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在数据驱动的社会的时代,物联网(IoT)设备的无处不在,存储在不同地方的大量数据,分布式学习已获得了很多吸引力,但是,假设具有独立和相同分布的数据(IID)跨设备。在放松这种假设的同时,由于设备的异质性质,无论如何都无法实现现实,但Federated Learnation(FL)已成为一种保护隐私的解决方案,可以训练与大量设备分布的非IID数据进行协作模型。但是,由于不受限制的参与,打算破坏FL模型的恶意设备(攻击者)的出现是不可避免的。在这项工作中,我们旨在确定此类攻击者并减轻对模型的影响,从本质上讲,在双向标签与勾结的翻转攻击的情况下。我们通过利用本地模型之间的相关性来提出两种基于最小生成树和k-densest图的理论算法。即使攻击者最多占所有客户的70%,我们的FL模型也会消除攻击者的影响力,而先前的作品不能负担超过50%的客户作为攻击者。通过在两个基准数据集(即Mnist和Fashion-Mnist)的实验中确定我们算法的有效性,并具有压倒性的攻击者。我们使用准确性,攻击成功率和早期检测回合建立了算法优于现有算法的优势。
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Machine Translation (MT) system generally aims at automatic representation of source language into target language retaining the originality of context using various Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Among various NLP methods, Statistical Machine Translation(SMT). SMT uses probabilistic and statistical techniques to analyze information and conversion. This paper canvasses about the development of bilingual SMT models for translating English to fifteen low-resource Indian Languages (ILs) and vice versa. At the outset, all 15 languages are briefed with a short description related to our experimental need. Further, a detailed analysis of Samanantar and OPUS dataset for model building, along with standard benchmark dataset (Flores-200) for fine-tuning and testing, is done as a part of our experiment. Different preprocessing approaches are proposed in this paper to handle the noise of the dataset. To create the system, MOSES open-source SMT toolkit is explored. Distance reordering is utilized with the aim to understand the rules of grammar and context-dependent adjustments through a phrase reordering categorization framework. In our experiment, the quality of the translation is evaluated using standard metrics such as BLEU, METEOR, and RIBES
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The devastation caused by the coronavirus pandemic makes it imperative to design automated techniques for a fast and accurate detection. We propose a novel non-invasive tool, using deep learning and imaging, for delineating COVID-19 infection in lungs. The Ensembling Attention-based Multi-scaled Convolution network (EAMC), employing Leave-One-Patient-Out (LOPO) training, exhibits high sensitivity and precision in outlining infected regions along with assessment of severity. The Attention module combines contextual with local information, at multiple scales, for accurate segmentation. Ensemble learning integrates heterogeneity of decision through different base classifiers. The superiority of EAMC, even with severe class imbalance, is established through comparison with existing state-of-the-art learning models over four publicly-available COVID-19 datasets. The results are suggestive of the relevance of deep learning in providing assistive intelligence to medical practitioners, when they are overburdened with patients as in pandemics. Its clinical significance lies in its unprecedented scope in providing low-cost decision-making for patients lacking specialized healthcare at remote locations.
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Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is an automatic technique that can search for well-performed architectures for a specific task. Although NAS surpasses human-designed architecture in many fields, the high computational cost of architecture evaluation it requires hinders its development. A feasible solution is to directly evaluate some metrics in the initial stage of the architecture without any training. NAS without training (WOT) score is such a metric, which estimates the final trained accuracy of the architecture through the ability to distinguish different inputs in the activation layer. However, WOT score is not an atomic metric, meaning that it does not represent a fundamental indicator of the architecture. The contributions of this paper are in three folds. First, we decouple WOT into two atomic metrics which represent the distinguishing ability of the network and the number of activation units, and explore better combination rules named (Distinguishing Activation Score) DAS. We prove the correctness of decoupling theoretically and confirmed the effectiveness of the rules experimentally. Second, in order to improve the prediction accuracy of DAS to meet practical search requirements, we propose a fast training strategy. When DAS is used in combination with the fast training strategy, it yields more improvements. Third, we propose a dataset called Darts-training-bench (DTB), which fills the gap that no training states of architecture in existing datasets. Our proposed method has 1.04$\times$ - 1.56$\times$ improvements on NAS-Bench-101, Network Design Spaces, and the proposed DTB.
