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本文介绍了BRL/PISA/IIT(BPI)SOFTHAND:单个执行器驱动的,低成本,3D打印,肌腱驱动的机器人手,可用于执行一系列掌握任务。基于PISA/IIT SOFTHAND的自适应协同作用,我们设计了一种新的关节系统和肌腱路由,以促进软化和适应性的协同作用,这有助于我们平衡手的耐用性,负担能力和握住手的性能。这项工作的重点在于该杂种的设计,仿真,协同作用和抓握测试。新颖的小块是根据连锁,齿轮对和几何约束机制设计和印刷的,可以应用于大多数肌腱驱动的机器人手。我们表明,机器人手可以成功地掌握和提起各种目标对象并适应复杂的几何形状,从而反映了软化和适应性协同的成功采用。我们打算为手的设计开放源,以便可以在家用3D打印机上廉价地构建。有关更多详细信息:https://sites.google.com/view/bpi-softhandtactile-group-bri/brlpisaiit-softhand-design
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图形神经网络(GNN)正在化学工程中出现,以基于分子图的物理化学特性端到端学习。 GNNS的一个关键要素是合并函数,将原子矢量结合到分子指纹中。大多数以前的作品都使用标准池功能来预测各种属性。但是,不合适的合并功能会导致概括不佳的非物理GNN。我们根据有关学习特性的物理知识比较并选择有意义的GNN合并方法。通过量子机械计算计算出的分子特性证明了物理池函数的影响。我们还将结果与最近的SET2Set合并方法进行了比较。我们建议使用总和池来预测取决于分子大小的性能并比较分子大小无关的属性的池函数。总体而言,我们表明物理池功能的使用显着增强了概括。
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离子液体(ILS)是可持续过程的重要溶剂,并且需要预测IL中溶质的活性系数(AC)。最近,矩阵完成方法(MCM),变压器和图神经网络(GNN)在预测二元混合物的AC方面表现出很高的精度,例如宇宙RS和UNIFAC优于公认的模型。 GNN在这里特别有希望,因为他们学习了分子图到特性的关系,而无需预处理,通常是变压器所需的,并且与MCMS不同,适用于不包括训练中不包括的分子。但是,对于ILS,目前缺少GNN应用程序。在此,我们提出了一个GNN,以预测IL中溶质的温度依赖性无限稀释液。我们在包括40,000多个AC值的数据库上训练GNN,并将其与最先进的MCM进行比较。 GNN和MCM实现了类似的高预测性能,GNN还可以对培训期间未考虑的IL和溶质的AC进行高质量的预测。
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自动生物医学图像分析的领域至关重要地取决于算法验证的可靠和有意义的性能指标。但是,当前的度量使用通常是不明智的,并且不能反映基本的域名。在这里,我们提出了一个全面的框架,该框架指导研究人员以问题意识的方式选择绩效指标。具体而言,我们专注于生物医学图像分析问题,这些问题可以解释为图像,对象或像素级别的分类任务。该框架首先编译域兴趣 - 目标结构 - ,数据集和算法与输出问题相关的属性的属性与问题指纹相关,同时还将其映射到适当的问题类别,即图像级分类,语义分段,实例,实例细分或对象检测。然后,它指导用户选择和应用一组适当的验证指标的过程,同时使他们意识到与个人选择相关的潜在陷阱。在本文中,我们描述了指标重新加载推荐框架的当前状态,目的是从图像分析社区获得建设性的反馈。当前版本是在由60多个图像分析专家的国际联盟中开发的,将在社区驱动的优化之后公开作为用户友好的工具包提供。
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While the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily improving in recent years, these systems still struggle to rapidly explore previously unknown environments without the aid of GPS-assisted navigation. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aimed to fast track the development of autonomous exploration systems by evaluating their performance in real-world underground search-and-rescue scenarios. Subterranean environments present a plethora of challenges for robotic systems, such as limited communications, complex topology, visually-degraded sensing, and harsh terrain. The presented solution enables long-term autonomy with minimal human supervision by combining a powerful and independent single-agent autonomy stack, with higher level mission management operating over a flexible mesh network. The autonomy suite deployed on quadruped and wheeled robots was fully independent, freeing the human supervision to loosely supervise the mission and make high-impact strategic decisions. We also discuss lessons learned from fielding our system at the SubT Final Event, relating to vehicle versatility, system adaptability, and re-configurable communications.
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Credit scoring models are the primary instrument used by financial institutions to manage credit risk. The scarcity of research on behavioral scoring is due to the difficult data access. Financial institutions have to maintain the privacy and security of borrowers' information refrain them from collaborating in research initiatives. In this work, we present a methodology that allows us to evaluate the performance of models trained with synthetic data when they are applied to real-world data. Our results show that synthetic data quality is increasingly poor when the number of attributes increases. However, creditworthiness assessment models trained with synthetic data show a reduction of 3\% of AUC and 6\% of KS when compared with models trained with real data. These results have a significant impact since they encourage credit risk investigation from synthetic data, making it possible to maintain borrowers' privacy and to address problems that until now have been hampered by the availability of information.
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Novel topological spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions, benefit from their inherent stability, acting as the ground state in several magnetic systems. In the current study of atomic monolayer magnetic materials, reasonable initial guesses are still needed to search for those magnetic patterns. This situation underlines the need to develop a more effective way to identify the ground states. To solve this problem, in this work, we propose a genetic-tunneling-driven variance-controlled optimization approach, which combines a local energy minimizer back-end and a metaheuristic global searching front-end. This algorithm is an effective optimization solution for searching for magnetic ground states at extremely low temperatures and is also robust for finding low-energy degenerated states at finite temperatures. We demonstrate here the success of this method in searching for magnetic ground states of 2D monolayer systems with both artificial and calculated interactions from density functional theory. It is also worth noting that the inherent concurrent property of this algorithm can significantly decrease the execution time. In conclusion, our proposed method builds a useful tool for low-dimensional magnetic system energy optimization.
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