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This paper proposes a new regularization algorithm referred to as macro-block dropout. The overfitting issue has been a difficult problem in training large neural network models. The dropout technique has proven to be simple yet very effective for regularization by preventing complex co-adaptations during training. In our work, we define a macro-block that contains a large number of units from the input to a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Rather than applying dropout to each unit, we apply random dropout to each macro-block. This algorithm has the effect of applying different drop out rates for each layer even if we keep a constant average dropout rate, which has better regularization effects. In our experiments using Recurrent Neural Network-Transducer (RNN-T), this algorithm shows relatively 4.30 % and 6.13 % Word Error Rates (WERs) improvement over the conventional dropout on LibriSpeech test-clean and test-other. With an Attention-based Encoder-Decoder (AED) model, this algorithm shows relatively 4.36 % and 5.85 % WERs improvement over the conventional dropout on the same test sets.
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工业商店地板见证人类和机器人在一致和家庭家庭中成为这两个代理商的共同空间的未来。科学界通过扩展他们在人类机器人互动方面的研究工作向人类机器人合作而扩展到未来。人形机器人的拟人化本质可能会认为最适合于半结构化,以人为中心的环境中的合作。针对人类试剂的可穿戴感应技术和人类机器人的有效人力意识控制策略将是实现无缝人类人类合作的关键。在这里,可靠的状态估计策略对于理解来自人类的多个分布式传感器以及机器人上的多个分布式传感器至关重要,以增强为人类机器人设计的反馈控制器,以帮助其人类。在这种情况下,本文研究了针对人形运动和人类运动估计的谎言群体的谎言群体理论。 [继续]
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Context-aware decision support in the operating room can foster surgical safety and efficiency by leveraging real-time feedback from surgical workflow analysis. Most existing works recognize surgical activities at a coarse-grained level, such as phases, steps or events, leaving out fine-grained interaction details about the surgical activity; yet those are needed for more helpful AI assistance in the operating room. Recognizing surgical actions as triplets of <instrument, verb, target> combination delivers comprehensive details about the activities taking place in surgical videos. This paper presents CholecTriplet2021: an endoscopic vision challenge organized at MICCAI 2021 for the recognition of surgical action triplets in laparoscopic videos. The challenge granted private access to the large-scale CholecT50 dataset, which is annotated with action triplet information. In this paper, we present the challenge setup and assessment of the state-of-the-art deep learning methods proposed by the participants during the challenge. A total of 4 baseline methods from the challenge organizers and 19 new deep learning algorithms by competing teams are presented to recognize surgical action triplets directly from surgical videos, achieving mean average precision (mAP) ranging from 4.2% to 38.1%. This study also analyzes the significance of the results obtained by the presented approaches, performs a thorough methodological comparison between them, in-depth result analysis, and proposes a novel ensemble method for enhanced recognition. Our analysis shows that surgical workflow analysis is not yet solved, and also highlights interesting directions for future research on fine-grained surgical activity recognition which is of utmost importance for the development of AI in surgery.
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