我们提出了一种用于计算自动语音识别(ASR)中错误率的新方法。这个新的指标是针对包含半字符的语言,可以以不同形式编写相同的字符。我们在印地语中实施了我们的方法论,这是指示上下文中的主要语言之一,我们认为这种方法可扩展到包含大型字符集的其他类似语言。我们称我们的指标替代单词错误率(AWER)和替代字符错误率(ACER)。我们使用wav2Vec 2.0 \ cite {baevski2020wav2vec}训练我们的ASR模型。此外,我们使用语言模型来改善我们的模型性能。我们的结果表明,在分析单词和角色级别的错误率方面有了显着提高,ASR系统的可解释性提高了高达$ 3 $ \%的AWER,印地语的ACER $ 7 $ \%。我们的实验表明,在具有复杂发音的语言中,有多种写单词而不改变其含义的方式。在这种情况下,Awer和Acer将更有用,而不是将其作为指标。此外,我们通过新的公制脚本为印地语开了一个21小时的新基准测试数据集。
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我们研究应用语言模型(LM)对指示语言自动语音识别(ASR)系统输出的影响。我们微调WAV2VEC $ 2.0 $型号的$ 18 $指示性语言,并通过根据各种来源派生的文本训练的语言模型调整结果。我们的发现表明,平均字符错误率(CER)降低了$ 28 $ \%,平均单词错误率(WER)在解码LM后降低了$ 36 $ \%。我们表明,与多样化的LM相比,大型LM可能无法提供实质性的改进。我们还证明,可以在特定于域的数据上获得高质量的转录,而无需重新培训ASR模型并显示了生物医学领域的结果。
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我们提出Vakyansh,这是一种用指示语言识别语音识别的端到端工具包。印度拥有近121种语言和大约125亿扬声器。然而,大多数语言在数据和预验证的模型方面都是低资源。通过Vakyansh,我们介绍了自动数据管道,用于数据创建,模型培训,模型评估和部署。我们以23个指示语言和Train Wav2Vec 2.0预验证的模型创建14,000小时的语音数据。然后,对这些预审预告措施的模型进行了修订,以创建18个指示语言的最先进的语音识别模型,其次是语言模型和标点符号修复模型。我们以使命开源所有这些资源,这将激发语音社区使用ASR模型以指示语言开发语音的首次应用程序。
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我们介绍了一个CLSRIL-23,一个自我监督的基于学习的音频预训练模型,它学习了来自23个指示语言的原始音频的交叉语言语音表示。它基于Wav2Vec 2.0之上,通过培训蒙面潜在语音表示的对比任务来解决,并共同了解所有语言共享的潜伏的量化。我们在预磨练期间比较语言明智的损失,以比较单机和多语言预制的影响。还比较了一些下游微调任务的表现,并且我们的实验表明,在学习语音表示方面,我们的实验表明,在学习语言的语音表示方面,以及在沿着流的性能方面的学习语音表示。在Hindi中使用多语言预磨模模型时,在WER中观察到5%的减少,9.5%。所有代码模型也都是开放的。 CLSRIL-23是一款以23美元的价格培训的型号,以及近10,000小时的音频数据培训,以促进在语言中的语音识别研究。我们希望将使用自我监督方法创建新的最新状态,特别是对于低资源指示语言。
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With large-scale adaption to biometric based applications, security and privacy of biometrics is utmost important especially when operating in unsupervised online mode. This work proposes a novel approach for generating new artificial fingerprints also called proxy fingerprints that are natural looking, non-invertible, revocable and privacy preserving. These proxy biometrics can be generated from original ones only with the help of a user-specific key. Instead of using the original fingerprint, these proxy templates can be used anywhere with same convenience. The manuscripts walks through an interesting way in which proxy fingerprints of different types can be generated and how they can be combined with use-specific keys to provide revocability and cancelability in case of compromise. Using the proposed approach a proxy dataset is generated from samples belonging to Anguli fingerprint database. Matching experiments were performed on the new set which is 5 times larger than the original, and it was found that their performance is at par with 0 FAR and 0 FRR in the stolen key, safe key scenarios. Other parameters on revocability and diversity are also analyzed for protection performance.
