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A framework for creating and updating digital twins for dynamical systems from a library of physics-based functions is proposed. The sparse Bayesian machine learning is used to update and derive an interpretable expression for the digital twin. Two approaches for updating the digital twin are proposed. The first approach makes use of both the input and output information from a dynamical system, whereas the second approach utilizes output-only observations to update the digital twin. Both methods use a library of candidate functions representing certain physics to infer new perturbation terms in the existing digital twin model. In both cases, the resulting expressions of updated digital twins are identical, and in addition, the epistemic uncertainties are quantified. In the first approach, the regression problem is derived from a state-space model, whereas in the latter case, the output-only information is treated as a stochastic process. The concepts of It\^o calculus and Kramers-Moyal expansion are being utilized to derive the regression equation. The performance of the proposed approaches is demonstrated using highly nonlinear dynamical systems such as the crack-degradation problem. Numerical results demonstrated in this paper almost exactly identify the correct perturbation terms along with their associated parameters in the dynamical system. The probabilistic nature of the proposed approach also helps in quantifying the uncertainties associated with updated models. The proposed approaches provide an exact and explainable description of the perturbations in digital twin models, which can be directly used for better cyber-physical integration, long-term future predictions, degradation monitoring, and model-agnostic control.
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Quantum state tomography aims to estimate the state of a quantum mechanical system which is described by a trace one, Hermitian positive semidefinite complex matrix, given a set of measurements of the state. Existing works focus on estimating the density matrix that represents the state, using a compressive sensing approach, with only fewer measurements than that required for a tomographically complete set, with the assumption that the true state has a low rank. One very popular method to estimate the state is the use of the Singular Value Thresholding (SVT) algorithm. In this work, we present a machine learning approach to estimate the quantum state of n-qubit systems by unrolling the iterations of SVT which we call Learned Quantum State Tomography (LQST). As merely unrolling SVT may not ensure that the output of the network meets the constraints required for a quantum state, we design and train a custom neural network whose architecture is inspired from the iterations of SVT with additional layers to meet the required constraints. We show that our proposed LQST with very few layers reconstructs the density matrix with much better fidelity than the SVT algorithm which takes many hundreds of iterations to converge. We also demonstrate the reconstruction of the quantum Bell state from an informationally incomplete set of noisy measurements.
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使用敏感用户数据调用隐私保护方法,执行低排名矩阵完成。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新型的噪声添加机制,用于保留差异隐私,其中噪声分布受Huber损失的启发,Huber损失是众所周知的稳定统计数据中众所周知的损失功能。在使用交替的最小二乘方法来解决矩阵完成问题的同时,对现有的差异隐私机制进行了评估。我们还建议使用迭代重新加权的最小二乘算法来完成低级矩阵,并研究合成和真实数据集中不同噪声机制的性能。我们证明所提出的机制实现了{\ epsilon} - 差异性隐私,类似于拉普拉斯机制。此外,经验结果表明,在某些情况下,Huber机制优于Laplacian和Gaussian,否则是可比的。
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