The success of neural networks builds to a large extent on their ability to create internal knowledge representations from real-world high-dimensional data, such as images, sound, or text. Approaches to extract and present these representations, in order to explain the neural network's decisions, is an active and multifaceted research field. To gain a deeper understanding of a central aspect of this field, we have performed a targeted review focusing on research that aims to associate internal representations with human understandable concepts. In doing this, we added a perspective on the existing research by using primarily deductive nomological explanations as a proposed taxonomy. We find this taxonomy and theories of causality, useful for understanding what can be expected, and not expected, from neural network explanations. The analysis additionally uncovers an ambiguity in the reviewed literature related to the goal of model explainability; is it understanding the ML model or, is it actionable explanations useful in the deployment domain?
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Few-shot methods for accurate modeling under sparse label-settings have improved significantly. However, the applications of few-shot modeling in natural language processing remain solely in the field of document classification. With recent performance improvements, supervised few-shot methods, combined with a simple topic extraction method pose a significant challenge to unsupervised topic modeling methods. Our research shows that supervised few-shot learning, combined with a simple topic extraction method, can outperform unsupervised topic modeling techniques in terms of generating coherent topics, even when only a few labeled documents per class are used.
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Photo-identification (photo-id) is one of the main non-invasive capture-recapture methods utilised by marine researchers for monitoring cetacean (dolphin, whale, and porpoise) populations. This method has historically been performed manually resulting in high workload and cost due to the vast number of images collected. Recently automated aids have been developed to help speed-up photo-id, although they are often disjoint in their processing and do not utilise all available identifying information. Work presented in this paper aims to create a fully automatic photo-id aid capable of providing most likely matches based on all available information without the need for data pre-processing such as cropping. This is achieved through a pipeline of computer vision models and post-processing techniques aimed at detecting cetaceans in unedited field imagery before passing them downstream for individual level catalogue matching. The system is capable of handling previously uncatalogued individuals and flagging these for investigation thanks to catalogue similarity comparison. We evaluate the system against multiple real-life photo-id catalogues, achieving mAP@IOU[0.5] = 0.91, 0.96 for the task of dorsal fin detection on catalogues from Tanzania and the UK respectively and 83.1, 97.5% top-10 accuracy for the task of individual classification on catalogues from the UK and USA.
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We design and implement an adaptive machine learning equalizer that alternates multiple linear and nonlinear computational layers on an FPGA. On-chip training via gradient backpropagation is shown to allow for real-time adaptation to time-varying channel impairments.
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Pre-trained protein language models have demonstrated significant applicability in different protein engineering task. A general usage of these pre-trained transformer models latent representation is to use a mean pool across residue positions to reduce the feature dimensions to further downstream tasks such as predicting bio-physics properties or other functional behaviours. In this paper we provide a two-fold contribution to machine learning (ML) driven drug design. Firstly, we demonstrate the power of sparsity by promoting penalization of pre-trained transformer models to secure more robust and accurate melting temperature (Tm) prediction of single-chain variable fragments with a mean absolute error of 0.23C. Secondly, we demonstrate the power of framing our prediction problem in a probabilistic framework. Specifically, we advocate for the need of adopting probabilistic frameworks especially in the context of ML driven drug design.
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Much computer vision research has focused on natural images, but technical documents typically consist of abstract images, such as charts, drawings, diagrams, and schematics. How well do general web search engines discover abstract images? Recent advancements in computer vision and machine learning have led to the rise of reverse image search engines. Where conventional search engines accept a text query and return a set of document results, including images, a reverse image search accepts an image as a query and returns a set of images as results. This paper evaluates how well common reverse image search engines discover abstract images. We conducted an experiment leveraging images from Wikimedia Commons, a website known to be well indexed by Baidu, Bing, Google, and Yandex. We measure how difficult an image is to find again (retrievability), what percentage of images returned are relevant (precision), and the average number of results a visitor must review before finding the submitted image (mean reciprocal rank). When trying to discover the same image again among similar images, Yandex performs best. When searching for pages containing a specific image, Google and Yandex outperform the others when discovering photographs with precision scores ranging from 0.8191 to 0.8297, respectively. In both of these cases, Google and Yandex perform better with natural images than with abstract ones achieving a difference in retrievability as high as 54\% between images in these categories. These results affect anyone applying common web search engines to search for technical documents that use abstract images.
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简介白质超强度(WMHS)的自动分割是磁共振成像(MRI)神经影像分析的重要步骤。流体减弱的反转恢复(FLAIR加权)是MRI对比度,对于可视化和量化WMHS,这是脑小血管疾病和阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)特别有用的。临床MRI方案迁移到三维(3D)FLAIR加权的采集,以在所有三个体素维度中实现高空间分辨率。当前的研究详细介绍了深度学习工具的部署,以使自动化的WMH分割和表征从获得的3D Flair加权图像作为国家广告成像计划的一部分获得。 DDI研究中的642名参与者(283名男性,平均年龄:(65.18 +/- 9.33)年)中的材料和方法,在五个国家收集地点进行了培训和验证两个内部网络。在642名参与者的内部数据和一个外部数据集中,对三个模型进行了测试,其中包含来自国际合作者的29个情况。这些测试集进行了独立评估。使用了五个已建立的WMH性能指标与地面真理人体分割进行比较。测试的三个网络的结果,3D NNU-NET具有最佳性能,平均骰子相似性系数得分为0.78 +/- 0.10,其性能优于内部开发的2.5D模型和SOTA DEEP DEEP BAYESIAN网络。结论MRI协议中3D Flair加权图像的使用越来越多,我们的结果表明,WMH分割模型可以在3D数据上进行训练,并产生与无需更高的或更好的无需先进的WMH分割性能用于包括T1加权图像系列。
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