筛选行李X射线扫描的筛选杂乱和闭塞违禁品,即使对于专家的安全人员而言,甚至是一个繁琐的任务。本文提出了一种新的策略,其扩展了传统的编码器 - 解码器架构,以执行实例感知分段,并在不使用任何附加子网络或对象检测器的情况下执行违反互斥项的合并实例。编码器 - 解码器网络首先执行传统的语义分割,并检索杂乱的行李物品。然后,该模型在训练期间逐步发展,以识别各个情况,使用显着减少的训练批次。为了避免灾难性的遗忘,一种新颖的客观函数通过保留先前获得的知识来最小化每次迭代中的网络损失,同时通过贝叶斯推断解决其复杂的结构依赖性。对我们两个公开的X射线数据集的框架进行了全面评估,表明它优于最先进的方法,特别是在挑战的杂乱场景中,同时在检测准确性和效率之间实现最佳的权衡。
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Anomaly detection is a classical problem in computer vision, namely the determination of the normal from the abnormal when datasets are highly biased towards one class (normal) due to the insufficient sample size of the other class (abnormal). While this can be addressed as a supervised learning problem, a significantly more challenging problem is that of detecting the unknown/unseen anomaly case that takes us instead into the space of a one-class, semi-supervised learning paradigm. We introduce such a novel anomaly detection model, by using a conditional generative adversarial network that jointly learns the generation of high-dimensional image space and the inference of latent space. Employing encoder-decoder-encoder sub-networks in the generator network enables the model to map the input image to a lower dimension vector, which is then used to reconstruct the generated output image. The use of the additional encoder network maps this generated image to its latent representation. Minimizing the distance between these images and the latent vectors during training aids in learning the data distribution for the normal samples. As a result, a larger distance metric from this learned data distribution at inference time is indicative of an outlier from that distribution -an anomaly. Experimentation over several benchmark datasets, from varying domains, shows the model efficacy and superiority over previous state-of-the-art approaches.
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3D human whole-body pose estimation aims to localize precise 3D keypoints on the entire human body, including the face, hands, body, and feet. Due to the lack of a large-scale fully annotated 3D whole-body dataset, a common approach has been to train several deep networks separately on datasets dedicated to specific body parts, and combine them during inference. This approach suffers from complex training and inference pipelines because of the different biases in each dataset used. It also lacks a common benchmark which makes it difficult to compare different methods. To address these issues, we introduce Human3.6M 3D WholeBody (H3WB) which provides whole-body annotations for the Human3.6M dataset using the COCO Wholebody layout. H3WB is a large scale dataset with 133 whole-body keypoint annotations on 100K images, made possible by our new multi-view pipeline. Along with H3WB, we propose 3 tasks: i) 3D whole-body pose lifting from 2D complete whole-body pose, ii) 3D whole-body pose lifting from 2D incomplete whole-body pose, iii) 3D whole-body pose estimation from a single RGB image. We also report several baselines from popular methods for these tasks. The dataset is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/wholebody3d/wholebody3d}.
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在本文中,我们介绍了计算机视觉研讨会上的女性 - WICV 2022,与路易斯安那州新奥尔良的混合CVPR 2022一起组织。它为计算机视觉社区中的少数(女性)群体提供了声音,并着重于提高这些研究人员在学术界和工业中的可见性。 WICV认为,这样的事件可以在降低计算机视觉领域的性别失衡方面发挥重要作用。 WICV每年都会组织a)a)从少数群体的研究人员之间合作的机会,b)指导女性初级研究人员,c)向演示者提供财政支持,以克服货币负担,D)榜样的大量选择,他们可以在职业生涯开始时,是年轻研究人员的例子。在本文中,我们介绍了有关研讨会计划的报告,过去几年的趋势,关于WICV 2022讲习班的演示者,与会者和赞助的统计摘要。
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标准联合优化方法成功地适用于单层结构的随机问题。然而,许多当代的ML问题 - 包括对抗性鲁棒性,超参数调整和参与者 - 批判性 - 属于嵌套的双层编程,这些编程包含微型型和组成优化。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ fedblo:一种联合交替的随机梯度方法来解决一般的嵌套问题。我们在存在异质数据的情况下为\ fedblo建立了可证明的收敛速率,并引入了二聚体,最小值和组成优化的变化。\ fedblo引入了多种创新,包括联邦高级计算和降低方差,以解决内部级别的异质性。我们通过有关超参数\&超代理学习和最小值优化的实验来补充我们的理论,以证明我们方法在实践中的好处。代码可在https://github.com/ucr-optml/fednest上找到。
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In continual learning (CL), the goal is to design models that can learn a sequence of tasks without catastrophic forgetting. While there is a rich set of techniques for CL, relatively little understanding exists on how representations built by previous tasks benefit new tasks that are added to the network. To address this, we study the problem of continual representation learning (CRL) where we learn an evolving representation as new tasks arrive. Focusing on zero-forgetting methods where tasks are embedded in subnetworks (e.g., PackNet), we first provide experiments demonstrating CRL can significantly boost sample efficiency when learning new tasks. To explain this, we establish theoretical guarantees for CRL by providing sample complexity and generalization error bounds for new tasks by formalizing the statistical benefits of previously-learned representations. Our analysis and experiments also highlight the importance of the order in which we learn the tasks. Specifically, we show that CL benefits if the initial tasks have large sample size and high "representation diversity". Diversity ensures that adding new tasks incurs small representation mismatch and can be learned with few samples while training only few additional nonzero weights. Finally, we ask whether one can ensure each task subnetwork to be efficient during inference time while retaining the benefits of representation learning. To this end, we propose an inference-efficient variation of PackNet called Efficient Sparse PackNet (ESPN) which employs joint channel & weight pruning. ESPN embeds tasks in channel-sparse subnets requiring up to 80% less FLOPs to compute while approximately retaining accuracy and is very competitive with a variety of baselines. In summary, this work takes a step towards data and compute-efficient CL with a representation learning perspective. GitHub page: https://github.com/ucr-optml/CtRL
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