我们为在测试时间内对对抗性示例进行了学习预测的问题,为学习预测的问题提供了最小的最佳学习者。有趣的是,我们发现这需要新的算法思想和方法来实现对抗性的学习。特别是,我们从强烈的负面意义上表明,蒙塔瑟(Montasser),Hanneke和Srebro(2019)提出的强大学习者的次级临时性以及我们确定为本地学习者的更广泛的学习者。我们的结果是通过通过关键技术贡献采用全球视角来实现的:可能具有独立利益的全球单包含图,它概括了由于Haussler,Littlestone和Warminguth引起的经典单包含图(1994年)(1994年) )。最后,作为副产品,我们确定了一个定性和定量表征哪些类别的预测因子$ \ mathcal {h} $的维度。由于Montasser等人,这解决了一个空旷的问题。 (2019年),并在固定稳健学习的样品复杂性上,在已建立的上限和下限之间结束了一个(潜在的)无限差距。
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我们研究神经网络的基于规范的统一收敛范围,旨在密切理解它们如何受到规范约束的架构和类型的影响,对于简单的标量价值一类隐藏的一层网络,并在其中界定了输入。欧几里得规范。我们首先证明,通常,控制隐藏层重量矩阵的光谱规范不足以获得均匀的收敛保证(与网络宽度无关),而更强的Frobenius Norm Control是足够的,扩展并改善了以前的工作。在证明构造中,我们识别和分析了两个重要的设置,在这些设置中(可能令人惊讶)仅光谱规范控制就足够了:首先,当网络的激活函数足够平滑时(结果扩展到更深的网络);其次,对于某些类型的卷积网络。在后一种情况下,我们研究样品复杂性如何受到参数的影响,例如斑块之间的重叠量和斑块的总数。
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我们提出了一种乐观的基于模型的算法,Dubbed SMRL,用于通过指数族分布指定的转换模型,以D $参数指定,奖励是有界和已知的。SMRL使用得分匹配,一种无通量的密度估计技术,可以通过RIDGE回归有效地估计模型参数。在标准规律性假设下,SMRL实现$ \ tilde o(d \ sqrt {h ^ 3t})$在线遗憾,其中$ h $是每一集的长度,$ t $是互动的总数(忽略多项式依赖结构尺度参数)。
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我们研究了称为“乐观速率”(Panchenko 2002; Srebro等,2010)的统一收敛概念,用于与高斯数据的线性回归。我们的精致分析避免了现有结果中的隐藏常量和对数因子,这已知在高维设置中至关重要,特别是用于了解插值学习。作为一个特殊情况,我们的分析恢复了Koehler等人的保证。(2021年),在良性过度的过度条件下,严格地表征了低规范内插器的人口风险。但是,我们的乐观速度绑定还分析了具有任意训练错误的预测因子。这使我们能够在随机设计下恢复脊和套索回归的一些经典统计保障,并有助于我们在过度参数化制度中获得精确了解近端器的过度风险。
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我们考虑与高斯数据的高维线性回归中的插值学习,并在类高斯宽度方面证明了任意假设类别中的内插器的泛化误差。将通用绑定到欧几里德常规球恢复了Bartlett等人的一致性结果。(2020)对于最小规范内插器,并确认周等人的预测。(2020)在高斯数据的特殊情况下,对于近乎最小常态的内插器。我们通过将其应用于单位来证明所界限的一般性,从而获得最小L1-NORM Interpoolator(基础追踪)的新型一致性结果。我们的结果表明,基于规范的泛化界限如何解释并用于分析良性过度装备,至少在某些设置中。
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A recent line of work studies overparametrized neural networks in the "kernel regime," i.e. when the network behaves during training as a kernelized linear predictor, and thus training with gradient descent has the effect of finding the minimum RKHS norm solution. This stands in contrast to other studies which demonstrate how gradient descent on overparametrized multilayer networks can induce rich implicit biases that are not RKHS norms. Building on an observation by Chizat and Bach [2018], we show how the scale of the initialization controls the transition between the "kernel" (aka lazy) and "rich" (aka active) regimes and affects generalization properties in multilayer homogeneous models. We provide a complete and detailed analysis for a simple two-layer model that already exhibits an interesting and meaningful transition between the kernel and rich regimes, and we demonstrate the transition for more complex matrix factorization models and multilayer non-linear networks.
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We present a generalization bound for feedforward neural networks with ReLU activations in terms of the product of the spectral norm of the layers and the Frobenius norm of the weights. The key ingredient is a bound on the changes in the output of a network with respect to perturbation of its weights, thereby bounding the sharpness of the network. We combine this perturbation bound with the PAC-Bayes analysis to derive the generalization bound.
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With a goal of understanding what drives generalization in deep networks, we consider several recently suggested explanations, including norm-based control, sharpness and robustness. We study how these measures can ensure generalization, highlighting the importance of scale normalization, and making a connection between sharpness and PAC-Bayes theory. We then investigate how well the measures explain different observed phenomena.
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We study implicit regularization when optimizing an underdetermined quadratic objective over a matrix X with gradient descent on a factorization of X. We conjecture and provide empirical and theoretical evidence that with small enough step sizes and initialization close enough to the origin, gradient descent on a full dimensional factorization converges to the minimum nuclear norm solution.
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