Operations research deals with modeling and solving real-world problems as mathematical optimization problems. While solving mathematical systems is accomplished by analytical software, formulating a problem as a set of mathematical operations has been typically done manually by domain experts. However, recent machine learning models have shown promise in converting textual problem descriptions to corresponding mathematical formulations. In this paper, we present an approach that converts linear programming word problems into meaning representations that are structured and can be used by optimization solvers. Our approach uses the named entity-based enrichment to augment the input and achieves state-of-the-art accuracy, winning the second task of the NL4Opt competition (https://nl4opt.github.io).
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生成对抗网络(GAN)在数据生成方面取得了巨大成功。但是,其统计特性尚未完全理解。在本文中,我们考虑了GAN的一般$ f $ divergence公式的统计行为,其中包括Kullback- Leibler Divergence与最大似然原理密切相关。我们表明,对于正确指定的参数生成模型,在适当的规律性条件下,所有具有相同歧视类别类别的$ f $ divergence gans均在渐近上等效。 Moreover, with an appropriately chosen local discriminator, they become equivalent to the maximum likelihood estimate asymptotically.对于被误解的生成模型,具有不同$ f $ -Divergences {收敛到不同估计器}的gan,因此无法直接比较。但是,结果表明,对于某些常用的$ f $ -Diverences,原始的$ f $ gan并不是最佳的,因为当更换原始$ f $ gan配方中的判别器培训时,可以实现较小的渐近方差通过逻辑回归。结果估计方法称为对抗梯度估计(年龄)。提供了实证研究来支持该理论,并证明了年龄的优势,而不是模型错误的原始$ f $ gans。
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