Hebrew is a Morphological rich language, making its modeling harder than simpler language. Recent developments such as Transformers in general and Bert in particular opened a path for Hebrew models that reach SOTA results, not falling short from other non-MRL languages. We explore the cutting edge in this field performing style transfer, text generation and classification over news articles collected from online archives. Furthermore, the news portals that feed our collective consciousness are an interesting corpus to study, as their analysis and tracing might reveal insights about our society and discourse.
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For applications that require processing large amounts of text at inference time, Large Language Models (LLMs) are handicapped by their limited context windows, which are typically 2048 tokens. In-context learning, an emergent phenomenon in LLMs in sizes above a certain parameter threshold, constitutes one significant example because it can only leverage training examples that fit into the context window. Existing efforts to address the context window limitation involve training specialized architectures, which tend to be smaller than the sizes in which in-context learning manifests due to the memory footprint of processing long texts. We present Parallel Context Windows (PCW), a method that alleviates the context window restriction for any off-the-shelf LLM without further training. The key to the approach is to carve a long context into chunks (``windows'') that fit within the architecture, restrict the attention mechanism to apply only within each window, and re-use the positional embeddings among the windows. We test the PCW approach on in-context learning with models that range in size between 750 million and 178 billion parameters, and show substantial improvements for tasks with diverse input and output spaces. Our results motivate further investigation of Parallel Context Windows as a method for applying off-the-shelf LLMs in other settings that require long text sequences.
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A gradual semantics takes a weighted argumentation framework as input and outputs a final acceptability degree for each argument, with different semantics performing the computation in different manners. In this work, we consider the problem of attack inference. That is, given a gradual semantics, a set of arguments with associated initial weights, and the final desirable acceptability degrees associated with each argument, we seek to determine whether there is a set of attacks on those arguments such that we can obtain these acceptability degrees. The main contribution of our work is to demonstrate that the associated decision problem, i.e., whether a set of attacks can exist which allows the final acceptability degrees to occur for given initial weights, is NP-complete for the weighted h-categoriser and cardinality-based semantics, and is polynomial for the weighted max-based semantics, even for the complete version of the problem (where all initial weights and final acceptability degrees are known). We then briefly discuss how this decision problem can be modified to find the attacks themselves and conclude by examining the partial problem where not all initial weights or final acceptability degrees may be known.
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本文介绍了信息性多臂强盗(IMAB)模型,在每个回合中,玩家选择手臂,观察符号,并以符号的自我信息形式获得未观察到的奖励。因此,手臂的预期奖励是产生其符号的源质量函数的香农熵。玩家的目标是最大程度地提高与武器的熵值相关的预期奖励。在假设字母大小是已知的假设下,为IMAB模型提出了两种基于UCB的算法,该算法考虑了插件熵估计器的偏差。第一种算法在熵估计中乐观地纠正了偏置项。第二算法依赖于数据依赖性置信区间,该置信区间适应具有较小熵值的源。性能保证是通过上限为每种算法的预期遗憾提供的。此外,在Bernoulli案例中,将这些算法的渐近行为与伪遗憾的Lai-Robbins的下限进行了比较。此外,在假设\ textit {cract}字母大小的假设下是未知的,而播放器仅知道其上方的宽度上限,提出了一种基于UCB的算法,在其中,玩家的目的是减少由该算法造成的遗憾。未知的字母尺寸在有限的时间方面。数字结果说明了论文中介绍的算法的预期遗憾。
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这项研究提出了一种检测近距离红外(NIR)眼周眼图像的酒精消耗的方法。该研究的重点是确定外部因素(例如酒精对中枢神经系统(CNS))的影响。目的是分析这如何影响虹膜和学生运动,以及是否可以使用标准的Iris NIR相机捕获这些更改。本文提出了一个新型的融合胶囊网络(F-CAPSNET),以对饮酒受试者拍摄的虹膜NIR图像进行分类。结果表明,使用一半参数作为标准胶囊网络算法,F-CAPSNET算法可以检测IRIS NIR图像中的酒精消耗,精度为92.3%。这项工作是开发自动系统以估计“适合值班”并防止因饮酒而导致事故的一步。
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联合学习(FL)是使用Edge设备上可能可用的私人数据训练机器学习模型的新兴范式。 FL的分布式操作引起了集中式机器学习中未遇到的挑战,包括需要保留本地数据集的隐私以及由于重复交换更新模型而导致的通信负载。这些挑战通常通过引起更新模型的某些失真的技术来单独解决,例如当地差异隐私(LDP)机制和有损压缩。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种方法创造的联合隐私增强和量化(JOPEQ),该隐私和量化共同实现了FL环境中的有损压缩和隐私增强。特别是,Jopeq利用基于随机晶格的矢量量化,这是一种通用压缩技术,其副产品失真在统计学上等同于加性噪声。通过使用专用的多元隐私保护噪声来增强模型更新,可以利用这种失真来增强隐私。我们表明,JOPEQ在持有所需的隐私级别的同时,根据所需的比特率同时量化数据,而不会特别影响学习模型的实用性。这是通过分析的LDP保证,失真和收敛范围的推导以及数值研究所示的。最后,我们从经验上断言,乔普克(Jopeq)拆除了已知的普通攻击,以利用隐私泄漏。
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保存隐私的神经网络(NN)推理解决方案最近在几种提供不同的延迟带宽权衡的解决方案方面获得了重大吸引力。其中,许多人依靠同态加密(HE),这是一种对加密数据进行计算的方法。但是,与他们的明文对应物相比,他的操作即使是最先进的计划仍然很慢。修剪NN模型的参数是改善推理潜伏期的众所周知的方法。但是,在明文上下文中有用的修剪方法可能对HE案的改善几乎可以忽略不计,这在最近的工作中也证明了这一点。在这项工作中,我们提出了一套新颖的修剪方法,以减少潜伏期和记忆要求,从而将明文修剪方法的有效性带到HE中。至关重要的是,我们的建议采用两种关键技术,即。堆积模型权重的置换和扩展,使修剪能够明显更多的密封性下文并分别恢复大部分精度损失。我们证明了我们的方法在完全连接的层上的优势,其中使用最近提出的称为瓷砖张量的包装技术填充了权重,该技术允许在非相互作用模式下执行Deep NN推断。我们在各种自动编码器架构上评估了我们的方法,并证明,对于MNIST上的小均值重建损失为1.5*10^{ - 5},我们将HE-SEAMABLE推断的内存要求和延迟减少了60%。
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近年来,随着面部编辑和发电的迅速发展,越来越多的虚假视频正在社交媒体上流传,这引起了极端公众的关注。基于频域的现有面部伪造方法发现,与真实图像相比,GAN锻造图像在频谱中具有明显的网格视觉伪像。但是对于综合视频,这些方法仅局限于单个帧,几乎不关注不同框架之间最歧视的部分和时间频率线索。为了充分利用视频序列中丰富的信息,本文对空间和时间频域进行了视频伪造检测,并提出了一个离散的基于余弦转换的伪造线索增强网络(FCAN-DCT),以实现更全面的时空功能表示。 FCAN-DCT由一个骨干网络和两个分支组成:紧凑特征提取(CFE)模块和频率时间注意(FTA)模块。我们对两个可见光(VIS)数据集Wilddeepfake和Celeb-DF(V2)进行了彻底的实验评估,以及我们的自我构建的视频伪造数据集DeepFakenir,这是第一个近境模式的视频伪造数据集。实验结果证明了我们方法在VIS和NIR场景中检测伪造视频的有效性。
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