消费品的生产,运输,使用和处置对温室气体排放和资源耗竭有重大影响。现代零售平台在很大程度上依赖机器学习(ML)来搜索和推荐系统。因此,ML可以通过考虑产品搜索或建议中的可持续性方面来实施更可持续的消费模式的努力。但是,利用ML的潜力达到可持续性目标需要有关可持续性的数据。不幸的是,没有开放且公开可用的数据库可以按产品基础集成可持续性信息。在这项工作中,我们提出了填补这一空白的GreendB。根据数百万用户的搜索日志,我们优先考虑哪些产品用户最关心的是最关心的。 GreendB架构扩展了著名的schema.org产品定义,并且可以轻松地集成到现有的产品目录中,以改善可用于搜索和建议体验的可持续性信息。我们介绍了创建GREENDB数据集的刮擦系统的概念证明。
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The release of ChatGPT, a language model capable of generating text that appears human-like and authentic, has gained significant attention beyond the research community. We expect that the convincing performance of ChatGPT incentivizes users to apply it to a variety of downstream tasks, including prompting the model to simplify their own medical reports. To investigate this phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory case study. In a questionnaire, we asked 15 radiologists to assess the quality of radiology reports simplified by ChatGPT. Most radiologists agreed that the simplified reports were factually correct, complete, and not potentially harmful to the patient. Nevertheless, instances of incorrect statements, missed key medical findings, and potentially harmful passages were reported. While further studies are needed, the initial insights of this study indicate a great potential in using large language models like ChatGPT to improve patient-centered care in radiology and other medical domains.
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Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) is an efficient quantitative MRI technique that can extract important tissue and system parameters such as T1, T2, B0, and B1 from a single scan. This property also makes it attractive for retrospectively synthesizing contrast-weighted images. In general, contrast-weighted images like T1-weighted, T2-weighted, etc., can be synthesized directly from parameter maps through spin-dynamics simulation (i.e., Bloch or Extended Phase Graph models). However, these approaches often exhibit artifacts due to imperfections in the mapping, the sequence modeling, and the data acquisition. Here we propose a supervised learning-based method that directly synthesizes contrast-weighted images from the MRF data without going through the quantitative mapping and spin-dynamics simulation. To implement our direct contrast synthesis (DCS) method, we deploy a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework and propose a multi-branch U-Net as the generator. The input MRF data are used to directly synthesize T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images through supervised training on paired MRF and target spin echo-based contrast-weighted scans. In-vivo experiments demonstrate excellent image quality compared to simulation-based contrast synthesis and previous DCS methods, both visually as well as by quantitative metrics. We also demonstrate cases where our trained model is able to mitigate in-flow and spiral off-resonance artifacts that are typically seen in MRF reconstructions and thus more faithfully represent conventional spin echo-based contrast-weighted images.
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Multimodal deep learning has been used to predict clinical endpoints and diagnoses from clinical routine data. However, these models suffer from scaling issues: they have to learn pairwise interactions between each piece of information in each data type, thereby escalating model complexity beyond manageable scales. This has so far precluded a widespread use of multimodal deep learning. Here, we present a new technical approach of "learnable synergies", in which the model only selects relevant interactions between data modalities and keeps an "internal memory" of relevant data. Our approach is easily scalable and naturally adapts to multimodal data inputs from clinical routine. We demonstrate this approach on three large multimodal datasets from radiology and ophthalmology and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art models in clinically relevant diagnosis tasks. Our new approach is transferable and will allow the application of multimodal deep learning to a broad set of clinically relevant problems.
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Iterative detection and decoding (IDD) is known to achieve near-capacity performance in multi-antenna wireless systems. We propose deep-unfolded interleaved detection and decoding (DUIDD), a new paradigm that reduces the complexity of IDD while achieving even lower error rates. DUIDD interleaves the inner stages of the data detector and channel decoder, which expedites convergence and reduces complexity. Furthermore, DUIDD applies deep unfolding to automatically optimize algorithmic hyperparameters, soft-information exchange, message damping, and state forwarding. We demonstrate the efficacy of DUIDD using NVIDIA's Sionna link-level simulator in a 5G-near multi-user MIMO-OFDM wireless system with a novel low-complexity soft-input soft-output data detector, an optimized low-density parity-check decoder, and channel vectors from a commercial ray-tracer. Our results show that DUIDD outperforms classical IDD both in terms of block error rate and computational complexity.
