计算机视觉技术可以帮助自动化或部分自动化口面损伤的临床检查,以提供准确和客观的评估。为了开发此类自动化系统,我们评估了两种在口面评估视频中检测和时间分段(分析)重复的方法。从多伦多神经曲面数据集获得了患有肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)和健康对照(HC)个体的参与者的录制视频。检查了两种重复检测和解析方法:一种基于轨迹地标的工程特征和上嘴唇和下唇的朱红色 - 二连交界之间的距离(基线分析)的峰值检测(基线分析),另一种是使用预训练的变压器 - 基于repnet的基于深度学习模型(Dwibedi等,2020),该模型自动检测周期性,并在视频数据中解析周期性和半周期重复。在对两项口面评估任务的实验评估中 - 重复最大的口腔张开(打开)并重复“购买Bobby a Puppy”(BBP)(BBP) - repnet提供了比基于具有里程碑意义的方法更好的解析,并通过较高的平均相交量化的方法来量化。联合(IOU)关于地面真理手动解析。使用Repnet自动解析还根据BBP重复的持续时间清楚地分离了HC和ALS参与者,而基于里程碑的方法则不能。
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The field of autonomous mobile robots has undergone dramatic advancements over the past decades. Despite achieving important milestones, several challenges are yet to be addressed. Aggregating the achievements of the robotic community as survey papers is vital to keep the track of current state-of-the-art and the challenges that must be tackled in the future. This paper tries to provide a comprehensive review of autonomous mobile robots covering topics such as sensor types, mobile robot platforms, simulation tools, path planning and following, sensor fusion methods, obstacle avoidance, and SLAM. The urge to present a survey paper is twofold. First, autonomous navigation field evolves fast so writing survey papers regularly is crucial to keep the research community well-aware of the current status of this field. Second, deep learning methods have revolutionized many fields including autonomous navigation. Therefore, it is necessary to give an appropriate treatment of the role of deep learning in autonomous navigation as well which is covered in this paper. Future works and research gaps will also be discussed.
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State-of-the-art automatic augmentation methods (e.g., AutoAugment and RandAugment) for visual recognition tasks diversify training data using a large set of augmentation operations. The range of magnitudes of many augmentation operations (e.g., brightness and contrast) is continuous. Therefore, to make search computationally tractable, these methods use fixed and manually-defined magnitude ranges for each operation, which may lead to sub-optimal policies. To answer the open question on the importance of magnitude ranges for each augmentation operation, we introduce RangeAugment that allows us to efficiently learn the range of magnitudes for individual as well as composite augmentation operations. RangeAugment uses an auxiliary loss based on image similarity as a measure to control the range of magnitudes of augmentation operations. As a result, RangeAugment has a single scalar parameter for search, image similarity, which we simply optimize via linear search. RangeAugment integrates seamlessly with any model and learns model- and task-specific augmentation policies. With extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset across different networks, we show that RangeAugment achieves competitive performance to state-of-the-art automatic augmentation methods with 4-5 times fewer augmentation operations. Experimental results on semantic segmentation, object detection, foundation models, and knowledge distillation further shows RangeAugment's effectiveness.
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This article presents morphologically-annotated Yemeni, Sudanese, Iraqi, and Libyan Arabic dialects Lisan corpora. Lisan features around 1.2 million tokens. We collected the content of the corpora from several social media platforms. The Yemeni corpus (~ 1.05M tokens) was collected automatically from Twitter. The corpora of the other three dialects (~ 50K tokens each) came manually from Facebook and YouTube posts and comments. Thirty five (35) annotators who are native speakers of the target dialects carried out the annotations. The annotators segemented all words in the four corpora into prefixes, stems and suffixes and labeled each with different morphological features such as part of speech, lemma, and a gloss in English. An Arabic Dialect Annotation Toolkit ADAT was developped for the purpose of the annation. The annotators were trained on a set of guidelines and on how to use ADAT. We developed ADAT to assist the annotators and to ensure compatibility with SAMA and Curras tagsets. The tool is open source, and the four corpora are also available online.
