肺癌是世界大多数国家的死亡原因。由于提示肿瘤的诊断可以允许肿瘤学家辨别他们的性质,类型和治疗方式,CT扫描图像的肿瘤检测和分割是全球的关键研究领域。本文通过在Lotus DataSet上应用二维离散小波变换(DWT)来接近肺肿瘤分割,以进行更细致的纹理分析,同时将来自相邻CT切片的信息集成到馈送到深度监督的多路仓模型之前。在训练网络的同时,学习速率,衰减和优化算法的变化导致了不同的骰子共同效率,其详细统计数据已经包含在本文中。我们还讨论了此数据集中的挑战以及我们选择如何克服它们。本质上,本研究旨在通过试验多个适当的网络来最大化从二维CT扫描切片预测肿瘤区域的成功率,导致骰子共同效率为0.8472。
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快速准确地检测该疾病可以大大帮助减少任何国家医疗机构对任何大流行期间死亡率降低死亡率的压力。这项工作的目的是使用新型的机器学习框架创建多模式系统,该框架同时使用胸部X射线(CXR)图像和临床数据来预测COVID-19患者的严重程度。此外,该研究还提出了一种基于nom图的评分技术,用于预测高危患者死亡的可能性。这项研究使用了25种生物标志物和CXR图像,以预测意大利第一波Covid-19(3月至6月2020年3月至6月)在930名Covid-19患者中的风险。提出的多模式堆叠技术分别产生了89.03%,90.44%和89.03%的精度,灵敏度和F1分数,以识别低风险或高危患者。与CXR图像或临床数据相比,这种多模式方法可提高准确性6%。最后,使用多元逻辑回归的列线图评分系统 - 用于对第一阶段确定的高风险患者的死亡风险进行分层。使用随机森林特征选择模型将乳酸脱氢酶(LDH),O2百分比,白细胞(WBC)计数,年龄和C反应蛋白(CRP)鉴定为有用的预测指标。开发了五个预测因素参数和基于CXR图像的列函数评分,以量化死亡的概率并将其分为两个风险组:分别存活(<50%)和死亡(> = 50%)。多模式技术能够预测F1评分为92.88%的高危患者的死亡概率。开发和验证队列曲线下的面积分别为0.981和0.939。
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使用视频/图像的驾驶员嗜睡检测是当今驾驶员安全时间最重要的领域之一。在诸如嗜睡检测的计算机视觉应用中应用的深度学习技术,尤其是卷积神经网络(CNN)的发展,由于近几十年来,由于技术的巨大增加,已经显示出有前途的结果。关闭或闪烁过度,打呵欠,点头和闭塞的眼睛都是嗜睡的关键方面。在这项工作中,我们在Yawdd数据集上应用了四种不同的卷积神经网络(CNN)技术,以检测和检查困难程度的程度,这取决于具有特定姿势和遮挡变化的打开频率。初步计算结果表明,我们所提出的集合卷积神经网络(ECNN)通过实现0.935的F1得分优于传统的基于CNN的方法,而另外三个CNN,如CNN1,CNN2和CNN3接近的方法,则获得0.92,0.90,和0.912 F1分别分别分别进行评分。
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Adversarial training is an effective approach to make deep neural networks robust against adversarial attacks. Recently, different adversarial training defenses are proposed that not only maintain a high clean accuracy but also show significant robustness against popular and well studied adversarial attacks such as PGD. High adversarial robustness can also arise if an attack fails to find adversarial gradient directions, a phenomenon known as `gradient masking'. In this work, we analyse the effect of label smoothing on adversarial training as one of the potential causes of gradient masking. We then develop a guided mechanism to avoid local minima during attack optimization, leading to a novel attack dubbed Guided Projected Gradient Attack (G-PGA). Our attack approach is based on a `match and deceive' loss that finds optimal adversarial directions through guidance from a surrogate model. Our modified attack does not require random restarts, large number of attack iterations or search for an optimal step-size. Furthermore, our proposed G-PGA is generic, thus it can be combined with an ensemble attack strategy as we demonstrate for the case of Auto-Attack, leading to efficiency and convergence speed improvements. More than an effective attack, G-PGA can be used as a diagnostic tool to reveal elusive robustness due to gradient masking in adversarial defenses.
