business operations. Rhythm action games are video games in which the player is challenged to issue commands at the right timings during a music session. The timings are rendered in the chart, which consists of visual symbols, called notes, flying through the screen. We introduce our deep generative model, Gen\'eLive!, which outperforms the state-of-the-art model by taking into account musical structures through beats and temporal scales. Thanks to its favorable performance, Gen\'eLive! was put into operation at KLab Inc., a Japan-based video game developer, and reduced the business cost of chart generation by as much as half. The application target included the phenomenal "Love Live!," which has more than 10 million users across Asia and beyond, and is one of the few rhythm action franchises that has led the online era of the genre. In this article, we evaluate the generative performance of Gen\'eLive! using production datasets at KLab as well as open datasets for reproducibility, while the model continues to operate in their business. Our code and the model, tuned and trained using a supercomputer, are publicly available.
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Deep image prior (DIP) has recently attracted attention owing to its unsupervised positron emission tomography (PET) image reconstruction, which does not require any prior training dataset. In this paper, we present the first attempt to implement an end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction method that incorporates a forward-projection model into a loss function. To implement a practical fully 3D PET image reconstruction, which could not be performed due to a graphics processing unit memory limitation, we modify the DIP optimization to block-iteration and sequentially learn an ordered sequence of block sinograms. Furthermore, the relative difference penalty (RDP) term was added to the loss function to enhance the quantitative PET image accuracy. We evaluated our proposed method using Monte Carlo simulation with [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data of a human brain and a preclinical study on monkey brain [$^{18}$F]FDG PET data. The proposed method was compared with the maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (EM), maximum-a-posterior EM with RDP, and hybrid DIP-based PET reconstruction methods. The simulation results showed that the proposed method improved the PET image quality by reducing statistical noise and preserved a contrast of brain structures and inserted tumor compared with other algorithms. In the preclinical experiment, finer structures and better contrast recovery were obtained by the proposed method. This indicated that the proposed method can produce high-quality images without a prior training dataset. Thus, the proposed method is a key enabling technology for the straightforward and practical implementation of end-to-end DIP-based fully 3D PET image reconstruction.
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Microswimmers can acquire information on the surrounding fluid by sensing mechanical queues. They can then navigate in response to these signals. We analyse this navigation by combining deep reinforcement learning with direct numerical simulations to resolve the hydrodynamics. We study how local and non-local information can be used to train a swimmer to achieve particular swimming tasks in a non-uniform flow field, in particular a zig-zag shear flow. The swimming tasks are (1) learning how to swim in the vorticity direction, (2) the shear-gradient direction, and (3) the shear flow direction. We find that access to lab frame information on the swimmer's instantaneous orientation is all that is required in order to reach the optimal policy for (1,2). However, information on both the translational and rotational velocities seem to be required to achieve (3). Inspired by biological microorganisms we also consider the case where the swimmers sense local information, i.e. surface hydrodynamic forces, together with a signal direction. This might correspond to gravity or, for micro-organisms with light sensors, a light source. In this case, we show that the swimmer can reach a comparable level of performance as a swimmer with access to lab frame variables. We also analyse the role of different swimming modes, i.e. pusher, puller, and neutral swimmers.
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We propose a novel backpropagation algorithm for training spiking neural networks (SNNs) that encodes information in the relative multiple spike timing of individual neurons without single-spike restrictions. The proposed algorithm inherits the advantages of conventional timing-based methods in that it computes accurate gradients with respect to spike timing, which promotes ideal temporal coding. Unlike conventional methods where each neuron fires at most once, the proposed algorithm allows each neuron to fire multiple times. This extension naturally improves the computational capacity of SNNs. Our SNN model outperformed comparable SNN models and achieved as high accuracy as non-convolutional artificial neural networks. The spike count property of our networks was altered depending on the time constant of the postsynaptic current and the membrane potential. Moreover, we found that there existed the optimal time constant with the maximum test accuracy. That was not seen in conventional SNNs with single-spike restrictions on time-to-fast-spike (TTFS) coding. This result demonstrates the computational properties of SNNs that biologically encode information into the multi-spike timing of individual neurons. Our code would be publicly available.
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来自重力波检测器的数据中出现的瞬态噪声通常会引起问题,例如检测器的不稳定性以及重叠或模仿重力波信号。由于瞬态噪声被认为与环境和工具相关联,因此其分类将有助于理解其起源并改善探测器的性能。在先前的研究中,提出了用于使用时频2D图像(频谱图)进行瞬态噪声进行分类的体系结构,该架构使用了无监督的深度学习与变异自动编码器和不变信息集群的结合。提出的无监督学习结构应用于重力间谍数据集,该数据集由高级激光干涉仪重力波动台(Advanced Ligo)瞬态噪声与其相关元数据进行讨论,以讨论在线或离线数据分析的潜力。在这项研究的重点是重力间谍数据集中,研究并报告了先前研究的无监督学习结构的训练过程。
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我们提出了一种新型的动态约束不确定性加权损失,以实验处理平衡多个任务对ICML EXVO 2022挑战的贡献的问题。多任务旨在共同认识到声乐爆发中表达的情绪和人口特征。我们的策略结合了不确定性重量和平均动态重量的优势,通过用约束术语扩展权重以使学习过程更具解释。我们使用轻巧的多EXIT CNN体系结构来实施我们提出的损失方法。实验性H-均值得分(0.394)显示出比基线H均值得分的显着改善(0.335)。
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我们介绍了声学场景和事件的检测和分类的任务描述(DCASE)2022挑战任务2:“用于应用域通用技术的机器状况监控的无监督异常的声音检测(ASD)”。域转移是ASD系统应用的关键问题。由于域移位可以改变数据的声学特征,因此在源域中训练的模型对目标域的性能较差。在DCASE 2021挑战任务2中,我们组织了一个ASD任务来处理域移动。在此任务中,假定已知域移位的发生。但是,实际上,可能不会给出每个样本的域,并且域移位可能会隐含。在2022年的任务2中,我们专注于域泛化技术,这些技术检测异常,而不论域移动如何。具体而言,每个样品的域未在测试数据中给出,所有域仅允许一个阈值。我们将添加挑战结果和挑战提交截止日期后提交的分析。
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本文旨在开发一种基于声学信号的无监督异常检测方法来自动机器监测。现有的方法,例如Deep AutoCoder(DAE),变异自动编码器(VAE),条件变异自动编码器(CVAE)等在潜在空间中的表示功能有限,因此,异常检测性能差。必须为每种不同类型的机器培训不同的模型,以准确执行异常检测任务。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一种新方法,称为层次条件变化自动编码器(HCVAE)。该方法利用有关工业设施的可用分类学等级知识来完善潜在空间表示。这些知识也有助于模型改善异常检测性能。我们通过使用适当的条件证明了单个HCVAE模型对不同类型机器的概括能力。此外,为了显示拟议方法的实用性,(i)我们在不同领域评估了HCVAE模型,(ii)我们检查了部分分层知识的影响。我们的结果表明,HCVAE方法验证了这两个点,并且在AUC得分度量上最大的15%在异常检测任务上的基线系统的表现优于基线系统。
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