Decentralized and federated learning algorithms face data heterogeneity as one of the biggest challenges, especially when users want to learn a specific task. Even when personalized headers are used concatenated to a shared network (PF-MTL), aggregating all the networks with a decentralized algorithm can result in performance degradation as a result of heterogeneity in the data. Our algorithm uses exchanged gradients to calculate the correlations among tasks automatically, and dynamically adjusts the communication graph to connect mutually beneficial tasks and isolate those that may negatively impact each other. This algorithm improves the learning performance and leads to faster convergence compared to the case where all clients are connected to each other regardless of their correlations. We conduct experiments on a synthetic Gaussian dataset and a large-scale celebrity attributes (CelebA) dataset. The experiment with the synthetic data illustrates that our proposed method is capable of detecting tasks that are positively and negatively correlated. Moreover, the results of the experiments with CelebA demonstrate that the proposed method may produce significantly faster training results than fully-connected networks.
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Multi-task learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm to learn multiple related tasks simultaneously with a single shared network where each task has a distinct personalized header network for fine-tuning. MTL can be integrated into a federated learning (FL) setting if tasks are distributed across clients and clients have a single shared network, leading to personalized federated learning (PFL). To cope with statistical heterogeneity in the federated setting across clients which can significantly degrade the learning performance, we use a distributed dynamic weighting approach. To perform the communication between the remote parameter server (PS) and the clients efficiently over the noisy channel in a power and bandwidth-limited regime, we utilize over-the-air (OTA) aggregation and hierarchical federated learning (HFL). Thus, we propose hierarchical over-the-air (HOTA) PFL with a dynamic weighting strategy which we call HOTA-FedGradNorm. Our algorithm considers the channel conditions during the dynamic weight selection process. We conduct experiments on a wireless communication system dataset (RadComDynamic). The experimental results demonstrate that the training speed with HOTA-FedGradNorm is faster compared to the algorithms with a naive static equal weighting strategy. In addition, HOTA-FedGradNorm provides robustness against the negative channel effects by compensating for the channel conditions during the dynamic weight selection process.
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The application of natural language processing (NLP) to cancer pathology reports has been focused on detecting cancer cases, largely ignoring precancerous cases. Improving the characterization of precancerous adenomas assists in developing diagnostic tests for early cancer detection and prevention, especially for colorectal cancer (CRC). Here we developed transformer-based deep neural network NLP models to perform the CRC phenotyping, with the goal of extracting precancerous lesion attributes and distinguishing cancer and precancerous cases. We achieved 0.914 macro-F1 scores for classifying patients into negative, non-advanced adenoma, advanced adenoma and CRC. We further improved the performance to 0.923 using an ensemble of classifiers for cancer status classification and lesion size named entity recognition (NER). Our results demonstrated the potential of using NLP to leverage real-world health record data to facilitate the development of diagnostic tests for early cancer prevention.
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基于深入的学习的诊断性能随着更多的注释数据而增加,但手动注释是大多数领域的瓶颈。专家在临床常规期间评估诊断图像,并在报告中写出他们的调查结果。基于临床报告的自动注释可以克服手动标记瓶颈。我们假设可以使用这些报告的稀疏信息引导的模型预测来生成用于检测任务的密度注释。为了证明疗效,我们在放射学报告中临床显着发现的数量指导的临床上显着的前列腺癌(CSPCA)注释。我们包括7,756个前列腺MRI检查,其中3,050人被手动注释,4,706次自动注释。我们对手动注释的子集进行了自动注释质量:我们的得分提取正确地确定了99.3 \%$ 99.3 \%$ 99.3 \%$的CSPCA病变数量,我们的CSPCA分段模型正确地本地化了83.8 \ PM 1.1 \%$的病变。我们评估了来自外部中心的300名检查前列腺癌检测表现,具有组织病理学证实的基础事实。通过自动标记的考试增强培训集改善了在接收器的患者的诊断区域,从$ 88.1 \ pm 1.1 \%$至89.8 \ pm 1.0 \%$($ p = 1.2 \ cdot 10 ^ { - 4} $ )每案中的一个错误阳性的基于病变的敏感性,每案件从79.2美元2.8 \%$ 85.4 \ PM 1.9 \%$($ P <10 ^ { - 4} $),以$ alm \ pm std。$超过15个独立运行。这种改进的性能展示了我们报告引导的自动注释的可行性。源代码在上公开可用。最佳的CSPCA检测算法在中提供。
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