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Objective: Despite numerous studies proposed for audio restoration in the literature, most of them focus on an isolated restoration problem such as denoising or dereverberation, ignoring other artifacts. Moreover, assuming a noisy or reverberant environment with limited number of fixed signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) levels is a common practice. However, real-world audio is often corrupted by a blend of artifacts such as reverberation, sensor noise, and background audio mixture with varying types, severities, and duration. In this study, we propose a novel approach for blind restoration of real-world audio signals by Operational Generative Adversarial Networks (Op-GANs) with temporal and spectral objective metrics to enhance the quality of restored audio signal regardless of the type and severity of each artifact corrupting it. Methods: 1D Operational-GANs are used with generative neuron model optimized for blind restoration of any corrupted audio signal. Results: The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively over the benchmark TIMIT-RAR (speech) and GTZAN-RAR (non-speech) datasets corrupted with a random blend of artifacts each with a random severity to mimic real-world audio signals. Average SDR improvements of over 7.2 dB and 4.9 dB are achieved, respectively, which are substantial when compared with the baseline methods. Significance: This is a pioneer study in blind audio restoration with the unique capability of direct (time-domain) restoration of real-world audio whilst achieving an unprecedented level of performance for a wide SDR range and artifact types. Conclusion: 1D Op-GANs can achieve robust and computationally effective real-world audio restoration with significantly improved performance. The source codes and the generated real-world audio datasets are shared publicly with the research community in a dedicated GitHub repository1.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Conventional cameras capture image irradiance on a sensor and convert it to RGB images using an image signal processor (ISP). The images can then be used for photography or visual computing tasks in a variety of applications, such as public safety surveillance and autonomous driving. One can argue that since RAW images contain all the captured information, the conversion of RAW to RGB using an ISP is not necessary for visual computing. In this paper, we propose a novel $\rho$-Vision framework to perform high-level semantic understanding and low-level compression using RAW images without the ISP subsystem used for decades. Considering the scarcity of available RAW image datasets, we first develop an unpaired CycleR2R network based on unsupervised CycleGAN to train modular unrolled ISP and inverse ISP (invISP) models using unpaired RAW and RGB images. We can then flexibly generate simulated RAW images (simRAW) using any existing RGB image dataset and finetune different models originally trained for the RGB domain to process real-world camera RAW images. We demonstrate object detection and image compression capabilities in RAW-domain using RAW-domain YOLOv3 and RAW image compressor (RIC) on snapshots from various cameras. Quantitative results reveal that RAW-domain task inference provides better detection accuracy and compression compared to RGB-domain processing. Furthermore, the proposed \r{ho}-Vision generalizes across various camera sensors and different task-specific models. Additional advantages of the proposed $\rho$-Vision that eliminates the ISP are the potential reductions in computations and processing times.
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Pretrained Transformers achieve state-of-the-art performance in various code-processing tasks but may be too large to be deployed. As software development tools often incorporate modules for various purposes which may potentially use a single instance of the pretrained model, it appears relevant to utilize parameter-efficient fine-tuning for the pretrained models of code. In this work, we test two widely used approaches, adapters and LoRA, which were initially tested on NLP tasks, on four code-processing tasks. We find that though the efficient fine-tuning approaches may achieve comparable or higher performance than the standard, full, fine-tuning in code understanding tasks, they underperform full fine-tuning in code-generative tasks. These results underline the importance of testing efficient fine-tuning approaches on other domains than NLP and motivate future research in efficient fine-tuning for source code.
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Although existing semi-supervised learning models achieve remarkable success in learning with unannotated in-distribution data, they mostly fail to learn on unlabeled data sampled from novel semantic classes due to their closed-set assumption. In this work, we target a pragmatic but under-explored Generalized Novel Category Discovery (GNCD) setting. The GNCD setting aims to categorize unlabeled training data coming from known and novel classes by leveraging the information of partially labeled known classes. We propose a two-stage Contrastive Affinity Learning method with auxiliary visual Prompts, dubbed PromptCAL, to address this challenging problem. Our approach discovers reliable pairwise sample affinities to learn better semantic clustering of both known and novel classes for the class token and visual prompts. First, we propose a discriminative prompt regularization loss to reinforce semantic discriminativeness of prompt-adapted pre-trained vision transformer for refined affinity relationships. Besides, we propose a contrastive affinity learning stage to calibrate semantic representations based on our iterative semi-supervised affinity graph generation method for semantically-enhanced prompt supervision. Extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates that our PromptCAL method is more effective in discovering novel classes even with limited annotations and surpasses the current state-of-the-art on generic and fine-grained benchmarks (with nearly $11\%$ gain on CUB-200, and $9\%$ on ImageNet-100) on overall accuracy.
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The mixture of Expert (MoE) parallelism is a recent advancement that scales up the model size with constant computational cost. MoE selects different sets of parameters (i.e., experts) for each incoming token, resulting in a sparsely-activated model. Despite several successful applications of MoE, its training efficiency degrades significantly as the number of experts increases. The routing stage in MoE relies on the efficiency of the All2All communication collective, which suffers from network congestion and has poor scalability. To mitigate these issues, we introduce SMILE, which exploits heterogeneous network bandwidth and splits a single-step routing into bi-level routing. Our experimental results show that the proposed method obtains a 2.5x speedup over Switch Transformer in terms of pretraining throughput on the Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus without losing any convergence speed.
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