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This paper presents a Temporal Graph Neural Network (TGNN) framework for detection and localization of false data injection and ramp attacks on the system state in smart grids. Capturing the topological information of the system through the GNN framework along with the state measurements can improve the performance of the detection mechanism. The problem is formulated as a classification problem through a GNN with message passing mechanism to identify abnormal measurements. The residual block used in the aggregation process of message passing and the gated recurrent unit can lead to improved computational time and performance. The performance of the proposed model has been evaluated through extensive simulations of power system states and attack scenarios showing promising performance. The sensitivity of the model to intensity and location of the attacks and model's detection delay versus detection accuracy have also been evaluated.
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Synergetic use of sensors for soil moisture retrieval is attracting considerable interest due to the different advantages of different sensors. Active, passive, and optic data integration could be a comprehensive solution for exploiting the advantages of different sensors aimed at preparing soil moisture maps. Typically, pixel-based methods are used for multi-sensor fusion. Since, different applications need different scales of soil moisture maps, pixel-based approaches are limited for this purpose. Object-based image analysis employing an image object instead of a pixel could help us to meet this need. This paper proposes a segment-based image fusion framework to evaluate the possibility of preparing a multi-scale soil moisture map through integrated Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) data. The results confirmed that the proposed methodology was able to improve soil moisture estimation in different scales up to 20% better compared to pixel-based fusion approach.
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Search and rescue, wildfire monitoring, and flood/hurricane impact assessment are mission-critical services for recent IoT networks. Communication synchronization, dependability, and minimal communication jitter are major simulation and system issues for the time-based physics-based ROS simulator, event-based network-based wireless simulator, and complex dynamics of mobile and heterogeneous IoT devices deployed in actual environments. Simulating a heterogeneous multi-robot system before deployment is difficult due to synchronizing physics (robotics) and network simulators. Due to its master-based architecture, most TCP/IP-based synchronization middlewares use ROS1. A real-time ROS2 architecture with masterless packet discovery synchronizes robotics and wireless network simulations. A velocity-aware Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) technique for ground and aerial robots using Data Distribution Service (DDS) publish-subscribe transport minimizes packet loss, synchronization, transmission, and communication jitters. Gazebo and NS-3 simulate and test. Simulator-agnostic middleware. LOS/NLOS and TCP/UDP protocols tested our ROS2-based synchronization middleware for packet loss probability and average latency. A thorough ablation research replaced NS-3 with EMANE, a real-time wireless network simulator, and masterless ROS2 with master-based ROS1. Finally, we tested network synchronization and jitter using one aerial drone (Duckiedrone) and two ground vehicles (TurtleBot3 Burger) on different terrains in masterless (ROS2) and master-enabled (ROS1) clusters. Our middleware shows that a large-scale IoT infrastructure with a diverse set of stationary and robotic devices can achieve low-latency communications (12% and 11% reduction in simulation and real) while meeting mission-critical application reliability (10% and 15% packet loss reduction) and high-fidelity requirements.
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本文提议使用修改的完全连接层转移初始化,以进行1900诊断。卷积神经网络(CNN)在图像分类中取得了显着的结果。但是,由于图像识别应用程序的复杂性,培训高性能模型是一个非常复杂且耗时的过程。另一方面,转移学习是一种相对较新的学习方法,已在许多领域使用,以减少计算来实现良好的性能。在这项研究中,Pytorch预训练的模型(VGG19 \ _bn和WideresNet -101)首次在MNIST数据集中应用于初始化,并具有修改的完全连接的层。先前在Imagenet中对使用的Pytorch预培训模型进行了培训。提出的模型在Kaggle笔记本电脑中得到了开发和验证,并且在网络培训过程中没有花费巨大的计算时间,达到了99.77%的出色精度。我们还将相同的方法应用于SIIM-FISABIO-RSNA COVID-19检测数据集,并达到80.01%的精度。相比之下,以前的方法在训练过程中需要大量的压缩时间才能达到高性能模型。代码可在以下链接上找到:github.com/dipuk0506/spinalnet
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