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The success of Deep Learning applications critically depends on the quality and scale of the underlying training data. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can generate arbitrary large datasets, but diversity and fidelity are limited, which has recently been addressed by denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) whose superiority has been demonstrated on natural images. In this study, we propose Medfusion, a conditional latent DDPM for medical images. We compare our DDPM-based model against GAN-based models, which constitute the current state-of-the-art in the medical domain. Medfusion was trained and compared with (i) StyleGan-3 on n=101,442 images from the AIROGS challenge dataset to generate fundoscopies with and without glaucoma, (ii) ProGAN on n=191,027 from the CheXpert dataset to generate radiographs with and without cardiomegaly and (iii) wGAN on n=19,557 images from the CRCMS dataset to generate histopathological images with and without microsatellite stability. In the AIROGS, CRMCS, and CheXpert datasets, Medfusion achieved lower (=better) FID than the GANs (11.63 versus 20.43, 30.03 versus 49.26, and 17.28 versus 84.31). Also, fidelity (precision) and diversity (recall) were higher (=better) for Medfusion in all three datasets. Our study shows that DDPM are a superior alternative to GANs for image synthesis in the medical domain.
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The availability of challenging benchmarks has played a key role in the recent progress of machine learning. In cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge (SMAC) has become a popular testbed for centralised training with decentralised execution. However, after years of sustained improvement on SMAC, algorithms now achieve near-perfect performance. In this work, we conduct new analysis demonstrating that SMAC is not sufficiently stochastic to require complex closed-loop policies. In particular, we show that an open-loop policy conditioned only on the timestep can achieve non-trivial win rates for many SMAC scenarios. To address this limitation, we introduce SMACv2, a new version of the benchmark where scenarios are procedurally generated and require agents to generalise to previously unseen settings (from the same distribution) during evaluation. We show that these changes ensure the benchmark requires the use of closed-loop policies. We evaluate state-of-the-art algorithms on SMACv2 and show that it presents significant challenges not present in the original benchmark. Our analysis illustrates that SMACv2 addresses the discovered deficiencies of SMAC and can help benchmark the next generation of MARL methods. Videos of training are available at https://sites.google.com/view/smacv2
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Recent neural compression methods have been based on the popular hyperprior framework. It relies on Scalar Quantization and offers a very strong compression performance. This contrasts from recent advances in image generation and representation learning, where Vector Quantization is more commonly employed. In this work, we attempt to bring these lines of research closer by revisiting vector quantization for image compression. We build upon the VQ-VAE framework and introduce several modifications. First, we replace the vanilla vector quantizer by a product quantizer. This intermediate solution between vector and scalar quantization allows for a much wider set of rate-distortion points: It implicitly defines high-quality quantizers that would otherwise require intractably large codebooks. Second, inspired by the success of Masked Image Modeling (MIM) in the context of self-supervised learning and generative image models, we propose a novel conditional entropy model which improves entropy coding by modelling the co-dependencies of the quantized latent codes. The resulting PQ-MIM model is surprisingly effective: its compression performance on par with recent hyperprior methods. It also outperforms HiFiC in terms of FID and KID metrics when optimized with perceptual losses (e.g. adversarial). Finally, since PQ-MIM is compatible with image generation frameworks, we show qualitatively that it can operate under a hybrid mode between compression and generation, with no further training or finetuning. As a result, we explore the extreme compression regime where an image is compressed into 200 bytes, i.e., less than a tweet.
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We introduce submodel co-training, a regularization method related to co-training, self-distillation and stochastic depth. Given a neural network to be trained, for each sample we implicitly instantiate two altered networks, ``submodels'', with stochastic depth: we activate only a subset of the layers. Each network serves as a soft teacher to the other, by providing a loss that complements the regular loss provided by the one-hot label. Our approach, dubbed cosub, uses a single set of weights, and does not involve a pre-trained external model or temporal averaging. Experimentally, we show that submodel co-training is effective to train backbones for recognition tasks such as image classification and semantic segmentation. Our approach is compatible with multiple architectures, including RegNet, ViT, PiT, XCiT, Swin and ConvNext. Our training strategy improves their results in comparable settings. For instance, a ViT-B pretrained with cosub on ImageNet-21k obtains 87.4% top-1 acc. @448 on ImageNet-val.
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Natural language explanations promise to offer intuitively understandable explanations of a neural network's decision process in complex vision-language tasks, as pursued in recent VL-NLE models. While current models offer impressive performance on task accuracy and explanation plausibility, they suffer from a range of issues: Some models feature a modular design where the explanation generation module is poorly integrated with a separate module for task-answer prediction, employ backbone models trained on limited sets of tasks, or incorporate ad hoc solutions to increase performance on single datasets. We propose to evade these limitations by applying recent advances in large-scale multi-task pretraining of generative Transformer models to the problem of VL-NLE tasks. Our approach outperforms recent models by a large margin, with human annotators preferring the generated explanations over the ground truth in two out of three evaluated datasets. As a novel challenge in VL-NLE research, we propose the problem of multi-task VL-NLE and show that jointly training on multiple tasks can increase the explanation quality. We discuss the ethical implications of high-quality NLE generation and other issues in recent VL-NLE research.
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