In this paper, we present a study of regret and its expression on social media platforms. Specifically, we present a novel dataset of Reddit texts that have been classified into three classes: Regret by Action, Regret by Inaction, and No Regret. We then use this dataset to investigate the language used to express regret on Reddit and to identify the domains of text that are most commonly associated with regret. Our findings show that Reddit users are most likely to express regret for past actions, particularly in the domain of relationships. We also found that deep learning models using GloVe embedding outperformed other models in all experiments, indicating the effectiveness of GloVe for representing the meaning and context of words in the domain of regret. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the nature and prevalence of regret on social media, as well as the potential of deep learning and word embeddings for analyzing and understanding emotional language in online text. These findings have implications for the development of natural language processing algorithms and the design of social media platforms that support emotional expression and communication.
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这项研究报告了第二个名为Urdufake@Fire2021的共享任务,以识别乌尔都语语言的假新闻检测。这是一个二进制分类问题,在其中,任务是将给定的新闻文章分为两类:(i)真实新闻,或(ii)假新闻。在这项共同的任务中,来自7个不同国家(中国,埃及,以色列,印度,墨西哥,巴基斯坦和阿联酋)的34个团队注册参加了共同的任务,18个团队提交了他们的实验结果,11个团队提交了他们的技术报告。所提出的系统基于各种基于计数的功能,并使用了不同的分类器以及神经网络体系结构。随机梯度下降(SGD)算法的表现优于其他分类器,并达到0.679 F-SCORE。
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在当代世界中,自动检测假新闻是一项非常重要的任务。这项研究报告了第二项共享任务,称为Urdufake@fire2021,以识别乌尔都语中的假新闻检测。共同任务的目的是激励社区提出解决这一至关重要问题的有效方法,尤其是对于乌尔都语。该任务被视为二进制分类问题,将给定的新闻文章标记为真实或假新闻文章。组织者提供了一个数据集,其中包括五个领域的新闻:(i)健康,(ii)体育,(iii)Showbiz,(iv)技术和(v)业务,分为培训和测试集。该培训集包含1300篇注释的新闻文章 - 750个真实新闻,550个假新闻,而测试集包含300篇新闻文章 - 200个真实,100个假新闻。来自7个不同国家(中国,埃及,以色列,印度,墨西哥,巴基斯坦和阿联酋)的34个团队注册参加了Urdufake@Fire2021共享任务。在这些情况下,有18个团队提交了实验结果,其中11个提交了技术报告,与2020年的Urdufake共享任务相比,这一报告要高得多,当时只有6个团队提交了技术报告。参与者提交的技术报告展示了不同的数据表示技术,从基于计数的弓形功能到单词矢量嵌入以及使用众多的机器学习算法,从传统的SVM到各种神经网络体系结构,包括伯特和罗伯塔等变形金刚。在今年的比赛中,表现最佳的系统获得了0.679的F1-MACRO得分,低于过去一年的0.907 F1-MaCro的最佳结果。诚然,尽管过去和当前几年的培训集在很大程度上重叠,但如果今年完全不同,则测试集。
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For a number of tasks, such as 3D reconstruction, robotic interface, autonomous driving, etc., camera calibration is essential. In this study, we present a unique method for predicting intrinsic (principal point offset and focal length) and extrinsic (baseline, pitch, and translation) properties from a pair of images. We suggested a novel method where camera model equations are represented as a neural network in a multi-task learning framework, in contrast to existing methods, which build a comprehensive solution. By reconstructing the 3D points using a camera model neural network and then using the loss in reconstruction to obtain the camera specifications, this innovative camera projection loss (CPL) method allows us that the desired parameters should be estimated. As far as we are aware, our approach is the first one that uses an approach to multi-task learning that includes mathematical formulas in a framework for learning to estimate camera parameters to predict both the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters jointly. Additionally, we provided a new dataset named as CVGL Camera Calibration Dataset [1] which has been collected using the CARLA Simulator [2]. Actually, we show that our suggested strategy out performs both conventional methods and methods based on deep learning on 8 out of 10 parameters that were assessed using both real and synthetic data. Our code and generated dataset are available at
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Digital Twin Technology在现代工业发展中起着关键作用。尤其是,随着技术的技术进步(IoT)以及自主权的日益增长的趋势,配备多传感器的机器人技术可以创建实用的数字双胞胎,这在运营,维护和安全的工业应用程序中特别有用。在此,我们演示了一个现实世界中的数字双胞胎,其中包括安全至关重要的机器人应用程序,并带有Franka-Emika-Panda机器人臂。我们开发并展示了一个避免动态障碍物的边缘辅助协作数字双胞胎,这对于在工业物联网中不确定和动态的环境中运行时可以实时适应机器人。
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Camera calibration is a necessity in various tasks including 3D reconstruction, hand-eye coordination for a robotic interaction, autonomous driving, etc. In this work we propose a novel method to predict extrinsic (baseline, pitch, and translation), intrinsic (focal length and principal point offset) parameters using an image pair. Unlike existing methods, instead of designing an end-to-end solution, we proposed a new representation that incorporates camera model equations as a neural network in multi-task learning framework. We estimate the desired parameters via novel camera projection loss (CPL) that uses the camera model neural network to reconstruct the 3D points and uses the reconstruction loss to estimate the camera parameters. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first method to jointly estimate both the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters via a multi-task learning methodology that combines analytical equations in learning framework for the estimation of camera parameters. We also proposed a novel dataset using CARLA Simulator. Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed approach achieves better performance with respect to both deep learning-based and traditional methods on 8 out of 10 parameters evaluated using both synthetic and real data. Our code and generated dataset are available at
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