Artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to improve Air Force pilot training by providing actionable feedback to pilot trainees on the quality of their maneuvers and enabling instructor-less flying familiarization for early-stage trainees in low-cost simulators. Historically, AI challenges consisting of data, problem descriptions, and example code have been critical to fueling AI breakthroughs. The Department of the Air Force-Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI Accelerator (DAF-MIT AI Accelerator) developed such an AI challenge using real-world Air Force flight simulator data. The Maneuver ID challenge assembled thousands of virtual reality simulator flight recordings collected by actual Air Force student pilots at Pilot Training Next (PTN). This dataset has been publicly released at and represents the first of its kind public release of USAF flight training data. Using this dataset, we have applied a variety of AI methods to separate "good" vs "bad" simulator data and categorize and characterize maneuvers. These data, algorithms, and software are being released as baselines of model performance for others to build upon to enable the AI ecosystem for flight simulator training.
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Adversarial attacks hamper the decision-making ability of neural networks by perturbing the input signal. The addition of calculated small distortion to images, for instance, can deceive a well-trained image classification network. In this work, we propose a novel attack technique called Sparse Adversarial and Interpretable Attack Framework (SAIF). Specifically, we design imperceptible attacks that contain low-magnitude perturbations at a small number of pixels and leverage these sparse attacks to reveal the vulnerability of classifiers. We use the Frank-Wolfe (conditional gradient) algorithm to simultaneously optimize the attack perturbations for bounded magnitude and sparsity with $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ convergence. Empirical results show that SAIF computes highly imperceptible and interpretable adversarial examples, and outperforms state-of-the-art sparse attack methods on the ImageNet dataset.
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Our education system comprises a series of curricula. For example, when we learn mathematics at school, we learn in order from addition, to multiplication, and later to integration. Delineating a curriculum for teaching either a human or a machine shares the underlying goal of maximizing the positive knowledge transfer from early to later tasks and minimizing forgetting of the early tasks. Here, we exhaustively surveyed the effect of curricula on existing continual learning algorithms in the class-incremental setting, where algorithms must learn classes one at a time from a continuous stream of data. We observed that across a breadth of possible class orders (curricula), curricula influence the retention of information and that this effect is not just a product of stochasticity. Further, as a primary effort toward automated curriculum design, we proposed a method capable of designing and ranking effective curricula based on inter-class feature similarities. We compared the predicted curricula against empirically determined effectual curricula and observed significant overlaps between the two. To support the study of a curriculum designer, we conducted a series of human psychophysics experiments and contributed a new Continual Learning benchmark in object recognition. We assessed the degree of agreement in effective curricula between humans and machines. Surprisingly, our curriculum designer successfully predicts an optimal set of curricula that is effective for human learning. There are many considerations in curriculum design, such as timely student feedback and learning with multiple modalities. Our study is the first attempt to set a standard framework for the community to tackle the problem of teaching humans and machines to learn to learn continuously.
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显示用于误差校正的小型神经网络(NNS)可改善经典通道代码并解决通道模型更改。我们通过多次使用相同的NN使用相同的NN扩展了任何此类结构的代码维度,这些NN与外部经典代码串行串联。我们设计具有相同网络参数的NN,其中每个REED - Solomon CodeWord符号都是对其他NN的输入。与小型神经代码相比,增加了加斯噪声通道的块误差概率的显着改善,以及通道模型变化的稳健性。
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目的:本研究评估了市售可解释的AI算法在增强临床医生在胸部X射线(CXR)上鉴定肺癌的能力的影响。设计:这项回顾性研究评估了11位临床医生在胸部X光片中检测肺癌的表现,并在有和没有市售的AI算法的帮助下(红点,观察到),预测CXRS可疑的肺癌。根据临床确定的诊断评估了临床医生的表现。设置:该研究分析了NHS医院的匿名患者数据;该数据集由成年患者(18岁及以上)的400张胸部X光片组成,他们在2020年进行了CXR,并提供相应的临床文本报告。参与者:由11位临床医生(放射科医生,放射科医生受训者和报告射线照相师)组成的读者小组参加。主要结果指标:临床医生在CXR上检测肺癌的总体准确性,敏感性,特异性和精度,有或没有AI输入。还评估了有或没有AI输入的临床医生与绩效标准偏差之间的协议率。结果:临床医生对AI算法的使用导致肺部肿瘤检测的总体性能提高,从而达到了在CXR上鉴定出的肺癌的总体增长17.4% ,分别增加了13%和13%的阶段1和2期肺癌的检测,以及临床医生表现的标准化。结论:这项研究在AI算法的临床实用性方面表现出了巨大的希望,可以通过整体改善读者表现来改善早期肺癌诊断和促进健康平等,而不会影响下游成像资源。
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数据增强是改善深神经网络概括的必不可少的技术。大多数现有的图像域增强剂要么依赖几何和结构变换,要么应用不同种类的光度扭曲。在本文中,我们提出了一种有效的技术,可以通过将上下文有意义的知识注入场景中。我们通过语言接地(Semaug)进行对象检测的语义上有意义的图像增强方法首先计算出可以将其放置在图像中相关位置的语义上适当的新对象(问题和位置)。然后,它将这些对象嵌入其相关目标位置,从而促进对象实例分布的多样性。我们的方法允许介绍培训集中可能不存在的新对象实例和类别。此外,它不需要培训上下文网络的额外开销,因此可以轻松地将其添加到现有架构中。我们全面的评估集表明,所提出的方法在改善概括方面非常有效,而开销可以忽略不计。特别是,对于广泛的模型体系结构,我们的方法分别在Pascal VOC和COCO数据集上实现了约2-4%和〜1-2%的MAP改进。
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