In off-policy reinforcement learning, a behaviour policy performs exploratory interactions with the environment to obtain state-action-reward samples which are then used to learn a target policy that optimises the expected return. This leads to a problem of off-policy evaluation, where one needs to evaluate the target policy from samples collected by the often unrelated behaviour policy. Importance sampling is a traditional statistical technique that is often applied to off-policy evaluation. While importance sampling estimators are unbiased, their variance increases exponentially with the horizon of the decision process due to computing the importance weight as a product of action probability ratios, yielding estimates with low accuracy for domains involving long-term planning. This paper proposes state-based importance sampling (SIS), which drops the action probability ratios of sub-trajectories with "neglible states" -- roughly speaking, those for which the chosen actions have no impact on the return estimate -- from the computation of the importance weight. Theoretical results show that this results in a reduction of the exponent in the variance upper bound as well as improving the mean squared error. An automated search algorithm based on covariance testing is proposed to identify a negligible state set which has minimal MSE when performing state-based importance sampling. Experiments are conducted on a lift domain, which include "lift states" where the action has no impact on the following state and reward. The results demonstrate that using the search algorithm, SIS yields reduced variance and improved accuracy compared to traditional importance sampling, per-decision importance sampling, and incremental importance sampling.
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Planet formation is a multi-scale process in which the coagulation of $\mathrm{\mu m}$-sized dust grains in protoplanetary disks is strongly influenced by the hydrodynamic processes on scales of astronomical units ($\approx 1.5\times 10^8 \,\mathrm{km}$). Studies are therefore dependent on subgrid models to emulate the micro physics of dust coagulation on top of a large scale hydrodynamic simulation. Numerical simulations which include the relevant physical effects are complex and computationally expensive. Here, we present a fast and accurate learned effective model for dust coagulation, trained on data from high resolution numerical coagulation simulations. Our model captures details of the dust coagulation process that were so far not tractable with other dust coagulation prescriptions with similar computational efficiency.
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大多数用于边缘计算的强化学习(RL)推荐系统必须在推荐选择期间同步,或者依赖于算法的未经警告拼凑集合。在这项工作中,我们构建了异步凝固策略梯度算法\ citep {kostas2020aSynchronchronous},为此问题提出了一个原则的解决方案。我们提出的算法类可以通过Internet分发,并实时地运行。当给定边缘无法响应具有足够速度的数据请求时,这不是问题;该算法旨在在边缘设置中函数和学习,网络问题是此设置的一部分。结果是一个原则性的理论地接地的RL算法,旨在分布在该异步环境中并学习。在这项工作中,我们详细描述了这种算法和建议的架构类,并且证明它们在异步设置中的实践中运行良好,即使网络质量降低。
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面对顺序决策问题时,能够预测如果使用新策略进行决策会发生什么会发生什么。这些预测通常必须基于在一些先前使用的决策规则下收集的数据。许多以前的方法使得这种违规(或反事实)估计的性能测量值的预期值称为返回。在本文中,我们采取了迈向普遍违规估算机(UNO)的第一步 - 为返回分配的任何参数提供截止政策估计和高信任界限。我们使用UNO来估计和同时限制均值,方差,量级/中位数,分位式范围,CVAR和返回的整个累积分布。最后,我们还在各种环境中讨论了UNO的适用性,包括完全可观察,部分可观察的(即,与未观察到的混乱),马尔可夫,非马尔可瓦尔,静止,平稳的非稳定性和离散分布转移。
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In this paper we present a new way of predicting the performance of a reinforcement learning policy given historical data that may have been generated by a different policy. The ability to evaluate a policy from historical data is important for applications where the deployment of a bad policy can be dangerous or costly. We show empirically that our algorithm produces estimates that often have orders of magnitude lower mean squared error than existing methods-it makes more efficient use of the available data. Our new estimator is based on two advances: an extension of the doubly robust estimator (Jiang & Li, 2015), and a new way to mix between model based estimates and importance sampling based estimates.
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Recent work has shown that optical flow estimation can be formulated as a supervised learning task and can be successfully solved with convolutional networks. Training of the so-called FlowNet was enabled by a large synthetically generated dataset. The present paper extends the concept of optical flow estimation via convolutional networks to disparity and scene flow estimation. To this end, we propose three synthetic stereo video datasets with sufficient realism, variation, and size to successfully train large networks. Our datasets are the first large-scale datasets to enable training and evaluating scene flow methods. Besides the datasets, we present a convolutional network for real-time disparity estimation that provides state-of-the-art results. By combining a flow and disparity estimation network and training it jointly, we demonstrate the first scene flow estimation with a convolutional network.
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