Exposure to ideas in domains outside a scientist's own may benefit her in reformulating existing research problems in novel ways and discovering new application domains for existing solution ideas. While improved performance in scholarly search engines can help scientists efficiently identify relevant advances in domains they may already be familiar with, it may fall short of helping them explore diverse ideas \textit{outside} such domains. In this paper we explore the design of systems aimed at augmenting the end-user ability in cross-domain exploration with flexible query specification. To this end, we develop an exploratory search system in which end-users can select a portion of text core to their interest from a paper abstract and retrieve papers that have a high similarity to the user-selected core aspect but differ in terms of domains. Furthermore, end-users can `zoom in' to specific domain clusters to retrieve more papers from them and understand nuanced differences within the clusters. Our case studies with scientists uncover opportunities and design implications for systems aimed at facilitating cross-domain exploration and inspiration.
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例如,查询是一个众所周知的信息检索任务,其中由用户选择文档作为搜索查询,目标是从大集合中检索相关文档。但是,文档通常涵盖主题的多个方面。要解决此方案,我们将通过示例介绍面位查询的任务,其中用户还可以指定除输入查询文档之外的更精细的粗体方面。我们专注于在科学文献搜索中的应用。我们设想能够沿着专门选择的修辞结构元素作为对此问题的一种解决方案来检索类似于查询科学纸的科学论文。在这项工作中,我们称之为方面的修辞结构元素,表明了科学论文的目标,方法或结果。我们介绍并描述了一个专家注释的测试集合,以评估培训的型号以执行此任务。我们的测试收集包括一个不同的50套英文查询文件,从计算语言学和机器学习场所绘制。我们仔细遵循TREC用于深度-K池(k = 100或250)使用的注释指南,结果数据收集包括具有高注释协议的分级相关性分数。在我们的数据集中评估的最先进模型显示出进一步的工作中的显着差距。可以在此处访问我们的数据集:https://github.com/iesl/csfcube
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The problem of generating an optimal coalition structure for a given coalition game of rational agents is to find a partition that maximizes their social welfare and is known to be NP-hard. This paper proposes GCS-Q, a novel quantum-supported solution for Induced Subgraph Games (ISGs) in coalition structure generation. GCS-Q starts by considering the grand coalition as initial coalition structure and proceeds by iteratively splitting the coalitions into two nonempty subsets to obtain a coalition structure with a higher coalition value. In particular, given an $n$-agent ISG, the GCS-Q solves the optimal split problem $\mathcal{O} (n)$ times using a quantum annealing device, exploring $\mathcal{O}(2^n)$ partitions at each step. We show that GCS-Q outperforms the currently best classical solvers with its runtime in the order of $n^2$ and an expected worst-case approximation ratio of $93\%$ on standard benchmark datasets.
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宏位置是将内存块放在芯片画布上的问题。它可以在序列对上表达为组合优化问题,该表示形式描述了宏的相对位置。解决此问题尤其具有挑战性,因为目标功能评估昂贵。在本文中,我们通过序列对使用贝叶斯优化(BO)开发了一种新颖的方法来宏观放置。 BO是一种机器学习技术,它使用概率的替代模型和一个采集功能,可以平衡探索和开发以有效地优化黑盒目标函数。 BO比强化学习更有效率,因此可以与更现实的目标一起使用。此外,从数据中学习并将算法适应目标函数的能力使BO成为其他黑盒优化方法(例如模拟退火)的吸引人替代方法,该方法依赖于问题依赖性的启发式方法和参数调整。我们在固定外线宏观位置问题上基准了我们的算法,并具有半二级线长度目标,并表现出竞争性能。
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近年来已经看到了最终(E2E)口语理解(SLU)系统的重要进展,它直接从口头音频预测意图和插槽。虽然对话历史被利用以改善基于传统的基于文本的自然语言理解系统,但是当前的E2E SLU方法尚未在多转义和面向任务的对话中尚未结合这种关键的上下文信号。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个上下文E2E SLU模型架构,它使用多针关注机制来通过编码的先前的话语和对话框(语音助手所采取的动作)进行多转对对话。我们详细介绍了将这些上下文集成到最先进的复制和转换器的模型中的替代方法。当应用于由语音助理收集的大型识别的话语数据集时,我们的方法分别将平均单词和语义误差率降低10.8%和12.6%。我们还在公开可用的数据集中呈现结果,并显示我们的方法显着提高了非联盟基线的性能
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