Harvesting question-answer (QA) pairs from customer service chatlog in the wild is an efficient way to enrich the knowledge base for customer service chatbots in the cold start or continuous integration scenarios. Prior work attempts to obtain 1-to-1 QA pairs from growing customer service chatlog, which fails to integrate the incomplete utterances from the dialog context for composite QA retrieval. In this paper, we propose N-to-N QA extraction task in which the derived questions and corresponding answers might be separated across different utterances. We introduce a suite of generative/discriminative tagging based methods with end-to-end and two-stage variants that perform well on 5 customer service datasets and for the first time setup a benchmark for N-to-N DialogQAE with utterance and session level evaluation metrics. With a deep dive into extracted QA pairs, we find that the relations between and inside the QA pairs can be indicators to analyze the dialogue structure, e.g. information seeking, clarification, barge-in and elaboration. We also show that the proposed models can adapt to different domains and languages, and reduce the labor cost of knowledge accumulation in the real-world product dialogue platform.
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Multi-instance learning (MIL) is a great paradigm for dealing with complex data and has achieved impressive achievements in a number of fields, including image classification, video anomaly detection, and far more. Each data sample is referred to as a bag containing several unlabeled instances, and the supervised information is only provided at the bag-level. The safety of MIL learners is concerning, though, as we can greatly fool them by introducing a few adversarial perturbations. This can be fatal in some cases, such as when users are unable to access desired images and criminals are attempting to trick surveillance cameras. In this paper, we design two adversarial perturbations to interpret the vulnerability of MIL methods. The first method can efficiently generate the bag-specific perturbation (called customized) with the aim of outsiding it from its original classification region. The second method builds on the first one by investigating the image-agnostic perturbation (called universal) that aims to affect all bags in a given data set and obtains some generalizability. We conduct various experiments to verify the performance of these two perturbations, and the results show that both of them can effectively fool MIL learners. We additionally propose a simple strategy to lessen the effects of adversarial perturbations. Source codes are available at https://github.com/InkiInki/MI-UAP.
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Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) is a increasingly popular technique that aims to represent entities and relations of knowledge graphs into low-dimensional semantic spaces for a wide spectrum of applications such as link prediction, knowledge reasoning and knowledge completion. In this paper, we provide a systematic review of existing KGE techniques based on representation spaces. Particularly, we build a fine-grained classification to categorise the models based on three mathematical perspectives of the representation spaces: (1) Algebraic perspective, (2) Geometric perspective, and (3) Analytical perspective. We introduce the rigorous definitions of fundamental mathematical spaces before diving into KGE models and their mathematical properties. We further discuss different KGE methods over the three categories, as well as summarise how spatial advantages work over different embedding needs. By collating the experimental results from downstream tasks, we also explore the advantages of mathematical space in different scenarios and the reasons behind them. We further state some promising research directions from a representation space perspective, with which we hope to inspire researchers to design their KGE models as well as their related applications with more consideration of their mathematical space properties.
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最近的作品证明了过度参数化学习中的双重下降现象:随着模型参数的数量的增加,多余的风险具有$ \ mathsf {u} $ - 在开始时形状,然后在模型高度过度参数化时再次减少。尽管最近在不同的环境(例如线性模型,随机特征模型和内核方法)下进行了研究,但在理论上尚未完全理解这种现象。在本文中,我们考虑了由两种随机特征组成的双随机特征模型(DRFM),并研究DRFM在脊回归中实现的多余风险。我们计算高维框架下的多余风险的确切限制,在这种框架上,训练样本量,数据尺寸和随机特征的维度往往会成比例地无限。根据计算,我们证明DRFM的风险曲线可以表现出三重下降。然后,我们提供三重下降现象的解释,并讨论随机特征维度,正则化参数和信噪比比率如何控制DRFMS风险曲线的形状。最后,我们将研究扩展到多个随机功能模型(MRFM),并表明具有$ K $类型的随机功能的MRFM可能会显示出$(K+1)$ - 折叠。我们的分析指出,具有特定数量下降的风险曲线通常在基于特征的回归中存在。另一个有趣的发现是,当学习神经网络在“神经切线内核”制度中时,我们的结果可以恢复文献中报告的风险峰值位置。
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我们研究了视频引用表达理解(REC)的问题,该问题旨在将句子中描述的引用对象定位为视频帧中的视觉区域。尽管取得了最近的进展,但现有方法却遇到了两个问题:1)视频帧之间的本地化结果不一致; 2)参考对象和上下文对象之间的混淆。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的双对应网络(称为DCNET),该网络明确增强了框架间和跨模式的密集关联。首先,我们旨在为框架内所有现有实例建立框架间的相关性。具体而言,我们计算框架间的斑点余弦相似性,以估计密集的对齐方式,然后执行框架间的对比度学习以在特征空间中映射它们。其次,我们建议构建细粒斑点字对齐,以将每个贴片与某些单词相关联。由于缺乏这种详细的注释,我们还通过余弦相似性预测了斑点字的对应关系。广泛的实验表明,我们的DCNET在视频和图像基准测试中都达到了最先进的性能。此外,我们进行了全面的消融研究和彻底的分析,以探索最佳模型设计。值得注意的是,我们的框架间和跨模式对比损失是插件功能,适用于任何视频架构架构。例如,通过在共同接地之上进行构建,我们在vid-sentence数据集的Accu。0.5上提高了1.48%的性能。
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人类骨骼数据由于其背景鲁棒性和高效率而受到行动识别的越来越多。在基于骨架的动作识别中,图形卷积网络(GCN)已成为主流方法。本文分析了基于GCN的模型的基本因素 - 邻接矩阵。我们注意到,大多数基于GCN的方法基于人类天然骨架结构进行其邻接矩阵。根据我们以前的工作和分析,我们建议人类的自然骨骼结构邻接矩阵不适合基于骨架的动作识别。我们提出了一个新的邻接矩阵,该矩阵放弃了所有刚性邻居的连接,但使该模型可以适应地学习关节的关系。我们对两个基于骨架的动作识别数据集(NTURGBD60和FINEGYM)进行了验证模型进行广泛的实验和分析。全面的实验结果和分析表明,1)最广泛使用的人类天然骨骼结构邻接矩阵在基于骨架的动作识别中不适合; 2)所提出的邻接矩阵在模型性能,噪声稳健性和可传递性方面表现出色。
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