无放射治疗器官轮廓的深度学习模型是临床用途,但目前,预测轮廓的自动化质量评估(QA)有很多工具。使用贝叶斯模型及其相关的不确定性,可以自动化检测不准确预测的过程。我们使用定量测量 - 预期的校准误差(ECE)和基于定性的测量区域的精确度(R-AVU)图来调查两个贝叶斯模型进行自动轮廓众所周知,模型应该具有低欧洲欧洲经委会被认为是值得信赖的。然而,在QA语境中,模型也应该在不准确的区域中具有高不确定性,并且在准确的区域中的不确定性低。此类行为可以直接对专家用户的视觉关注潜在地不准确的地区,导致QA过程中的加速。使用R-AVU图表,我们定性地比较了不同模型的行为准确和不准确的地区。使用三种型号在Miccai2015头和颈部分割挑战和DeepMindtcia CT数据集上进行实验:丢弃骰子,辍学-CE(交叉熵)和Flipout-Ce。定量结果表明,丢弃骰子具有最高的ECE,而辍学-CE和FLIPOUT-CE具有最低的ECE。为了更好地了解辍学-CE和Flipout-CE之间的差异,我们使用R-AVU图表,显示Flipout-CE在不准确的地区具有比Dropout-Ce更好的不确定性覆盖率。定量和定性度量的这种组合探讨了一种新方法,有助于选择哪种模型可以在临床环境中作为QA工具部署。
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对于使用高性能机器学习算法通常不透明的决策,人们越来越担心。用特定于领域的术语对推理过程的解释对于在医疗保健等风险敏感领域中采用至关重要。我们认为,机器学习算法应该可以通过设计来解释,并且表达这些解释的语言应与域和任务有关。因此,我们将模型的预测基于数据的用户定义和特定于任务的二进制函数,每个都对最终用户有明确的解释。然后,我们最大程度地减少了在任何给定输入上准确预测所需的预期查询数。由于解决方案通常是棘手的,因此在事先工作之后,我们根据信息增益顺序选择查询。但是,与以前的工作相反,我们不必假设查询在有条件地独立。取而代之的是,我们利用随机生成模型(VAE)和MCMC算法(未经调整的Langevin)来选择基于先前的查询 - 答案的输入的最有用的查询。这使得在线确定要解决预测歧义所需的任何深度的查询链。最后,关于视觉和NLP任务的实验证明了我们的方法的功效及其优越性比事后解释的优势。
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The ability to identify and temporally segment finegrained human actions throughout a video is crucial for robotics, surveillance, education, and beyond. Typical approaches decouple this problem by first extracting local spatiotemporal features from video frames and then feeding them into a temporal classifier that captures high-level temporal patterns. We introduce a new class of temporal models, which we call Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs), that use a hierarchy of temporal convolutions to perform fine-grained action segmentation or detection. Our Encoder-Decoder TCN uses pooling and upsampling to efficiently capture long-range temporal patterns whereas our Dilated TCN uses dilated convolutions. We show that TCNs are capable of capturing action compositions, segment durations, and long-range dependencies, and are over a magnitude faster to train than competing LSTM-based Recurrent Neural Networks. We apply these models to three challenging fine-grained datasets and show large improvements over the state of the art.
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Modeling lies at the core of both the financial and the insurance industry for a wide variety of tasks. The rise and development of machine learning and deep learning models have created many opportunities to improve our modeling toolbox. Breakthroughs in these fields often come with the requirement of large amounts of data. Such large datasets are often not publicly available in finance and insurance, mainly due to privacy and ethics concerns. This lack of data is currently one of the main hurdles in developing better models. One possible option to alleviating this issue is generative modeling. Generative models are capable of simulating fake but realistic-looking data, also referred to as synthetic data, that can be shared more freely. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is such a model that increases our capacity to fit very high-dimensional distributions of data. While research on GANs is an active topic in fields like computer vision, they have found limited adoption within the human sciences, like economics and insurance. Reason for this is that in these fields, most questions are inherently about identification of causal effects, while to this day neural networks, which are at the center of the GAN framework, focus mostly on high-dimensional correlations. In this paper we study the causal preservation capabilities of GANs and whether the produced synthetic data can reliably be used to answer causal questions. This is done by performing causal analyses on the synthetic data, produced by a GAN, with increasingly more lenient assumptions. We consider the cross-sectional case, the time series case and the case with a complete structural model. It is shown that in the simple cross-sectional scenario where correlation equals causation the GAN preserves causality, but that challenges arise for more advanced analyses.
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We present the interpretable meta neural ordinary differential equation (iMODE) method to rapidly learn generalizable (i.e., not parameter-specific) dynamics from trajectories of multiple dynamical systems that vary in their physical parameters. The iMODE method learns meta-knowledge, the functional variations of the force field of dynamical system instances without knowing the physical parameters, by adopting a bi-level optimization framework: an outer level capturing the common force field form among studied dynamical system instances and an inner level adapting to individual system instances. A priori physical knowledge can be conveniently embedded in the neural network architecture as inductive bias, such as conservative force field and Euclidean symmetry. With the learned meta-knowledge, iMODE can model an unseen system within seconds, and inversely reveal knowledge on the physical parameters of a system, or as a Neural Gauge to "measure" the physical parameters of an unseen system with observed trajectories. We test the validity of the iMODE method on bistable, double pendulum, Van der Pol, Slinky, and reaction-diffusion systems.
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We propose Hierarchical ProtoPNet: an interpretable network that explains its reasoning process by considering the hierarchical relationship between classes. Different from previous methods that explain their reasoning process by dissecting the input image and finding the prototypical parts responsible for the classification, we propose to explain the reasoning process for video action classification by dissecting the input video frames on multiple levels of the class hierarchy. The explanations leverage the hierarchy to deal with uncertainty, akin to human reasoning: When we observe water and human activity, but no definitive action it can be recognized as the water sports parent class. Only after observing a person swimming can we definitively refine it to the swimming action. Experiments on ActivityNet and UCF-101 show performance improvements while providing multi-level explanations.
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