We introduce SketchySGD, a stochastic quasi-Newton method that uses sketching to approximate the curvature of the loss function. Quasi-Newton methods are among the most effective algorithms in traditional optimization, where they converge much faster than first-order methods such as SGD. However, for contemporary deep learning, quasi-Newton methods are considered inferior to first-order methods like SGD and Adam owing to higher per-iteration complexity and fragility due to inexact gradients. SketchySGD circumvents these issues by a novel combination of subsampling, randomized low-rank approximation, and dynamic regularization. In the convex case, we show SketchySGD with a fixed stepsize converges to a small ball around the optimum at a faster rate than SGD for ill-conditioned problems. In the non-convex case, SketchySGD converges linearly under two additional assumptions, interpolation and the Polyak-Lojaciewicz condition, the latter of which holds with high probability for wide neural networks. Numerical experiments on image and tabular data demonstrate the improved reliability and speed of SketchySGD for deep learning, compared to standard optimizers such as SGD and Adam and existing quasi-Newton methods.
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We study the problem of preserving privacy while still providing high utility in sequential decision making scenarios in a changing environment. We consider abruptly changing environment: the environment remains constant during periods and it changes at unknown time instants. To formulate this problem, we propose a variant of multi-armed bandits called non-stationary stochastic corrupt bandits. We construct an algorithm called SW-KLUCB-CF and prove an upper bound on its utility using the performance measure of regret. The proven regret upper bound for SW-KLUCB-CF is near-optimal in the number of time steps and matches the best known bound for analogous problems in terms of the number of time steps and the number of changes. Moreover, we present a provably optimal mechanism which can guarantee the desired level of local differential privacy while providing high utility.
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The existing methods for video anomaly detection mostly utilize videos containing identifiable facial and appearance-based features. The use of videos with identifiable faces raises privacy concerns, especially when used in a hospital or community-based setting. Appearance-based features can also be sensitive to pixel-based noise, straining the anomaly detection methods to model the changes in the background and making it difficult to focus on the actions of humans in the foreground. Structural information in the form of skeletons describing the human motion in the videos is privacy-protecting and can overcome some of the problems posed by appearance-based features. In this paper, we present a survey of privacy-protecting deep learning anomaly detection methods using skeletons extracted from videos. We present a novel taxonomy of algorithms based on the various learning approaches. We conclude that skeleton-based approaches for anomaly detection can be a plausible privacy-protecting alternative for video anomaly detection. Lastly, we identify major open research questions and provide guidelines to address them.
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Parkinson's disease is marked by altered and increased firing characteristics of pathological oscillations in the brain. In other words, it causes abnormal synchronous oscillations and suppression during neurological processing. In order to examine and regulate the synchronization and pathological oscillations in motor circuits, deep brain stimulators (DBS) are used. Although machine learning methods have been applied for the investigation of suppression, these models require large amounts of training data and computational power, both of which pose challenges to resource-constrained DBS. This research proposes a novel reinforcement learning (RL) framework for suppressing the synchronization in neuronal activity during episodes of neurological disorders with less power consumption. The proposed RL algorithm comprises an ensemble of a temporal representation of stimuli and a twin-delayed deep deterministic (TD3) policy gradient algorithm. We quantify the stability of the proposed framework to noise and reduced synchrony using RL for three pathological signaling regimes: regular, chaotic, and bursting, and further eliminate the undesirable oscillations. Furthermore, metrics such as evaluation rewards, energy supplied to the ensemble, and the mean point of convergence were used and compared to other RL algorithms, specifically the Advantage actor critic (A2C), the Actor critic with Kronecker-featured trust region (ACKTR), and the Proximal policy optimization (PPO).
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People living with dementia often exhibit behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia that can put their and others' safety at risk. Existing video surveillance systems in long-term care facilities can be used to monitor such behaviours of risk to alert the staff to prevent potential injuries or death in some cases. However, these behaviours of risk events are heterogeneous and infrequent in comparison to normal events. Moreover, analyzing raw videos can also raise privacy concerns. In this paper, we present two novel privacy-protecting video-based anomaly detection approaches to detect behaviours of risks in people with dementia. We either extracted body pose information as skeletons and use semantic segmentation masks to replace multiple humans in the scene with their semantic boundaries. Our work differs from most existing approaches for video anomaly detection that focus on appearance-based features, which can put the privacy of a person at risk and is also susceptible to pixel-based noise, including illumination and viewing direction. We used anonymized videos of normal activities to train customized spatio-temporal convolutional autoencoders and identify behaviours of risk as anomalies. We show our results on a real-world study conducted in a dementia care unit with patients with dementia, containing approximately 21 hours of normal activities data for training and 9 hours of data containing normal and behaviours of risk events for testing. We compared our approaches with the original RGB videos and obtained an equivalent area under the receiver operating characteristic curve performance of 0.807 for the skeleton-based approach and 0.823 for the segmentation mask-based approach. This is one of the first studies to incorporate privacy for the detection of behaviours of risks in people with dementia.
