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Monitoring water is a complex task due to its dynamic nature, added pollutants, and land build-up. The availability of high-resolu-tion data by Sentinel-2 multispectral products makes implementing remote sensing applications feasible. However, overutilizing or underutilizing multispectral bands of the product can lead to inferior performance. In this work, we compare the performances of ten out of the thirteen bands available in a Sentinel-2 product for water segmentation using eight machine learning algorithms. We find that the shortwave infrared bands (B11 and B12) are the most superior for segmenting water bodies. B11 achieves an overall accuracy of $71\%$ while B12 achieves $69\%$ across all algorithms on the test site. We also find that the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm is the most favourable for single-band water segmentation. The SVM achieves an overall accuracy of $69\%$ across the tested bands over the given test site. Finally, to demonstrate the effectiveness of choosing the right amount of data, we use only B11 reflectance data to train an artificial neural network, BandNet. Even with a basic architecture, BandNet is proportionate to known architectures for semantic and water segmentation, achieving a $92.47$ mIOU on the test site. BandNet requires only a fraction of the time and resources to train and run inference, making it suitable to be deployed on web applications to run and monitor water bodies in localized regions. Our codebase is available at https://github.com/IamShubhamGupto/BandNet.
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In this paper, we discuss an imitation learning based method for reducing the calibration error for a mixed reality system consisting of a vision sensor and a projector. Unlike a head mounted display, in this setup, augmented information is available to a human subject via the projection of a scene into the real world. Inherently, the camera and projector need to be calibrated as a stereo setup to project accurate information in 3D space. Previous calibration processes require multiple recording and parameter tuning steps to achieve the desired calibration, which is usually time consuming process. In order to avoid such tedious calibration, we train a CNN model to iteratively correct the extrinsic offset given a QR code and a projected pattern. We discuss the overall system setup, data collection for training, and results of the auto-correction model.
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Language-conditioned policies allow robots to interpret and execute human instructions. Learning such policies requires a substantial investment with regards to time and compute resources. Still, the resulting controllers are highly device-specific and cannot easily be transferred to a robot with different morphology, capability, appearance or dynamics. In this paper, we propose a sample-efficient approach for training language-conditioned manipulation policies that allows for rapid transfer across different types of robots. By introducing a novel method, namely Hierarchical Modularity, and adopting supervised attention across multiple sub-modules, we bridge the divide between modular and end-to-end learning and enable the reuse of functional building blocks. In both simulated and real world robot manipulation experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods and can transfer policies across 4 different robots in a sample-efficient manner. Finally, we show that the functionality of learned sub-modules is maintained beyond the training process and can be used to introspect the robot decision-making process. Code is available at https://github.com/ir-lab/ModAttn.
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In this paper, we consider the problem of path finding for a set of homogeneous and autonomous agents navigating a previously unknown stochastic environment. In our problem setting, each agent attempts to maximize a given utility function while respecting safety properties. Our solution is based on ideas from evolutionary game theory, namely replicating policies that perform well and diminishing ones that do not. We do a comprehensive comparison with related multiagent planning methods, and show that our technique beats state of the art RL algorithms in minimizing path length by nearly 30% in large spaces. We show that our algorithm is computationally faster than deep RL methods by at least an order of magnitude. We also show that it scales better with an increase in the number of agents as compared to other methods, path planning methods in particular. Lastly, we empirically prove that the policies that we learn are evolutionarily stable and thus impervious to invasion by any other policy.
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We propose SparseFusion, a sparse view 3D reconstruction approach that unifies recent advances in neural rendering and probabilistic image generation. Existing approaches typically build on neural rendering with re-projected features but fail to generate unseen regions or handle uncertainty under large viewpoint changes. Alternate methods treat this as a (probabilistic) 2D synthesis task, and while they can generate plausible 2D images, they do not infer a consistent underlying 3D. However, we find that this trade-off between 3D consistency and probabilistic image generation does not need to exist. In fact, we show that geometric consistency and generative inference can be complementary in a mode-seeking behavior. By distilling a 3D consistent scene representation from a view-conditioned latent diffusion model, we are able to recover a plausible 3D representation whose renderings are both accurate and realistic. We evaluate our approach across 51 categories in the CO3D dataset and show that it outperforms existing methods, in both distortion and perception metrics, for sparse-view novel view synthesis.
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The people in the world who are hearing impaired face many obstacles in communication and require an interpreter to comprehend what a person is saying. There has been constant scientific research and the existing models lack the ability to make accurate predictions. So we propose a deep learning model trained on ASL i.e. American Sign Language which will take actions in the form of ASL as input and translate it into text. To achieve the translation a Convolution Neural Network model and a transfer learning model based on the VGG16 architecture are used. There has been an improvement in accuracy from 94% of CNN to 98.7% of Transfer Learning, an improvement of 5%. An application with the deep learning model integrated has also been built.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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