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In this paper, we propose SceNDD: a scenario-based naturalistic driving dataset that is built upon data collected from an instrumented vehicle in downtown Indianapolis. The data collection was completed in 68 driving sessions with different drivers, where each session lasted about 20--40 minutes. The main goal of creating this dataset is to provide the research community with real driving scenarios that have diverse trajectories and driving behaviors. The dataset contains ego-vehicle's waypoints, velocity, yaw angle, as well as non-ego actor's waypoints, velocity, yaw angle, entry-time, and exit-time. Certain flexibility is provided to users so that actors, sensors, lanes, roads, and obstacles can be added to the existing scenarios. We used a Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) tracker to detect non-ego vehicles on the road. We present some preliminary results of the proposed dataset and a few applications associated with it. The complete dataset is expected to be released by early 2023.
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Deep learning-based object detection is a powerful approach for detecting faulty insulators in power lines. This involves training an object detection model from scratch, or fine tuning a model that is pre-trained on benchmark computer vision datasets. This approach works well with a large number of insulator images, but can result in unreliable models in the low data regime. The current literature mainly focuses on detecting the presence or absence of insulator caps, which is a relatively easy detection task, and does not consider detection of finer faults such as flashed and broken disks. In this article, we formulate three object detection tasks for insulator and asset inspection from aerial images, focusing on incipient faults in disks. We curate a large reference dataset of insulator images that can be used to learn robust features for detecting healthy and faulty insulators. We study the advantage of using this dataset in the low target data regime by pre-training on the reference dataset followed by fine-tuning on the target dataset. The results suggest that object detection models can be used to detect faults in insulators at a much incipient stage, and that transfer learning adds value depending on the type of object detection model. We identify key factors that dictate performance in the low data-regime and outline potential approaches to improve the state-of-the-art.
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Online Social Networks have embarked on the importance of connection strength measures which has a broad array of applications such as, analyzing diffusion behaviors, community detection, link predictions, recommender systems. Though there are some existing connection strength measures, the density that a connection shares with it's neighbors and the directionality aspect has not received much attention. In this paper, we have proposed an asymmetric edge similarity measure namely, Neighborhood Density-based Edge Similarity (NDES) which provides a fundamental support to derive the strength of connection. The time complexity of NDES is $O(nk^2)$. An application of NDES for community detection in social network is shown. We have considered a similarity based community detection technique and substituted its similarity measure with NDES. The performance of NDES is evaluated on several small real-world datasets in terms of the effectiveness in detecting communities and compared with three widely used similarity measures. Empirical results show NDES enables detecting comparatively better communities both in terms of accuracy and quality.
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Community detection in Social Networks is associated with finding and grouping the most similar nodes inherent in the network. These similar nodes are identified by computing tie strength. Stronger ties indicates higher proximity shared by connected node pairs. This work is motivated by Granovetter's argument that suggests that strong ties lies within densely connected nodes and the theory that community cores in real-world networks are densely connected. In this paper, we have introduced a novel method called \emph{Disjoint Community detection using Cascades (DCC)} which demonstrates the effectiveness of a new local density based tie strength measure on detecting communities. Here, tie strength is utilized to decide the paths followed for propagating information. The idea is to crawl through the tuple information of cascades towards the community core guided by increasing tie strength. Considering the cascade generation step, a novel preferential membership method has been developed to assign community labels to unassigned nodes. The efficacy of $DCC$ has been analyzed based on quality and accuracy on several real-world datasets and baseline community detection algorithms.
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Information diffusion in Online Social Networks is a new and crucial problem in social network analysis field and requires significant research attention. Efficient diffusion of information are of critical importance in diverse situations such as; pandemic prevention, advertising, marketing etc. Although several mathematical models have been developed till date, but previous works lacked systematic analysis and exploration of the influence of neighborhood for information diffusion. In this paper, we have proposed Common Neighborhood Strategy (CNS) algorithm for information diffusion that demonstrates the role of common neighborhood in information propagation throughout the network. The performance of CNS algorithm is evaluated on several real-world datasets in terms of diffusion speed and diffusion outspread and compared with several widely used information diffusion models. Empirical results show CNS algorithm enables better information diffusion both in terms of diffusion speed and diffusion outspread.
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