对使用深神经网络(DNN)来求解部分微分方程(PDE)的兴趣越来越大。尽管承诺这种方法成立,但在各个方面都可以改善它们。这两个缺点是(i)相对于经典数值方法的计算效率低下,以及(ii)训练有素的DNN模型的不泄露性。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Aspinn,这是我们早期工作的各向异性扩展,称为Spinn- sparse,物理信息和可解释的神经网络 - 解决解决这两个问题的PDE。 Aspinns概括了径向基函数网络。我们证明,使用涉及椭圆形和双曲线PDE的各种示例表明,我们提出的特殊体系结构比通用DNN更有效,而同时也可以直接解释。此外,由于每个节点的局部影响区域的各向异性,使用Aspinn比使用Spinn捕获溶液所需的较少的节点需要更少的节点来改进我们提出的Spinn模型。阿斯平的解释性转化为对其重量和偏见的现成可视化,从而对训练有素的模型的性质有了更多的了解。反过来,这提供了一个系统的过程,可以根据计算解决方案的质量改进体系结构。因此,Aspinns是经典数值算法与基于现代DNN的方法之间的有效桥梁,以求解PDES。在此过程中,我们还将Aspinns的培训简化为更接近监督学习算法的形式。
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Search and Rescue (SAR) missions in remote environments often employ autonomous multi-robot systems that learn, plan, and execute a combination of local single-robot control actions, group primitives, and global mission-oriented coordination and collaboration. Often, SAR coordination strategies are manually designed by human experts who can remotely control the multi-robot system and enable semi-autonomous operations. However, in remote environments where connectivity is limited and human intervention is often not possible, decentralized collaboration strategies are needed for fully-autonomous operations. Nevertheless, decentralized coordination may be ineffective in adversarial environments due to sensor noise, actuation faults, or manipulation of inter-agent communication data. In this paper, we propose an algorithmic approach based on adversarial multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) that allows robots to efficiently coordinate their strategies in the presence of adversarial inter-agent communications. In our setup, the objective of the multi-robot team is to discover targets strategically in an obstacle-strewn geographical area by minimizing the average time needed to find the targets. It is assumed that the robots have no prior knowledge of the target locations, and they can interact with only a subset of neighboring robots at any time. Based on the centralized training with decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm in MARL, we utilize a hierarchical meta-learning framework to learn dynamic team-coordination modalities and discover emergent team behavior under complex cooperative-competitive scenarios. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on a collection of prototype grid-world environments with different specifications of benign and adversarial agents, target locations, and agent rewards.
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In this paper, we propose and showcase, for the first time, monocular multi-view layout estimation for warehouse racks and shelves. Unlike typical layout estimation methods, MVRackLay estimates multi-layered layouts, wherein each layer corresponds to the layout of a shelf within a rack. Given a sequence of images of a warehouse scene, a dual-headed Convolutional-LSTM architecture outputs segmented racks, the front and the top view layout of each shelf within a rack. With minimal effort, such an output is transformed into a 3D rendering of all racks, shelves and objects on the shelves, giving an accurate 3D depiction of the entire warehouse scene in terms of racks, shelves and the number of objects on each shelf. MVRackLay generalizes to a diverse set of warehouse scenes with varying number of objects on each shelf, number of shelves and in the presence of other such racks in the background. Further, MVRackLay shows superior performance vis-a-vis its single view counterpart, RackLay, in layout accuracy, quantized in terms of the mean IoU and mAP metrics. We also showcase a multi-view stitching of the 3D layouts resulting in a representation of the warehouse scene with respect to a global reference frame akin to a rendering of the scene from a SLAM pipeline. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such work to portray a 3D rendering of a warehouse scene in terms of its semantic components - Racks, Shelves and Objects - all from a single monocular camera.
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Next-generation sequencing technologies have enhanced the scope of Internet-of-Things (IoT) to include genomics for personalized medicine through the increased availability of an abundance of genome data collected from heterogeneous sources at a reduced cost. Given the sheer magnitude of the collected data and the significant challenges offered by the presence of highly similar genomic structure across species, there is a need for robust, scalable analysis platforms to extract actionable knowledge such as the presence of potentially zoonotic pathogens. The emergence of zoonotic diseases from novel pathogens, such as the influenza virus in 1918 and SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 that can jump species barriers and lead to pandemic underscores the need for scalable metagenome analysis. In this work, we propose MG2Vec, a deep learning-based solution that uses the transformer network as its backbone, to learn robust features from raw metagenome sequences for downstream biomedical tasks such as targeted and generalized pathogen detection. Extensive experiments on four increasingly challenging, yet realistic diagnostic settings, show that the proposed approach can help detect pathogens from uncurated, real-world clinical samples with minimal human supervision in the form of labels. Further, we demonstrate that the learned representations can generalize to completely unrelated pathogens across diseases and species for large-scale metagenome analysis. We provide a comprehensive evaluation of a novel representation learning framework for metagenome-based disease diagnostics with deep learning and provide a way forward for extracting and using robust vector representations from low-cost next generation sequencing to develop generalizable diagnostic tools.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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We present the design, development, and evaluation of HREyes: biomimetic communication devices which use light to communicate information and, for the first time, gaze direction from AUVs to humans. First, we introduce two types of information displays using the HREye devices: active lucemes and ocular lucemes. Active lucemes communicate information explicitly through animations, while ocular lucemes communicate gaze direction implicitly by mimicking human eyes. We present a human study in which our system is compared to the use of an embedded digital display that explicitly communicates information to a diver by displaying text. Our results demonstrate accurate recognition of active lucemes for trained interactants, limited intuitive understanding of these lucemes for untrained interactants, and relatively accurate perception of gaze direction for all interactants. The results on active luceme recognition demonstrate more accurate recognition than previous light-based communication systems for AUVs (albeit with different phrase sets). Additionally, the ocular lucemes we introduce in this work represent the first method for communicating gaze direction from an AUV, a critical aspect of nonverbal communication used in collaborative work. With readily available hardware as well as open-source and easily re-configurable programming, HREyes can be easily integrated into any AUV with the physical space for the devices and used to communicate effectively with divers in any underwater environment with appropriate visibility.
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对于医疗保健提供者提供适当的患者护理的准确和详细说明,包括患者时​​间表中的药物变化,至关重要。医疗保健提供者或患者本身可能会引发患者药物的改变。用药更改采用多种形式,包括处方药和相关剂量修饰。这些更改提供了有关患者整体健康以及导致当前护理的理由的信息。然后,未来的护理可以基于患者的最终状态。这项工作探讨了从自由文本临床注释中自动提取药物变化信息。上下文药物事件数据集(CMED)是临床注释的语料库,其注释可以通过多种变化相关的属性来表征药物变化,包括更改的类型(启动,停止,增加等),更改,时间性,时间性,时间性,时间性,时间性,时间。改变可能性和否定。使用CMED,我们确定了临床文本中的药物提及,并提出了三个新型的基于BERT的新型基于BERT的系统,以解决注释的药物变化特征。我们证明,我们建议的体系结构改善了对CMED的初始工作改善药物变更分类的性能。我们确定了0.959 F1的高性能的药物提及,我们提出的系统将药物变化及其属性分类为0.827 F1。
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