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Human activity recognition (HAR) using drone-mounted cameras has attracted considerable interest from the computer vision research community in recent years. A robust and efficient HAR system has a pivotal role in fields like video surveillance, crowd behavior analysis, sports analysis, and human-computer interaction. What makes it challenging are the complex poses, understanding different viewpoints, and the environmental scenarios where the action is taking place. To address such complexities, in this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Weighted Temporal Attention (SWTA) module to utilize sparsely sampled video frames for obtaining global weighted temporal attention. The proposed SWTA is comprised of two parts. First, temporal segment network that sparsely samples a given set of frames. Second, weighted temporal attention, which incorporates a fusion of attention maps derived from optical flow, with raw RGB images. This is followed by a basenet network, which comprises a convolutional neural network (CNN) module along with fully connected layers that provide us with activity recognition. The SWTA network can be used as a plug-in module to the existing deep CNN architectures, for optimizing them to learn temporal information by eliminating the need for a separate temporal stream. It has been evaluated on three publicly available benchmark datasets, namely Okutama, MOD20, and Drone-Action. The proposed model has received an accuracy of 72.76%, 92.56%, and 78.86% on the respective datasets thereby surpassing the previous state-of-the-art performances by a margin of 25.26%, 18.56%, and 2.94%, respectively.
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Federated Deep Learning frameworks can be used strategically to monitor Land Use locally and infer environmental impacts globally. Distributed data from across the world would be needed to build a global model for Land Use classification. The need for a Federated approach in this application domain would be to avoid transfer of data from distributed locations and save network bandwidth to reduce communication cost. We use a Federated UNet model for Semantic Segmentation of satellite and street view images. The novelty of the proposed architecture is the integration of Knowledge Distillation to reduce communication cost and response time. The accuracy obtained was above 95% and we also brought in a significant model compression to over 17 times and 62 times for street View and satellite images respectively. Our proposed framework has the potential to be a game-changer in real-time tracking of climate change across the planet.
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Topological data analysis (TDA) is a branch of computational mathematics, bridging algebraic topology and data science, that provides compact, noise-robust representations of complex structures. Deep neural networks (DNNs) learn millions of parameters associated with a series of transformations defined by the model architecture, resulting in high-dimensional, difficult-to-interpret internal representations of input data. As DNNs become more ubiquitous across multiple sectors of our society, there is increasing recognition that mathematical methods are needed to aid analysts, researchers, and practitioners in understanding and interpreting how these models' internal representations relate to the final classification. In this paper, we apply cutting edge techniques from TDA with the goal of gaining insight into the interpretability of convolutional neural networks used for image classification. We use two common TDA approaches to explore several methods for modeling hidden-layer activations as high-dimensional point clouds, and provide experimental evidence that these point clouds capture valuable structural information about the model's process. First, we demonstrate that a distance metric based on persistent homology can be used to quantify meaningful differences between layers, and we discuss these distances in the broader context of existing representational similarity metrics for neural network interpretability. Second, we show that a mapper graph can provide semantic insight into how these models organize hierarchical class knowledge at each layer. These observations demonstrate that TDA is a useful tool to help deep learning practitioners unlock the hidden structures of their models.
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This paper aims to provide an unsupervised modelling approach that allows for a more flexible representation of text embeddings. It jointly encodes the words and the paragraphs as individual matrices of arbitrary column dimension with unit Frobenius norm. The representation is also linguistically motivated with the introduction of a novel similarity metric. The proposed modelling and the novel similarity metric exploits the matrix structure of embeddings. We then go on to show that the same matrices can be reshaped into vectors of unit norm and transform our problem into an optimization problem over the spherical manifold. We exploit manifold optimization to efficiently train the matrix embeddings. We also quantitatively verify the quality of our text embeddings by showing that they demonstrate improved results in document classification, document clustering, and semantic textual similarity benchmark tests.
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