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Deep neural networks (DNN) are prone to miscalibrated predictions, often exhibiting a mismatch between the predicted output and the associated confidence scores. Contemporary model calibration techniques mitigate the problem of overconfident predictions by pushing down the confidence of the winning class while increasing the confidence of the remaining classes across all test samples. However, from a deployment perspective, an ideal model is desired to (i) generate well-calibrated predictions for high-confidence samples with predicted probability say >0.95, and (ii) generate a higher proportion of legitimate high-confidence samples. To this end, we propose a novel regularization technique that can be used with classification losses, leading to state-of-the-art calibrated predictions at test time; From a deployment standpoint in safety-critical applications, only high-confidence samples from a well-calibrated model are of interest, as the remaining samples have to undergo manual inspection. Predictive confidence reduction of these potentially ``high-confidence samples'' is a downside of existing calibration approaches. We mitigate this by proposing a dynamic train-time data pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence samples every few epochs, providing an increase in "confident yet calibrated samples". We demonstrate state-of-the-art calibration performance across image classification benchmarks, reducing training time without much compromise in accuracy. We provide insights into why our dynamic pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence training samples leads to an increase in high-confidence samples at test time.
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With the steady emergence of community question answering (CQA) platforms like Quora, StackExchange, and WikiHow, users now have an unprecedented access to information on various kind of queries and tasks. Moreover, the rapid proliferation and localization of these platforms spanning geographic and linguistic boundaries offer a unique opportunity to study the task requirements and preferences of users in different socio-linguistic groups. In this study, we implement an entity-embedding model trained on a large longitudinal dataset of multi-lingual and task-oriented question-answer pairs to uncover and quantify the (i) prevalence and distribution of various online tasks across linguistic communities, and (ii) emerging and receding trends in task popularity over time in these communities. Our results show that there exists substantial variance in task preference as well as popularity trends across linguistic communities on the platform. Findings from this study will help Q&A platforms better curate and personalize content for non-English users, while also offering valuable insights to businesses looking to target non-English speaking communities online.
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Can we make virtual characters in a scene interact with their surrounding objects through simple instructions? Is it possible to synthesize such motion plausibly with a diverse set of objects and instructions? Inspired by these questions, we present the first framework to synthesize the full-body motion of virtual human characters performing specified actions with 3D objects placed within their reach. Our system takes as input textual instructions specifying the objects and the associated intentions of the virtual characters and outputs diverse sequences of full-body motions. This is in contrast to existing work, where full-body action synthesis methods generally do not consider object interactions, and human-object interaction methods focus mainly on synthesizing hand or finger movements for grasping objects. We accomplish our objective by designing an intent-driven full-body motion generator, which uses a pair of decoupled conditional variational autoencoders (CVAE) to learn the motion of the body parts in an autoregressive manner. We also optimize for the positions of the objects with six degrees of freedom (6DoF) such that they plausibly fit within the hands of the synthesized characters. We compare our proposed method with the existing methods of motion synthesis and establish a new and stronger state-of-the-art for the task of intent-driven motion synthesis. Through a user study, we further show that our synthesized full-body motions appear more realistic to the participants in more than 80% of scenarios compared to the current state-of-the-art methods, and are perceived to be as good as the ground truth on several occasions.
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Concept bottleneck models (CBMs) (Koh et al. 2020) are interpretable neural networks that first predict labels for human-interpretable concepts relevant to the prediction task, and then predict the final label based on the concept label predictions.We extend CBMs to interactive prediction settings where the model can query a human collaborator for the label to some concepts. We develop an interaction policy that, at prediction time, chooses which concepts to request a label for so as to maximally improve the final prediction. We demonstrate thata simple policy combining concept prediction uncertainty and influence of the concept on the final prediction achieves strong performance and outperforms a static approach proposed in Koh et al. (2020) as well as active feature acquisition methods proposed in the literature. We show that the interactiveCBM can achieve accuracy gains of 5-10% with only 5 interactions over competitive baselines on the Caltech-UCSDBirds, CheXpert and OAI datasets.
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Conventional methods for human motion synthesis are either deterministic or struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity and motion quality. In response to these limitations, we introduce MoFusion, i.e., a new denoising-diffusion-based framework for high-quality conditional human motion synthesis that can generate long, temporally plausible, and semantically accurate motions based on a range of conditioning contexts (such as music and text). We also present ways to introduce well-known kinematic losses for motion plausibility within the motion diffusion framework through our scheduled weighting strategy. The learned latent space can be used for several interactive motion editing applications -- like inbetweening, seed conditioning, and text-based editing -- thus, providing crucial abilities for virtual character animation and robotics. Through comprehensive quantitative evaluations and a perceptual user study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MoFusion compared to the state of the art on established benchmarks in the literature. We urge the reader to watch our supplementary video and visit https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/MoFusion.
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