在这里,我们研究了无监督实体解析中匹配的记录聚类问题。我们建立在名为Data Whink Machine(DWM)的最先进的概率框架上。我们介绍基于图形的分层2步记录聚类方法(GDWM),首先识别大,连接的组件,或者在我们调用它们时,使用在DWM中使用的基于图的传递闭合算法匹配的记录对中的软簇。随后通过使用适应性的基于图形的模块化优化方法将发现的软群体分解为更精确的实体簇。我们的方法提供了若干优势,主要是DWM的原始实施,主要是显着的加速,提高精度,总体增加的F1分数。我们展示了我们使用多个合成数据集的实验的方法的功效。我们的结果还提供了图表理论的算法效用的证据,尽管他们在无监督实体解决方案中的文献中的稀疏性。
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缺血性中风病变细分挑战(Isles 2022)为研究人员提供了一个平台,可以将其解决方案与3D MRI的缺血性中风区域进行比较。在这项工作中,我们描述了我们对2022分段任务的解决方案。我们将所有图像重新样本为一个共同的分辨率,使用两种输入MRI模式(DWI和ADC),并使用MONAI的Train Segresnet语义分割网络。最终提交是15个模型的合奏(来自3倍交叉验证的3次运行)。我们的解决方案(NVAUTO团队名称)在骰子度量标准(0.824)和总排名第2(基于合并的度量排名)方面获得了最高位置。
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使用视频/图像的驾驶员嗜睡检测是当今驾驶员安全时间最重要的领域之一。在诸如嗜睡检测的计算机视觉应用中应用的深度学习技术,尤其是卷积神经网络(CNN)的发展,由于近几十年来,由于技术的巨大增加,已经显示出有前途的结果。关闭或闪烁过度,打呵欠,点头和闭塞的眼睛都是嗜睡的关键方面。在这项工作中,我们在Yawdd数据集上应用了四种不同的卷积神经网络(CNN)技术,以检测和检查困难程度的程度,这取决于具有特定姿势和遮挡变化的打开频率。初步计算结果表明,我们所提出的集合卷积神经网络(ECNN)通过实现0.935的F1得分优于传统的基于CNN的方法,而另外三个CNN,如CNN1,CNN2和CNN3接近的方法,则获得0.92,0.90,和0.912 F1分别分别分别进行评分。
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We introduce a novel framework to track multiple objects in overhead camera videos for airport checkpoint security scenarios where targets correspond to passengers and their baggage items. We propose a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) technique to provide the model information about instance segmentation uncertainty from overhead images. Our SSL approach improves object detection by employing a test-time data augmentation and a regression-based, rotation-invariant pseudo-label refinement technique. Our pseudo-label generation method provides multiple geometrically-transformed images as inputs to a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), regresses the augmented detections generated by the network to reduce localization errors, and then clusters them using the mean-shift algorithm. The self-supervised detector model is used in a single-camera tracking algorithm to generate temporal identifiers for the targets. Our method also incorporates a multi-view trajectory association mechanism to maintain consistent temporal identifiers as passengers travel across camera views. An evaluation of detection, tracking, and association performances on videos obtained from multiple overhead cameras in a realistic airport checkpoint environment demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Our results show that self-supervision improves object detection accuracy by up to $42\%$ without increasing the inference time of the model. Our multi-camera association method achieves up to $89\%$ multi-object tracking accuracy with an average computation time of less than $15$ ms.
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Transfer operators offer linear representations and global, physically meaningful features of nonlinear dynamical systems. Discovering transfer operators, such as the Koopman operator, require careful crafted dictionaries of observables, acting on states of the dynamical system. This is ad hoc and requires the full dataset for evaluation. In this paper, we offer an optimization scheme to allow joint learning of the observables and Koopman operator with online data. Our results show we are able to reconstruct the evolution and represent the global features of complex dynamical systems.
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In this study, we propose a lung nodule detection scheme which fully incorporates the clinic workflow of radiologists. Particularly, we exploit Bi-Directional Maximum intensity projection (MIP) images of various thicknesses (i.e., 3, 5 and 10mm) along with a 3D patch of CT scan, consisting of 10 adjacent slices to feed into self-distillation-based Multi-Encoders Network (MEDS-Net). The proposed architecture first condenses 3D patch input to three channels by using a dense block which consists of dense units which effectively examine the nodule presence from 2D axial slices. This condensed information, along with the forward and backward MIP images, is fed to three different encoders to learn the most meaningful representation, which is forwarded into the decoded block at various levels. At the decoder block, we employ a self-distillation mechanism by connecting the distillation block, which contains five lung nodule detectors. It helps to expedite the convergence and improves the learning ability of the proposed architecture. Finally, the proposed scheme reduces the false positives by complementing the main detector with auxiliary detectors. The proposed scheme has been rigorously evaluated on 888 scans of LUNA16 dataset and obtained a CPM score of 93.6\%. The results demonstrate that incorporating of bi-direction MIP images enables MEDS-Net to effectively distinguish nodules from surroundings which help to achieve the sensitivity of 91.5% and 92.8% with false positives rate of 0.25 and 0.5 per scan, respectively.
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这项工作使用水果和叶子的图像提出了一个基于学习的植物性诊断系统。已经使用了五个最先进的卷积神经网络(CNN)来实施该系统。迄今为止,模型的精度一直是此类应用程序的重点,并且尚未考虑模型的模型适用于最终用户设备。两种模型量化技术,例如float16和动态范围量化已应用于五个最新的CNN体系结构。研究表明,量化的GoogleNet模型达到了0.143 MB的尺寸,准确度为97%,这是考虑到大小标准的最佳候选模型。高效网络模型以99%的精度达到了4.2MB的大小,这是考虑性能标准的最佳模型。源代码可在https://github.com/compostieai/guava-disease-detection上获得。
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